Chapter 202 20 Super Top Draws!

Empress Hancock only slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, and Bai Zhe’s neck nodded slightly, even to say hello to Feith.

Don’t look at the cold response, but for the arrogant empress Hancock, being able to greet Feith in such a way is already a great respect in the bottom of my heart.

Otherwise, with the character of the empress Hancock, even if it is three Admiral, she will not give any face or face.

Becoming Shichibukai is also to protect the force behind her, daughter island.

Feith grinned and stopped looking at Hancock.

Because Hancock likes the kind of men who look at her “not right”, such as Luffy.

This guy has never been attracted to the beauty of the Empress. The woman with a face that “will only affect my drawing of the knife” expression, and at the same time, the protection of this beauty has completely made this first beauty fall in love with Luffy.

“May 20” Therefore, if Feith wants to get a “contrasting cute” queen, he must be different from other men, and like Luffy, he must have the appearance of “a woman will only influence me to draw a knife”, ignoring her beauty , and then gave this woman a sense of security to this woman who was cold and glamorous on the outside, but a girl on the inside.

Sure enough, when the Empress Hancock saw that Feith just smiled at him, she withdrew her gaze and did not intend to stay on her at all, which surprised her.

The man in front of him is not attracted by the beauty of his concubine!?

This, this does not make sense!

Could it be that in the eyes of this young powerhouse, the concubine is ordinary??

Empress Hancock has a lot of thoughts in her heart, and she has a little interest in Feith.

Young, but a man with the same imperial qualifications as her, the most powerful bosses in the world have to give face to this young man. Who wouldn’t be curious about the identity of such a person?

Most importantly, there are many magical props, this man is the “noble person” who can keep her beautiful all the time!

Feith’s eyes narrowed, drooling frantically in his heart, the empress is worthy of being an empress, but she looks like an old dog, he looked at Doflamingo and said lightly: “Brother Ming, although it’s true that they are newcomers you introduced, but they The lottery hasn’t even been drawn yet, and your 50% chance hasn’t arrived yet.”

Doflamingo was stunned, but Feith ignored his reaction and continued: “But if they hand in the lottery money now, and it is clear that they will be drawing the lottery later, that’s fine.

Originally, Doflamingo thought that Feith was going to go back on his words, but he deliberately said this to make Lai deliberately not give him a 50% discount.

Depressed in his heart, but there is nothing he can do, this kid in front of him is so faceless, what can he do?

But after hearing Feith’s last sentence, Doflamingo breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face again: “Lord Feith, I’ll let them pay.”

The female emperor Hancock, Bao-kun Xiong and Gekko Moria were originally going to draw a lottery.

The Empress bore the brunt of the brunt and handed over the money to be drawn this time to Fei Dao: “My concubine will draw 2 billion baileys. This is the bailey that my concubine brought this time.”

The 2 billion baileys were packed in 5 large boxes. The Empress originally planned to move it here, but Feith chuckled lightly: “Don’t bother you to move it here, I’ll just accept it.

Having said that, Feith snapped his fingers, and the money in the five boxes disappeared instantly, of course! This was converted into energy by the system.

This scene surprised the Empress quite a bit, and I have to say that the young man in front of him is really capable of reaching the sky.

Bowing slightly, the Empress retreated again.

Next came the Bears’ 1 billion bailey, and Moria’s 4 billion bailey, all of which were taken by Feith.

In this way, the three people’s money is all in place, Feith then said to Doflamingo: “OK!

“In this way, I can draw 10 times for 20 billion Bailey, but now I can draw 13 times!

The natural draw is the super top lottery of 2 billion Bailey.

When Doflamingo heard this, he couldn’t stop laughing: “Thank you, Your Excellency Feith, thank you, Your Excellency Feith!”

“Your Excellency Feith really counts!”

Feith waved his hand at will: “This is all your credit for drawing new people, don’t thank me!”

After speaking, Feith ignored what Doflamingo said, and a dazzling golden light appeared on his body.

Doflamingo quickly shut up and stopped talking, for fear of disturbing Feith’s lottery.

This time, he smashed a big, 13 super-top lottery.

The richest man, Tezzolo, is not as good as him.

All around, everyone else is also watching Feith, looking forward to what will happen in the 13 super top draws..

This is more than 3 times more than the Whitebeard and the red-haired Four Emperors, can they produce multiple Devil Fruit abilities!?

Feith is also very excited here.

Although Doflamingo was given 35% off chances, he could draw 13 times, but he could draw 20 times.

And the extra three times are actually determined by Feith’s mood or whether he wants to give him something good. If Feith is in a bad mood, he will directly replace the three times with super version of tobacco and alcohol. Isn’t these three times equivalent to nothing?

Suddenly a thought popped into Feith’s mind, evil capitalist!

In his previous life, he had been scolding that penguin, operating behind the scenes or something, isn’t his current self living a life that he hates?

Maybe this is growth!

While Feith was thinking about it, 20 super top rewards were released soon: 3 bottles of super version Maotai, 3 packs of super version Huazi, with these byes rewards.

Then there are 4 super stamina pills. This reward is awesome. 4 pieces. It is estimated that if all of them are given to Doflamingo, his stamina can surpass three Admiral?

In this way, if Luffy encounters Doflamingo in the future, he will simply end the flower arrangement.

Then there is an arbitrary door with 7,500 uses, which is average for others, but for Doflamingo, a “businessman, it’s a treasure.


Then there are 2 super fairy beans, two at once, which means that you have the strongest biological physique for 2 years, and your luck is not bad.

Then there are 3 times of 15,000 attribute points.

Feith was very happy. After this lottery was over, he would be able to unlock new abilities, which was very comfortable for him.

Then there is a space ring super version. Feith already has it, but it is not very useful to Feith. If you send it out, it is estimated that Doflamingo will laugh at the pig.

7500 times of any door with the super space ring, properly free of transport artifacts.

The last three are: 1 Time Pack Skin 20 Years Edition, 1 (Bingbing Fruit) and [Devil Elimination Medicine].

Feith’s eyes lit up, Bingbing Fruit!?

He doesn’t have this!

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