Chapter 132 The last top prize, the resurrection version of the time-wrapped skin!

When Doflamingo saw that he and the others had another random door, he couldn’t help but cheer up.

Although they say they already have two arbitrary doors, of course the more of these heaven-defying things the better.

“Not bad! Not bad! In this way, we will have 50 more chances to use any door!” Pika’s sharp voice laughed.

Hearing this, Feith stretched out a finger and shook it from side to side: “No, no, no, no!”

This English translation made Doflamingo and others look at a loss.

Feith didn’t sell anything, and corrected: “This is an arbitrary door from the top lottery. 50 times is a low-end version. How can it be in line with the top lottery?”

“The number of times this arbitrary door is used is 750 times!”

7,750 times of use!!!?? Everyone in Doflamingo exclaimed.

This sentence made their hearts that didn’t make waves when they saw the arbitrary door, suddenly swayed.

Then there were more than 12 flamenco and the carnival of everyone.

“As expected of the top lottery, the number of uses of any door has soared to 750 times!”

“The price is only 10 times higher, but the frequency has soared 15 times, which is too conscientious!”

“Your Excellency Feith is really a good person, a conscience lottery dealer!”

What’s the matter with being issued a good person card inexplicably? Feith complained in his heart, and soon stopped worrying about this issue.

He’s about to reveal the last thing, and then he’s ready to call it quits and enjoy himself.

He looked at Doflamingo and said, “The last top prize is here. I say good luck to you because you drew the last prize.”

This sentence made the curiosity of Doflamingo and others mentioned in their throats.

Is our luck just because we got the last item?

What kind of heaven-defying baby would Feith make your Excellency think we’re lucky?

Everyone is looking forward to it. The baby who can make Feith feel good must be the existence of piercing the sky.

In the dark, Tezolo and Blackbeard did not know that they could not hear the conversation between Feith and Doflamingo and others.

But they are all looking forward to the next prize.

Needless to say, Blackbeard already knows that Feith’s products must be excellent.

And Tezzolo was already very interested in what Feith brought out after seeing the previous heaven-defying babies.

Everyone is waiting for Feith to reveal the answer.

Feith lived up to expectations and took out the last prize directly, the time pack skin (special edition)!

Looking at this unfamiliar piece of cloth, everyone fell into contemplation.

Doflamingo licked his lips and asked, “Lord Feith, can this cloth increase the strength of the user out of thin air?”

When other people heard the words of their young master, they were all looking forward to it.

Being able to increase strength out of thin air is also an extremely heaven-defying baby.

In this stormy world, strength is fundamental, and strength is necessary for survival.

Feith said “ah” with contempt: “Increasing strength is just a weak ability. Doflamingo, you are insulting this piece of cloth too much, right?”

This sentence surprised everyone present.

To increase strength out of thin air is just insulting this piece of cloth?

So just how heaven-defying will this cloth function?

Time, the urgency in the eyes of Doflamingo and his family.

Feith laughed: “This piece of cloth can realize the dream of many people, that is, to resurrect the dead!”

“However, unlike Xiandou, who can only revive people who have been dead for half an hour, he can revive people who have been dead longer.”

For a moment, Doflamingo’s breathing became a little short.


It finally appeared!

It has the ability to revive the long dead baby.

Could it be that what you have been dreaming about has finally come true!?

However, before they could be ecstatic, Feith continued: “But only to resurrect the dead who died within a year.”

This sentence cooled Doflamingo’s heart that was about to burst into ecstasy.

Helpless in my heart, I can only resurrect the deceased who died within a year. It seems that if I want to resurrect my mother, there is no hope for resurrection.

He couldn’t help sighing in his heart, but he quickly adjusted his mentality.

As long as Lord Feith is there, then the expectations of resurrecting mother and others will not be shattered, and the top lottery will give out heaven-defying babies who can resurrect the dead within a year, so what about more advanced lottery?

You must know that any door in the top lottery is used 15 times more than any door in the advanced lottery. In this case, if the more advanced draw time, will it be possible to resurrect the dead within 15 years? Even 30 years, 45 year..

Hope rose again in Doflamingo’s heart.

Furthermore, although he could not fulfill the original plan, but with the time to wrap the skin and cooperate with the fairy beans, his current power will be more stable, and there is no need to worry about which family member will die in an accident.

In the dark, the Golden Emperor Tezzolo looked at the screen, while Blackbeard listened to Van Oka’s report, and learned that what looked like a tablecloth greatly shocked Doflamingo and his family members.

It was immediately apparent that yet another rare heaven-defying babe.

The Golden Emperor Tezzolo stared at the screen, ready to watch Doflamingo try it out and see what function this cloth could have.

And Blackbeard also heard the phone bug say to Van Oka: “Keep an eye on it and see what effect this cloth 487 has.

“Is it useful to our Blackbeard Pirates!”

On Doflamingo’s side, Doflamingo is ready to put away the time wrap (special edition).

Now that he has no one who needs to be resurrected, he is ready to take the time wrapping skin and use it when he needs it.

However, Feith frowned. After thinking about it, he said, “This thing must be used on the spot, and it cannot be taken away like other things and fairy beans.”

“Because you keep it on, the cloth will disappear automatically.

In fact, the time wrap will naturally not disappear, but Feith decided not to let Doflamingo take away the time wrap after thinking.

This is to prevent secondary sales. Doflamingo is an arms dealer, and there is no such idea now, which does not mean that there will be no such idea in the future.

And in this way, it is a loss for Feith. If others want to resurrect people, they may not use his lottery, but buy directly from some people who get the time wrap.

So Feith intends to control the market and firmly grasp these props that can resurrect people in his own hands.

Wouldn’t it be more fragrant if you keep it yourself and sell it yourself?

Doflamingo and the rest of the members were stunned. They never imagined that there would be such restrictions on wrapping skin at this time.

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