War in Heaven

Chapter 830: Door of hell

An hour ago.

The "dwarf melon" in the cloak slowly walked into the warehouse from the gap in the wall, reaching out and plucking his hood, and the long black hair poured down.

It was detected that the nerve gas in this area had already dissipated. She also decisively took off the gas mask, revealing a face with a little baby fat, and the bruised face, her brow slightly revealing a puzzled expression.

- GIGN's soldiers have already entered the government military warehouse, but there is no response, no gunshots, it seems to be swallowed up by the building, completely disappeared.

"what the hell……"

In the face of unexpected conditions, the blood blade is also serious, under the addition of the initial equipment, directly into the "limit state", keenly aware of the surrounding situation.

In her house, there were thirteen bodies, of which ten were left by mercenaries and civilians, and three were from special forces soldiers, looking at wearing and equipment, like Russian troops.

These soldiers should be the "leprosy gnome", and the place where the Arcanist is under his hand is still completely unknown.

"answer me."

The blood blade opened the radio and asked again. The GIGN soldiers still did not give any response, and the government military warehouse was filled with dead silence.


She silently walked to the iron door next to it, leaning against the door with a light hand, taking out the small "remote control car" with the camera installed from the backpack, and began to use the tablet to operate the car at the door.

Under the control of the blood blade, the car drove in from the crack of the door and began to shoot the picture in front of it. The screen displayed on the tablet screen was a dark corridor with dark red blood on the ground. I don’t know. What people sprinkle.

The gunshots on the outside of the warehouse continued, and the **** blade had no time to be left behind by the follower, but the brow wrinkled and continued to operate the remote control car to investigate the interior of the building.

"anyone there……"

She whispered, pulling out the saber and drawing a slender wound on her left arm, which is also the habit of the blood blade in thinking. Although there is no pain, self-mutilation can still bring some kind of "quiet pleasure".

I used the blade to draw a **** "cross" on my body. The blood blade continued to observe the picture on the screen, and then suddenly enlarged the scarlet eyes:

A few black corpses, nailed to the wall at the end of the corridor by the thick nails, are the GIGN soldiers who have left their knees!

"Fuck, don't want to leave here alive..."

Seeing that all of the special forces under his arm were almost killed, the **** blade was clenched. If it weren't for her two people left, GIGN's team would be completely destroyed.

- The one that is not optimistic by anyone, only plays the ancient map, how did it get rid of the GIGN soldiers without making a sound?

Looking at the death of the soldiers under his arm, the blood blade was somewhat confused. After all, according to the performance of the "big arcian" guy, he should be the cannon fodder in this game, it should have been eliminated before.

Is it true that the Arcanist has acquired any special skills or equipment with magical effects? However, the GIGN soldiers’ eccentric deaths are also somewhat interesting...

The **** brow was thinking about locking, and when the remote control car climbed up the stairs, when it was about to detect the second floor, it saw a rapidly expanding black shadow in the center of the screen.


After the harsh disconnection noise, the screen of the tablet was dark and the contact with the remote control car was completely cut off. The drone should be killed.

- It seems that you can only go up and find out the situation yourself.

Although I still don't know what the Arcanist did, the Bloodblade is not the kind of guy who can bear the fortune. She has always killed her opponent with cruel means, and rarely encounters her own tragic death.

The death of the GIGN soldiers is quite "classical". At first glance, it comes from the hands of the Arcanist. But how did the guy do it?

The blood blade slowly walked into the gloomy passage, and the jungle combat boots stepped on the thick blood and made a squeaking sound.

At this point, under the bonus of the limit state, she has already prepared to kill the enemy within 0:5. For the blood blade, killing seems to be the instinct imprinted in DNA. It is easy. .

The long, straight murderer walked silently and stepped on the cold stairs. The scene in front of me is like a TV that is changing channels. It suddenly shakes abruptly, and then it instantly returns to normal.

Although the changes are very subtle, the blood blade naturally does not ignore this anomaly. The left hand holding the handle is tightened, and the surrounding state is alert.

There is a faint **** smell floating in the air, and nothing is moving nearby. Just as the blood blade was about to go up, a strange voice rang from the ear, with a long echo, like the devil's whisper:

"Let's put down the gun, it's no longer useful."

The blood blade jerked back and entered the line of sight with a gray wall of blood.

Even in the limit state, she could not perceive the existence of the enemy.

So, where did the sound come from?

The blood blade held his breath and looked around, trying to find the enemy's position, but still found nothing. She looked down at the Beretta pistol in her left hand, but found that the original smooth gun body suddenly rusted, like a few Ten years of wind and sun.

The magazine had disappeared, and the gun body sprinkled a lot of rust with a slight sway. Seeing that his pistol really became scrap iron, she threw away the unusable weapon and prepared to open the backpack to take out other equipment.

Then, the stairs in front of her eyes suddenly began to be covered by sticky plasma.

The creeping flesh "grows" out of the stairs and the surrounding walls, quickly transforming the stairs in the government military warehouse into an entrance to hell. The blood blade was surprised to want to retreat, but found that the stairs behind him had disappeared and replaced by the dark abyss!

The devil's whisper sounded again from the ear, as if with a playful meaning, guiding the blood blade to what to do next:

"Close to me, open the door to hell."

"What the **** are you..." The **** blade sucked the nose, and the zigzag appeared in the eyebrows. The facial expression looked like it was swallowing flies.

"I know that you have always been a murderous murderer, but do you have the courage to open the threshold of **** and witness the true darkness?" The voice seemed to be provocative: "Don't think that killing innocents is real evil, real Evil comes from chaos."

"What are you talking about?" The **** blade looked up at the confusion and looked straight above the stairs. I saw a dark red door blocking the way, and the door was covered with sharp bones.

Seeing the common scene of the horror game that should not appear in Kayaland, the blood blade shook his head and reached out and rubbed his arm:

"I am not in the wrong game, is this "War of Heaven" right?"

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