Chapter 118 The incompetent fury of the strongest creature!

Whitebeard stood aside with his broadsword, and pulled out Zanpakutō with his backhand.

Kaido, who was originally aggressive and charged, was instantly stunned. He looked at the knife, and his eyes were no longer the domineering he had before, but rather fear and fear.

This knife can directly cut through his physical defense in the hands of Joz, and now this knife is in the hands of Whitebeard, what will happen?

At the same time, Kaido doesn’t understand very much. He has never seen such a black knife before, but one thing is very certain. Each of these black knives will not lose to the Supreme Sword! In terms of the weird explosive power and destructive power , Each one is above the supreme knife.

And such a top artifact, why does Whitebeard have so many?

However, although Kaido has countless doubts in his mind now, he has no time to think.

Now he is in front of the strongest man on the surface standing at the top of the world, and he cannot tolerate his slightest neglect.

Below, Whitebeard laughed and immediately swung his knife, “Kaido! Let you try my full blow!”

This blow Whitebeard used all his strength, combined with the power that Zanpakutō absorbed before the battle, this sword can be said to be shocking!

A huge blow with a height of several hundred meters went straight towards Kaido.

Wherever he went, he turned into dust and thunder.

Kaido looked at the knife that seemed to destroy the world, and his face turned green with fright.

“This power, even in Whitebeard’s peak state, can’t be cut out, right?”

Kaido gritted his teeth and fled frantically, trying to avoid the blow, but the speed of the knife was unimaginable.

No matter how hard Kaido avoided, he was still slashed by the sword.

-In an instant, Kaido vomited blood, and a deep knife mark was torn open on his chest.

“Uh… This most powerful creature, the man who is extremely proud of his defense, wailed at this moment.

This blow was not as painful even as Oden’s two cuts from twenty years ago.

It can be said that throughout his life, this is the most painstaking pain he has ever felt.

This knife slashed through Kaido, but the knife still did not stop, it was still tearing the world, and it rolled straight to the members of the pirate group behind Kaido.

The people behind them were all silent, those who were weak were so frightened that their feet fell to the ground, and those who were strong were not afraid to run away in the face of this knife.

However, this saber qi is really too fast, the three disasters, and the flying six kingdoms have been severely injured.

The entire island trembled continuously, and even affected the sea. At this time, the sea was turbulent, as if afraid, afraid of this terrifying force.

This knife set off countless smoke and dust, and after the dust settled, some members of the Beasts Pirates who survived the disaster widened their eyes.

“Ghost, ghost island… was cut in half!~?”

At this moment, the sea water frantically poured into this huge crack like Whitebeard slashed, and a huge river was formed.

Everyone was horrified by the scene in front of them.

One by one shivered.

“Is this the power of the strongest man, Whitebeard?”

“What a terrifying power…

We “these people are like ants in front of him!”

The sound of weapons falling one after another, Whitebeard’s knife cut off all the fighting spirits of the weak givers.

Everyone just wanted to run away.

In the smoke of gunpowder, there was a deep, angry voice that reached Ultimate: “Damn it!”

Kaido had one hand on the ground, blood dripping from his chest, even with his powerful self-healing ability, he couldn’t heal this terrifying wound for a while.

His eyes became more and more scarlet, and that was his monstrous anger.

He couldn’t figure out how Whitebeard could have such power.

No! It wasn’t Whitebeard’s power, but the power of the knife in his hand.

Also a cadre under the Rocks Pirate, Kaido knows Whitebeard very well.

Whitebeard is indeed strong, but it is impossible to be so strong, otherwise the balance of the Four Emperors would have been broken long ago.

It’s that knife, that black knife in Whitebeard’s hands!

What kind of knife is that!?

In the ruins, the sound of “crashing” sounded, and Jack and Xunyan came out of the ruins.

The ribbon on his body had disappeared, revealing the wounds on his body, all of which he was severely injured by Admiral, and he was involved in the battle even before he got better. At this time, his whole body was stained with blood.

Chi, Quinn and Fei Liubao also appeared in embarrassment one after another. Although they said that they escaped the catastrophe and did not die, they also received a lot of injuries.

Everyone looked at Whitebeard in fear, at the black knife in his hand.

The power displayed by this knife is countless times stronger than the power of Bista.

On the opposite side, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates exclaimed the joy of victory, shouting frantically, and at the same time, they were constantly venting their artillery fire at the Kaido camp.

A scream of screams sounded, and the ghost island was like a hell on earth at this moment.

Whitebeard Lang Lang laughed, laughing happily, “.” Happy! It’s so happy!

“Oden is 20 years late for the reckoning, have you seen the underworld?”

“Dad, I’m here to avenge you!”

Opposite, the sound of running fire is everywhere, and a bombing is to take a few lives.

Kaido got up slowly with a black line on his face.

Today’s sudden attack by the Whitebeard Pirates caused him and the pirates under his command an unprecedented hit.

He still wanted to go up, but was stopped by Chi who came.

“Master Kaido, they came prepared, the firepower is too fierce, we have to avoid the edge for a while!”

However, Kaido’s unstoppable anger at this time has lost his mind. Today’s loss is his blood for decades. He has been preparing for so long, and today it is ruined.

At this time, the opposite Whitebeard waved his hand, he sneered: “Sons, today is just an appetizer, we can’t let Kaido die comfortably.

We “want (do Zhao Zhao) to torture him all the time, become his dream demon, and make him incompetent and furious, this is the best revenge!”

“We leave Kaido’s dog life behind, and come here now and then to vent our anger!”


With a hearty smile and a victorious attitude, Whitebeard pulled out the big knife stuck on the ground and left slowly.

The crowd cheered happily.

“Dad was right, Kaido couldn’t have died so easily.

“Murdering is cool for a while, but only by killing the heart can it last for a long time!”

“Hahaha, this is the first time I feel that fighting is so easy.”

“And it’s still fighting Beasts Pirates, who are also Four Emperors, just like fighting their own sons.”

The cheers and clamor of everyone in Whitebeard gradually disappeared as everyone filed into any door.

Those turrets and cannonballs were reintroduced into the Universal Capsule, and the Whitebeard Pirates quickly left through any door.

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