Chapter 119 Kaido gritted his teeth: It’s all the ghost of the door!

The scene of Whitebeard’s evacuation made everyone in the Beasts Pirates, such as Sanji and Fei Liubao, stunned.

“Sure enough, they really reached our base camp directly from that weird door.”

“What’s the matter with this door?”

“It is possible to connect two spaces,

This incomprehensible scene made everyone stunned, and panic filled their hearts at the same time.

Doesn’t this mean that Whitebeard’s remarks just now are not arrogant, he really wants to come??

Ahead, Kaido was furious, he shouted: “Whitebeard!!”

“Laozi’s territory is where you come and go when you want?”

“You look down on Laozi, don’t you?

How proud is Kaido? No one is not proud of being the Four Emperors, no one is shameless.

Whitebeard hasn’t lost anyone there so far, but he has suffered heavy losses. If this spreads out, where will his Kaido of the Beasts face go?

Kaido jumped away, and the powerful force directly smashed the blood from his body to the ground, but at this time he didn’t care about it at all.

He was like a demon, he took Whitebeard, “Death to Laozi! Whitebeard!”

【Thunder Eight Trigrams]!!

Kaido’s signature attack strikes again, and he’s going to fight.


After the break, Whitebeard looked at Kaido who came straight to him, and he sneered.

Now that he has eaten his physical strength pill, his physical strength has improved a lot. In addition, since he has recovered his youth, it is not a burden for him to take the shot just now, and he still has sufficient physical strength to shoot.

“Like a mad dog!”

Whitebeard didn’t talk nonsense, he directly picked up the big knife in his hand, dragged out a bunch of sparks on the ground, and then a handsome bottom-up strike picked up: “[Zhenshan]!”

The broadsword collides with Kaido’s mace.

Kaido’s nearly healed wound burst open again.

At the rear, Sanxie, Fei Liubao and others rushed over quickly, wanting to help.

However, Whitebeard has had the upper hand, he has just battered Kaido with Zanpakutō, where Kaido can now compete with Whitebeard.

After a few seconds of each other, Kaido spewed blood from his mouth and flew upside down.

That huge body also bumped into the three disasters and Fei Liubao who came to support.

Whitebeard swung the big knife in his hand, and after turning a circle, “Dang” went straight to the ground.

He faced the Kaido Pirates directly with one knife and one knife.

(bceh) Seeing that his subordinates were almost evacuated, Whitebeard sneered, and his voice sounded: “Mad dog! It’s too cheap to kill you now!”

“From now on, you will live in my dream demon. I will come to visit anytime, anywhere, possibly during the day or at night, so be prepared at any time!”


Whitebeard’s laughter spread all over the ghost island.

After all the members of his subordinates were evacuated, he raised the knife, snorted coldly, and branded the last sentence: “When you brutally killed Oden, you should have thought of such a day!”

After the words fell, Whitebeard walked away, and with Whitebeard’s final departure, the arbitrary door also disappeared!

Everyone of the Whitebeard Pirates left, and everyone just felt a little confused and a little dazed.

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates did not leave any traces, as if they had never been here, but the mess of Onishima and the smoke of gunpowder made it clear that all this was a fact.

The weird door, the capsule that can summon countless giant cannons, the propeller on top of Bista’s head, and the black knife that engraved the deep dream demon.

All this made everyone in the Beasts Pirates feel confused, bewildered, and be at a loss and occupy everyone’s heart.

Jack said, “What the hell is going on with the Whitebeard Pirates?

Captain Kaido didn’t answer. At this time, he was extremely aggrieved. He was drinking a lot, and he was still confused. There was a war, and their Beasts Pirates were not ready. It was all too sudden.

This battle made him painstakingly plan to lose at least one third of everything in his 20 years of business…

He roared angrily and smashed all kinds of things: “Whitebeard! Whitebeard! Laozi must make you pay!”

But this is nothing but incompetent rage.

Chi watched his captain go mad and did not stop it, he could understand the captain’s mood at this time.

Imagine that you are drinking wine at home, and then suddenly appear in your home, then smash your home, slap everyone in the face after you are done, and finally leave calmly.

Who is it, who is not angry?

Chi looked at Quinn and asked, “Do you see anything?”

Quinn knew what he was referring to, the spooky things.

He shook his head helplessly, “I can’t see, I don’t know where Whitebeard got those heaven-defying things.

“But I have an idea.”

Chi Xin led the way: “Tell me about it!”

“If there’s a place in the world where these heaven-defying and spooky things are made, it’s Vegapunk!”

This sentence stopped Kaido from being mad at the side, but his eyes were still full of anger.

He looked at Quinn and murmured in a low voice, “Vegapunk?”

“Naval Headquarters?”

“Ah! Does that mean Marine secretly colluded with Whitebeard?”

“Very good! Really good! Laozi is going to Naval Headquarters now!

After he finished speaking, he directly turned into a huge blue dragon, with flame clouds appearing at the bottom of his feet, and he flew away, targeting Naval Headquarters.

The blazing crowd tried to stop it, but Kaido was gone, and he couldn’t hear anything now.

Going to Naval Headquarters, Kaido was not afraid at all, he wanted to kill himself before, he often went to trouble, and this time it was for Vegapunk, to find out if Whitebeard got those things from Vegapunk.

In short, it is impossible for him to swallow his anger after being slapped in the face by Whitebeard for no reason.

Mobidi, Whitebeard Pirates!

Back on the ship, the Whitebeard Pirates cheered loudly!

“Cool! It’s really cool!”

“It’s so easy to beat Beasts Pirates, who are also Four Emperors!

“I have to say, that Mr. Feith’s stuff is really good!”

The members who had not experienced the war very much were very excited at this time.

Marko, Joz and Bista were also praised again and again.

“Feith’s stuff really works!!

“For war, it’s a heaven-defying artifact!”

“At that time, we used the universal capsule to release hundreds of giant cannons. Did you see the faces of everyone in Kaido?”

“Hahaha, I see it, it’s even uglier than eating shit!”

Bista said proudly: “What is a giant cannonball, you don’t know, the scene when I used a bamboo dragonfly to fly into the air and hold two Zanpakutō in my hands.”

Directly “shocks the Quartet and makes everyone panic!”

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