War in Heaven

Chapter 829: Destruction Wind-3

"Thank you for your support."

When Lin Chi and others were about to leave the headquarters of the PMC Federation, the voice of the honest man Brand suddenly sounded behind him.

The big-faced man who looks like Rambo is deeply bowed to everyone, and his voice is slightly trembled by excitement:

"Thank you so much, you saved the PMC Federation!"

Looking at the "old man" in front of this person, Lin Qiao, who was planning to leave, stopped at the **** face, showing a smile that was not good:

"I want to ask about the city."

"You are our benefactor, I know what I know!" Brand still fits his title very well.

"Well, what I want to ask is..."

Lin Chizheng had to ask questions, but he saw that the missile launchers on the launch vehicle of the "Sade" not far away began to rise slowly. The soldiers who had stayed nearby were all lying behind the bunkers.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Chi and others immediately fell to the ground, and saw the star-like bright white light in the launch tube that was squatting behind the truck.

The hot smoke spewed from behind the launch tube, covering the nearby land. With huge noise, the two missiles vacated and dragged their long tails to the sky, and the time disappeared out of sight.

Then, the second sun appeared in the sky.

An orange-colored round fireball slowly expanded in the distant sky of Kayaland. After almost a minute, a dull "squeaky" sounded like a hammer hitting all the explosions. People's minds.

"This is... what are you doing?" Woods turned to ask Brand.

"It’s the Americans who are launching missiles against Kayaland. They want to completely destroy the city and eliminate all the clues." Brand said with a sigh of relief, reaching out and taking a shot of the dust on the vest.

Looking at the fireball suspended in the air, Crazy Evan couldn't help but sigh: "The US emperor is crazy!"

From the effect of the missile explosion, if the thing is left in the city of Kayaland, the game should be completely over. Without the PMC's anti-missile system, the city was completely over.

"What do you want to ask?" Brand stood in front of Lin Chi, and the strong muscles covered the sun and left a dark shadow.

"Why should the United States attack this place?" Lin Chi said the question he wanted to ask before.

"This...is more complicated." Brand scratched his head: "In any case, the United States is now attacking us and launching missiles every day."

"With the power of the United States, if it is really hands-on, it will probably be two days." Woods shook his head.

In fact, this is exactly what Lin Chi cares about: Looking at the situation in the city of Kayaland, the United States seems to be planning to completely erase the city from the map. If this is the case, as long as large-scale missiles and bombers are used to wash the ground, the headquarters of the PMC Federation will simply not be able to stand still.

According to the usual routines of the United States, the biggest obstacle to this action, the PMC Federation, was directly passed through the "decapitation action" before the war. What the United States is thinking about will allow the PMC Federation to continue to exist.

It seems that the Americans should have any other plans that are correct. Although they don't know what the guys are doing, it doesn't make much sense for the current situation.

"We will go first, and we will contact you when we need support." Lin Chi said that he led the men to leave the building.

Although the neighborhood is still safe, the building is too conspicuous and will definitely attract the attention of other players, not to mention the strategic location for occupation less than five kilometers from here. No one cares about the state.

Lin Chi, who just got a little points, certainly won't miss the extra points. Immediately ordered everyone to advance to the blue cross on the map, while other SOG soldiers who had not been able to participate in the battle finally arrived.

"Commander, should we retreat?" A soldier expressed his concern from the radio: "If the missile collapses, we are afraid that even the ashes will remain."

"It doesn't matter, PMC can handle it... Probably." Lin Chi's tone didn't sound much confidence.

Since it is still unclear what the story background of this game is, he is not daring to make a final decision. He just continues to lead the team to carry out hidden operations in the ruins, and soon arrives at a strategic location.

The important location in this area, the name displayed on the map is "mercenary hospital", and the area is much larger than the government military warehouse on the other side of the map. It is a three-story large building.

Even after the war, the hospital is still standing still. If the PMC Union headquarters is like a lighthouse, the black-and-red building on the wall is the city’s “tombstone”. .

Although it seems that there is no precaution on the surface, the hospital is not occupied by other players, and there must be a reason. Needless to say, there are definitely some tricky guys who are hiding in the building waiting for the prey to hook up.

"Don't rush to act, first observe." Lin Chi issued instructions.

It is very likely that other players are stalking nearby. If they rush into the hospital directly, they may be killed before they arrive.

As a result, everyone present at the scene began a long waiting process in the ruined wall...

"Why have to wait? My backpack has to start protesting!" Crazy Evan whispered.

"Are you really a soldier? The Soviet Union." Woods reached out and pressed the head that Crazy Evan wanted to lift.

For the assassination specialization unit of SOG, it is common practice to wait for a long time in the mission to find the opportunity. They once ambushed for two days and two nights in the sweltering forests of Vietnam, just to wait for important goals to pass. In contrast, Kayaland is already a fast-paced battlefield.

"I want to put some fireworks to celebrate the birthday of the Soviet mother..." Crazy Evan is still nonsense, but it is not obedient.

While lurking near the hospital, Lin Chi opened the map and saw that the government military warehouse previously occupied by the "Great Arcane Master" had now been replaced by a blood blade. The name of the Arcanist in the rankings has also faded.

- What happened to Kayland on the other side when I rescued the hostage?

Lin Chi’s confused eyes fell on the map where the “government military warehouse” was located.


These days, watching Ti8 staying up late leads to kidney overdraft, even if I am only 17 years old, I am a little weak, um, let me slow down...

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