War in Heaven

Chapter 838: Two snipers

After entering the hospital, Lin Chi took off the rustling headphones and looked back at the corridor inside the hospital.

The bullet holes played by the coach's soldiers are still on the gray concrete wall. The floor tiles are standard squares, and the black and white arrangement looks strange.

It stands to reason that in order to take care of patients, the interior of the hospital will not use this contrasting floor tile layout, but will choose a softer color. Even if it is a mercenary hospital, it should not be like this.

- This hospital should not be temporarily remodeled in other buildings?

"Are you looking for Woods?" Lin Chi asked.

"Not yet." Eric shook his head: "The battle is just over, we haven't searched the inside yet."

"Now start searching, be careful." Lin Chi looked at the ruins scattered by the smoke outside the window.

Leaving other soldiers on the first floor to take care of the guards, Lin Chi took Eric and the baron, and quickly searched the ward inside the mercenary hospital from the first floor to find the traces of Woods.

All the wards on the first floor were empty. Whether it was a bed or a bedside table, there was a thick layer of dust, and there was no medical supplies and other things inside. It seemed to be completely evacuated.

“Is this place really worthy of a 'strategic position?'” Lin Chi whispered to himself, stretching a finger across the dusty table.

In addition to the completeness of the building, this mercenary hospital is completely incompatible with the name of the "strategic location", even if it occupied this ghost place, it seems that there is no meaning other than the points.

Since Lin Chi and his Majesty's SOG soldiers entered the hospital, the hospital has now been judged to have been occupied by him. As long as he stays here for three hours, he can get two points.

However, now whether it is inside the hospital or outside the building, it is a crisis. In addition to the coach, there are certainly other players who are also eyeing the building.

After searching a few wards, Lin Chi also speeded up, quickly checked the first floor, and then embarked on the steps leading to the second floor.

The second-floor windows of the mercenary hospital were covered with black curtains and there was no light in the corridor. In order to avoid being stunned again by the sniper, Lin Chi did not choose to open the curtains, but instead put on a night vision device to search the ground.

The trio searched the ward and office on the second floor separately. Lin Chi strode to the southwest corner of the second floor. When passing through one of the wards, he heard a low sob in the house.

The voice was extremely weak, but it did not escape Lin’s ears. It sounded like someone was crying in the ward. Inside the gloomy hospital, it looks awkward.

- Is it NPC?

Lin Chi held his breath and leaned against the wall beside the ward. He listened to the cries in the house and judged from the sharp voice. The room should be a woman.

He tightened the handle of the saber and slowly extended his left hand, ready to hold the door handle of the ward.

Then, a burst of gunshots broke out under the floor, overshadowing the sound inside the house.

"Enemy!" shouted a SOG soldier.

Since the radio is not available in the building, their way of calling has become a traditional shout. The baron and Eric, who were still searching for the ward, immediately withdrew from the ward and scraped the window to the curtain to open a small slit and sideways to observe the outside of the hospital.

In the open space where the battle just broke out not long ago, there were many more figures. The enemy troops should have just arrived here and are looking for shelters to be deployed, as if they were planning to fight with the soldiers inside the hospital.

Since the other party is outside the 300 meters, Lin Chi can barely see the figure from this distance, and can't see which team the other party is. At this point, the enemy has set up a machine gun and began to suppress the first floor of the hospital, creating more scars on the broken wall.

"Cover them."

Lin Chi gave a command to the two men, took a grenade from the backpack, placed the thunder on the ground in front of the ward, and then tied a filament on the ring to tie the other end of the wire. On the door handle, a simple thunder was made.

In this way, if the person in the house intends to rush out, it will immediately cause an explosion. In order to avoid being accidentally injured, Lin Chi immediately left the dangerous position in front of the door and went to another window to prepare fire protection for the soldiers downstairs.

"let me do it."

Eric's cold voice, from the other end of the corridor, Lin turned his head and saw that the soldier did not know when a German PSG-1 sniper rifle appeared.

"Where did you get it?" Lin Chi asked casually.

"From the body of the enemy soldier." Eric said without looking back, put the sniper gun in front of the window, the barrel was directly exposed, and began to aim at the enemy outside.

For a real sniper, firing directly without disguise is simply a dead act, but now it doesn't take much. Eric, a temporary guest sniper, just took a moment to aim at it and pulled the trigger directly.

As a heterogeneous weapon in the military sniper rifle, the PSG-1 sniper rifle uses a heavy-duty barrel, resulting in a weight of eight kilograms. The muzzle also has no flame arresters and retractors common to ordinary sniper rifles. The effective range of this gun is much smaller than other sniper rifles, but in addition to these shortcomings, PSG-1 also has the advantage that other sniper rifles can't match.

——The precision of this gun at medium distance is extremely high. The accuracy of about 300 meters is beyond the reach of other guns. Now, the location of the enemy soldiers is just within the "best range" of PSG-1!


The shell popped up from the bombing port and landed on the ground to make a crisp clinking sound. The PSG-1 with built-in silencer did not make too much sound when it was fired. Through the gap of the window, Lin Chi saw the enemy position. There was a **** fog, and the gun was obviously a hit.

Eric did not say that it was a shot, and another figure fell. The PSG-1, once the most accurate semi-automatic sniper rifle in the world, was basically a shot, accurate and efficient in the hands of this experienced soldier. Harvesting the enemy's life.

After being slammed by two comrades, the enemy finally dared not to show up. Even the soldier who was using heavy machine guns put down the mighty weapon in his hand and decisively fell to the ground.

Seeing that the enemy was all hidden, Lin Chi also took out his M82A1 sniper rifle and set it on the window to fire on the machine gun.


The gunshots of his guns were dozens of times larger than the PSG-1. After the first shot, due to the low proficiency, the bullets also had no suspense, and shattered a brick wall.

Seeing this scene through the PSG-1's sniper mirror, Eric reminded coldly: "It is not recommended to use a sniper rifle for fire suppression."

"Don't ridicule me." Lin Chi said that he fired another shot and blew a large amount of smoke in the ruins.

The gun still failed to hit the target, but Lin Chi did nothing but exchange bullets for proficiency. When he hit the fifth bullet, the turnaround finally happened.

The protective steel plate of the heavy machine gun was directly shot through the bullet of the anti-equipment gun. At the same time, the gun body was crushed, and the repressive weapon that the enemy threatened the most, thus a pile of scrap iron.

"Your shooting rate is very low." Eric commented.

"It will be high in the future..." Lin Chi said, and it was a shot, and a brick wall was smashed, and a large piece of blood was sprayed behind the wall.

Now, there are only ten rounds of ammunition for this sniper rifle. However, Eric's ammunition seems to be quite abundant. The PSG-1 sniper in his hand fired again and again, directly shooting two soldiers hiding behind the bunker.

Under the threat of two snipers, enemy soldiers threw smoke bombs and created a large amount of smoke in front of the open space. Seeing this scene, Lin Chi reached out and took a red backpack that was still behind him. He said to Eric:

"Can you hit this backpack three hundred meters away?"

"What are you going to do." Eric turned to look at him.

"I want them to feel the power of the Soviets." Lin Chi smiled.

While his hand hit the backpack, there was another item in front of him:

Evan's bomb backpack.

Quest items, not tradable, cannot be used.

The item may explode when placed in the box, and it must explode if it is shot and subjected to a severe impact.

This backpack is the "source of power" of Crazy Evan, the bomb expert who used the materials in the backpack to make bombs. If you are not a bomb expert, don't open it, or you will post it... No, you have no chance to regret it.

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