Chapter 131 Brother Ming and others Ruomuji: The fairy beans that can resurrect people?!

…With Doflamingo taking the top physical strength pills, the answer will soon be revealed. High-level physical strength pills are warm and hot, and this top-level physical strength pill is directly a heat wave. Everyone present in the Donquixote family felt the heat wave of their own young body, and Repolka quickly said: “Young Master, how does the top physical strength pill work? Doflamingo said happily: “Three years, it turned out to be more than three years of suffering. The improvement in physical strength brought about by Xiu!” This answer surprised everyone present. Just now, the young master of his own has improved a lot, but he did not expect that the top physical strength pill could bring such a huge improvement in physical strength. “As expected The things that came out of the top lottery are heaven-defying!” “Lord Feith’s things are indeed extraordinary things!” “More than just objects, I think Feith is not a “four-eight-seven” ordinary person, and his status is noble and worthy Better than Celestial Dragons!” If it was changed to the past, Doflamingo would be very displeased when he heard others say this, even someone in his own family. However, now, Doflamingo is not displeased at all, but followed suit. : “What is the group of dogs in Celestial Dragons?” “Every one is just garbage hiding under the glory of the ancestors, not worthy of being compared with our Lord Feith. “Hey hey hey! Anyway, you are also Celestial Dragons. Although you have been deprived of your identity, you are still a member of Celestial Dragons. Are you really saying that? Fei complained in his heart. And somewhere on a small island, where gunpowder smoke is billowing, a cry A scream sounded. Poison Q took a basket of apples to the person in front of him and said, “Come and choose one!” The person looked at the basket of red apples and was so frightened that he just saw one with his own eyes. After the people ate it, they were bombed to the point of being destroyed. But in this slaughter, it was a scene with a different style of painting. Blackbeard held a phone bug in his hand, and his eyes widened: “What? Advanced stamina pill?” Blackbeard’s envy is almost clear. He had taken “top stamina pill” before, but he had raised his upper limit of stamina for half a year. And this is more effective than “top stamina pill”. Horror? Raise him for one year? Two years? Or three years? Blackbeard shouted angrily at the poison Q in the distance: “Poison Q! Hurry up and kill him, we are going to another island, we have to earn more and more Money! After the pirate in front of Poison Q heard the words, he scolded wildly in his heart: What are you doing to make money? It’s clearly robbery? Said: “Hey! Your luck is really bad!” Sabaody Archipelago, Feith naturally didn’t know about Blackbeard’s side. He went on to take out the next top prize, two fairy beans! When the fairy beans came out, Doflamingo and the family were extremely curious. These two green beans look very ordinary, but they also seem to see another heaven-defying baby in their eyes. Not only Doflamingo and the others were curious, but inside the luxurious ship, the Golden Emperor Tezzolo was also curious when he looked at these two little beans. “What is this?” On the other side of the sea, Van Oka reported to Blackbeard. Blackbeard was just full of curiosity, hurriedly asked: “What is it?” Green beans, this is a new thing that Blackbeard has never seen before. Van Oka replied: “Captain, I don’t know!” “We’ll have to wait for Doflamingo and the others to experiment before we can find out!” On Doflamingo’s side, Doflamingo asked: “Lord Feith, what kind of treasure is this?” He didn’t Call it something, but call it a baby. “It’s fairy beans!” Feith laughed, “things used by fairies!” Doflamingo and the others exclaimed as soon as these words came out. “The thing used by the immortals??” “I’m going! That’s not a big deal!?” Feith laughed, and his bad taste was satisfied, and continued: “Of course it is! The injury is instantly healed, even if it is death, as long as it is taken within half an hour, it can directly revive the deceased!” “Boom!” This sentence blasted Doflamingo and the family’s ears like a bolt from the blue. Their breathing quickened, staring at the two fairy beans in Feith’s hands. Everyone present was dumbfounded.

“No, no matter how severe the injury is, it can be instantly healed!?

“And also, can be revived, resurrected!!!???”

Doflamingo’s heart was beating violently, he could endure everything except the loss of his family.

He can be regarded as a table hero, in his heart his family is loyal to everything.

With these two fairy beans, you can save your family’s life anytime, anywhere.

Not only that, but it is also equivalent to having two more lives.

For a person like him, it can be said that he wanders in the gates of hell every day, which is undoubtedly the greatest guarantee for him.

On the other side, inside the luxurious ship, watching the shocked expressions of Doflamingo and his family cadres.

Tezzolo murmured: “Sure enough, it’s a good thing.”

However, his eyes showed disappointment, because his curiosity could not be satisfied, the two beans were directly put away by Doflamingo, and there was no trial at all.

However, Tezzolo still remembered the appearance of the fairy beans, and when the time came to contact the Marine soldier, he would ask him what the two beans were for.

Seeing Sabaody Archipelago getting closer and closer, Tezzolo couldn’t help but smile.

Soon you will be able to get closer to the truth!

“What is the identity of that Marine soldier!”

Van Oka and Blackbeard made the same decision as Gentezzolo.

Blackbeard According to Van Oka’s report, Doflamingo and the others were shocked and dumbfounded, and he could guess how heaven-defying this thing was.

In fact, there is no need to guess, Blackbeard played 4.7 and felt that the things Feith brought out were all good things.

The present, this time Doflamingo and others showed a more exaggerated expression than when they were experimenting with Zanpakutō.

So, Blackbeard’s bet on something’s heaven-defying degree is estimated to be at the forefront.

So he silently recorded the appearance of the fairy beans reported by Fan Oka in his heart.

When I meet Feith, I’ll ask again.

If it’s really heaven-defying, you’ll get what you say.

Next on Feith’s side, he took out any door again.

Both parties in the dark have seen the arbitrary door, and Tezzolo didn’t feel much, just thought to himself, how good it would be if it were his own.

On the other hand, Blackbeard’s heart became more and more sour, and he was very unhappy that Doflamingo had another random door.

He only has one…

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