War in Heaven

Chapter 840: Escape route

Bypassing the flame that had not been extinguished in front of the door, entering the ward where the woman was just now, Lin Chi saw that the house had been blown up, a few sheets of paper were burning, and a deformed laptop.

From the degree of damage to the computer, it is basically impossible to rescue what data from it. But just looking at the messy furnishings in the house, you can still find some clues.

Among the burning wreckage, you can see the ladies handbag and the deformed glasses. Although I don't know much about this aspect, from this point of view, this woman is not very rich, at least not the poor.

Was she hiding in the hospital for the sake of survival at the beginning of the war, or for other reasons?

While Lin was thinking, he continued to look for other clues in the house. The flash of silver light next to the corner curtains attracted his attention.

A mobile phone was buckled on the ground, and a spider-like crack appeared on the screen. Lin lately pulled out the memory card inserted in the mobile phone and put the thing into the pocket.

Then he heard the shout of the baron upstairs:

"Woods is here!"

Lin was rushing up the stairs, and I saw Eric standing in front of a ward and waved at himself. Looking down, on the black and white floor tiles of the corridor, there is a blood mark that extends directly to the door of the ward.

He walked quickly and went inside the ward to observe the situation inside:

In the dark ward where most of the sunlight was covered by black curtains, Woods was leaning against the dusty bed, and the metal mask on his face fell to the side, leaving the thin face of the scorpion, which was already bloody, like It is the appearance of washing your face with blood.

At this point, the baron was shaking the shoulders of Woods constantly, trying to wake up their old captain. Lin Chi also walked over quickly, kneeling beside Woods and watching the guy's **** face, asking: "Is he still alive?"

"There is breathing and heartbeat," Eric said in a deep voice. "If he dies, we will receive the corpse directly."

That being said, Lin Chi can feel it, and Eric is also concerned about the physical condition of Woods, but it is simply a "proud" on his mouth...

There was no visible wound on Woods's face and head, and the blood seemed to flow from his eyes, nose and mouth. Seeing this scene, Lin couldn't help but wonder if this guy was not saved, but Woods, who was constantly shaking, immediately denied his judgment:


Woods opened his mouth and spit a blood on the baron's feet, then slowly opened his red eyes and looked up at the three people around him.

"I... feels bad," he said.

"See it." Lin Chi and Woods are still looking at each other with **** eyes. They asked at the door: "What happened?"

"I heard gunshots when I came in, I wanted to cover you on the third floor, and then I fainted after a pain in my neck..." Woods said as he reached for the blood on his face, and he was scared by the amount of horrible bleeding. jump.

Upon hearing this, Lin Chi looked at Woods's neck and looked at it for a minute. Then he finally found what he wanted:

A pinhole with some redness appeared behind Woods's neck and it was difficult to find it without looking carefully. In this way, Woods should be concealed by other people in the hospital while preparing to cover his comrades.

"Captain, are you okay?" The baron looked worried at Woods's **** face. He had only seen the amount of bleeding in the dead.

"Fortunately... it’s just a little dizzy. The **** chop seems to have injected me a drug." Woods took a bandage from the tactical backpack and wiped the blood on his face with that thing.

At this point, the blood shed on the soldier’s face had spread to the front chest, making the original blue-gray urban camouflage combat uniform, dyed into a dangerous dark brown.

- It stands to reason that with the amount of this kind of bleeding in the head of Woods, even the world's strongest warrior, the body has long been cool. Woods is still alive now, perhaps because...

"The person who attacked you, was it bleeding at the time?" Lin Chi suddenly asked questions.

"I didn't see what he looked like, but... it seems that there is a **** smell." Woods shook his head.

If the blood on the head of Woods is partly left by the attacker, the reason why the soldier is still alive is very clear. The baron found that Woods was here because of the blood left in front of the ward.

"The baron took Woods to the first floor and went to the doctor for treatment. Eric came with me." Lin Chi said pointing to the blood marks on the floor.

Eric naturally knows what Lin Chi wants to do, and walks up without saying a word, and Lin Chi chased it along with blood marks.

The dark red spots on the floor tiles seem to be left by a **** person who runs on the road, extending to the end of the corridor on the third floor, cut off by the gray walls.

"this is……"

Seeing the **** handprints on the wall, Lin Chi and Eric looked at each other.

"let me do it."

Eric said that he stepped forward and reached out and knocked on the gray "wall". It was not the sound of the concrete wall being knocked, but the slamming of metal.

"It should be a secret door, be careful of traps." Lin Chi whispered.

Some building fire doors are indeed installed at the end of the passage. After opening the fire door, you can quickly escape the building through the fire stairs outside the house.

However, when observing outside the hospital, Lin Chi did not see the outside of the building and installed anything similar to a fireproof staircase. So where does this secret door lead, it feels like it has to be discussed...

Eric took out the C4 explosive for the door and installed it in the metal door. The two men stepped back a few steps into a safe distance, and then detonated the miniature bomb on the door.


Along with the bang of the explosion, the time in the dark corridor was reflected by the sunlight, and the metal door at the wall was directly blown up and landed on the open space outside the hospital.

Lin Chi and Eric went forward, and the door was the side wall of the hospital. There was no such thing as a staircase. The two looked down at the open space just below, and saw the blooming "blood flower" on the ground, a blood line spreading from the position of the blood flower to the ruins on the outside.

"It seems that this is his escape route." Lin Chi smiled.

Obviously, the guy who sneaked on Woods escaped directly from the building. Looking at the timing of the battle in the ruins outside the hospital, the guy probably has already run away.

However, there is no time to chase each other now. Because...the air in front of the hospital has already sounded a rush of gunfire.

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