War in Heaven

Chapter 839: Standing in the fire

Holding a bomb backpack and jumping out of the window on the first floor of the hospital, Lin Chi opened the war horn skill that comes with the safe house. In the muscles of the whole body, the power of the scorpion broke out, and the whole person turned into a "lightning" and rushed. The position of enemy soldiers.

He can see that the way these enemies fight does not look like a special forces soldier, but now they don't care so much.

If the enemy is successfully placed in the position, SOG soldiers will undoubtedly be in trouble. After losing a lot of soldiers, SOG has been unable to fight in front.

A few bullets flew from above, Eric continued to use the PSG-1 sniper rifle to cover, Lin Chi rushed all the way, ran more than 100 meters in ten seconds, then opened another increase in his skill bar Attribute violence skills:

Fury (level 2):

Active skills, cooling time 20 hours.

After starting, increase your strength, agility and endurance by 10 for 30 minutes. But after the effect is over, you will get a negative effect - collapse, power, agility and stamina reduced by 6 points on the basis of the original attribute for 25 minutes.

"Anger can be a force, but when anger dissipates, it will be replaced by an endless emptiness."

At that moment, the attribute value of his body increased by ten points based on the five-point attribute provided by the War Horn. Power, agility, and endurance all skyrocketed to more than 30 points, and the blood seemed to burn, and the whole body screamed with incredible power.

Lin slowly swung his right arm, the bomb backpack in his hand vacated, and drawn a parabola to fly over the enemy's position. Under the super-high value, the thing was like a golf ball. High and far.

After throwing out the backpack, Lin Chi said that he turned and ran, and there were several bullets behind him. It seems that the enemy is finally equipped with a thermal imaging mirror until then.

But the poor people who are hidden behind the smoke apparently have not realized that the end has already fallen on their heads.


Eric, who was firing from the second floor window, didn't have the airborne backpack in the first shot, but the ultra-precise sniper rifle in his hand was not a slap in the air. The second bullet was hit, and the exact hit was about to fly into the smoke. Red backpack.

Then, an airborne explosion that was more powerful than the detonation at the time of landing appeared in the enemy's position.


While Lin was lying down, the barbaric airflow swept across his head, and the "treasure box" that Ivan loved with madness turned into a huge fireball, and the light from the explosion even eclipsed the sun.

The torrent of fire rushing down, blowing the smoke from the smoke bombs, the soldiers just below were not even able to put a fart, they were shocked by the shock wave, and the complete body disappeared into the flame. Turned into coke and dead bones.

I witnessed the amazing explosion of the big bang, and Eric and the Baron were in a long silence when they thought that they had been with the man carrying the backpack. Lin Chi has stood up at this time, ready to rush back to the high temperature smoke.

- 擒 thief first 擒 king!

Now the enemy’s fallen soldiers have already died, but the commander is still alive, and the value of the property has increased a lot. It is a good time to kill each other!

Lin Chi can see that the enemy of this attack is not a "coach", but other enemies, but no matter who the opponent is, the commander has a great chance to appear in a position not far from the vicinity. For example, ... directly behind the position.

But just as he was about to rush out, he heard the loud explosion on the second floor of the hospital behind him.


The heavy black smoke was sprayed from the window, and the position was just the location where the mine was installed before Lin Chi. Seeing an accident in the mercenary hospital, in order to avoid the direct extinction of the special forces that he had left, Lin Chi also rushed back.

Commanding the SOG soldiers on the first floor to continue to guard against the outside attack, Lin Chi rushed to the second floor and just entered the corridor, and saw Eric and the Baron firing at the burning ward door.

- What is that stuff?

Looking at a burnt man's hand sticking out in the flame, Lin Chi's mind seemed to illuminate a red warning light, and the two words "dangerous" appeared on the top of the head.

A slender figure rushed out of the burning flame, and even if it was hit by a grenade explosion at almost zero distance, and the body smashed dozens of bullets that Eric and the baron had shot, the woman could still stand. There was a sharp squeak in the throat, dragging the burning body, and rushing toward the three people!

"Save... life!" she shouted.

Every time this woman walks, there will be scorched skin residue on her body. The whole person looks like a torch that walks, widens the scarlet eyeball, and stretches out his right hand to the three people desperately.

- Is this guy...

Seeing that Eric and the Baron were still using the assault rifle to fire, Lin Chi shouted: "Wait a minute!"

It’s a pity that he just yelled for the exit. The burning woman’s right leg was broken. The whole man fell apart like a sand sculpture. He fell to the ground and did not move anymore. The burning muscles of his body gave a crisp squeak.

"Commander, you shouldn't want to save her." Eric put away his gun and looked at Lin Chi: "SOG is not a humanitarian."

"No, I just want to talk to him." Lin Chi shook his head. "I think she has something to do with the so-called "military stimulants."

Recalling the information provided by the Spaniards of the PMC Federation, the woman just looked like she was using military stimulants. If I can get information from her, I might be able to figure out the location of the wanted man.

But now that she is dead, the intelligence may never be there again...

Lin Chi looked down at the body that fell to the ground, then stood at the window and used the sight of the sniper rifle to observe the position that had just been covered by the explosion. I saw the ground covered by the explosion, and many charred bodies were poured. There are several corpses that are far away from the blasting heart, and the armbands on the shoulders are clearly visible.

- is a mercenary.

The enemy that was just killed is not the enemy special forces, but the mercenaries in the city. But these mercenaries apparently did not want to attack the hospital, they must have been instructed by someone.

In other words... are there other players who are also aligned with the mercenaries?

If this is the case, there may be mercenaries who will continue to attack the hospital later. The first thing to do now is to eliminate the hidden dangers inside the hospital.

"Continue to search and find Woods." Lin Chi issued an order to the two soldiers nearby, and then added another sentence:

"If you encounter a living person, don't kill them immediately, see if you can control them. You can't shoot them again."

“Received.” Eric said as he turned to the stairs and prepared to search the third floor of the building.

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