Chapter 203 The shock of everyone, 7500 random doors!

Feith’s Devil Fruit abilities now include Lava-Lava Fruit, Fish and Fish Fruit Green Dragon Form, Sparkling Fruit, Gravity Fruit, Lion Fruit, Human Fruit Buddha Form, String-String Fruit, and Sand-Sand Fruit.

There are eight abilities in total, the strongest of which belongs to Lava-Lava Fruit.

Feith doesn’t have the ability of Bingbing Fruit, so he plans to take this Devil Fruit and use it himself.

In this way, if he still unlocks the Devil Fruit ability this time, he will have 10 Devil Fruit abilities.

Dare to ask who dares to fight??

As for the Demon Elimination Potion, Feith was a little surprised.

He still has one, and he has forgotten who drew it before. In short, it seems to have been drawn from a high-level lottery. He didn’t expect a super-top lottery to appear now.

Originally Feith planned to use it to replace the reward, but he kept forgetting that he didn’t take it out.

Appearing now, it reminds Feith that there is still this mang.

In other words, after the demon elimination medicine appeared in the advanced lottery before, it has never appeared.

Could it be that this thing is actually 12 from the super top lottery?

No wonder since that time, he has not drawn.

Outside, the light on Feith quickly subsided.

At this moment, the surrounding atmosphere was extremely quiet. If it weren’t for the whistling sound of the sea breeze, it could be said that the needles could be heard falling.

It is normal for everyone to have such a reaction. With 13 super top draws, everyone wants to know what Doflamingo can draw this time.

The client, Doflamingo, was even more short of breath. He took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled and asked, “Lord Feith finished the lottery?”

Feith chuckled, nodded, and without answering, took out 3 bottles of Super Moutai and 3 packets of Super Huazi to Doflamingo.

Doflamingo’s face became a little bitter when he saw this.

Good guy, tobacco and alcohol are about to take up half of it, that’s 12 billion!

Although tobacco and alcohol are the best products, they are only consumables and have no practical effect.

The Four Emperors regiment, including Whitebeard and Red Hair, as well as Marine and the Five Elders, couldn’t help laughing.

Garp laughed and said, “Doflamingo, you’re lucky too, right? You can be drunk now!”

Obviously this is a joke.

Everyone else is stabbed at Doflamingo.

Doflamingo didn’t refute anything, and waited quietly for the next prize.

After all, Whitebeard and Red Hair also occupy half of the tobacco and alcohol, and they don’t even have half of it. There are still 7 prizes, maybe all of them are artifacts?

During the Doflamingo prayer, Feith quickly took out 2 super stamina pills.

Seeing these two super stamina pills, Doflamingo’s complexion immediately improved.

Everyone couldn’t help but envy, while other Shichibukai felt inexplicable in their hearts.

As a result, Doflamingo will become stronger.

Doflamingo took the super physical strength pill and took one directly without saying a word.

The heat wave in the body surged wildly, and Doflamingo’s physical strength limit soared wildly, which made his eyes flicker constantly.

So cool, this feeling is really cool!

This time his physical strength has increased a lot, which means that his combat power has also improved a lot.

Doflamingo was in a good mood. As for the extra super stamina pill, he did not take it.

After he plans to go back, he will carefully consider which family member he wants to assign to him. After all, a force needs to be strong not only for himself, but also for the members of his subordinates. Only in this way can he be strong and achieve his hegemony.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a bare commander?

After Doflamingo collects the super stamina pill, Feith continues to take out 2 random doors.

Doflamingo shines in front of him, and now his business is free from Kaido’s shackles, and he has done a huge job, especially the artificial demons, which are very popular among all forces.

So the arbitrary gate consumes a lot of money. The arbitrary gate obtained by the top-level lottery was 750 times, so what about the arbitrary gate from this super-top lottery?


Doflamingo’s eyes flickered under his sunglasses, and he quickly asked, “Your Excellency Feith, how many times has this random door been used?”

Aside, Kizaru crooked his mouth and “squeaked”: “I estimate that there should be about 3,000 uses.

There should be “5,000 times, after all, this is a super top reward!” The crane staff guessed.

“5,000 times is really unimaginable. There shouldn’t be so many, right? If you use it twice a day, 5,000 times can be used for a few years.” Garp shouted.

Listening to the guesses of the people around, Fei smiled and said: “Everyone, this super-top lottery random door has been used 7,500 times.

As soon as these words came out, the discussion voices of the surrounding people stopped instantly, followed by exclamations.

“What, 7500 times?

“I’m going!? This, this twice a day has worked for almost 10 years!”

“This is too exaggerated…

Before, “I used the arbitrary door carefully, for fear that the number of times would run out. Now that I have this super version of the arbitrary door, what are you afraid of?”

Before the Five Elders, in order to save the number of times, they opened any door and did not close it, and if there is such an arbitrary door, what are they afraid of?

10 times a day, can also be used for more than 2 years.

The people around didn’t feel anything at first, but now they are all jealous.

Doflamingo has made a lot of money this time, 7500 times of use of any door, and there are 2 doors, directly 15,000 times, really 523 can travel around the world every day, no need to plan to use it at all.

Doflamingo grinned from ear to ear, happy to accept either of these two doors.

With these two doors, his business will be more prosperous in the future, so that he can quickly make money and then draw lottery.

It’s a virtuous cycle!

On the side, Annie, who was surrounded by a quilt, was the first time she saw any door. She was a little curious: “Shanks, what’s the use of this door? Why are Marine and you all looking at this door with dismay?”

The redhead smiled and explained the use of the arbitrary door to her, which made Annie’s pretty face show shock, followed by joy: “In this way, we can meet every day in the future!

Previously, she actually wanted to get on the red-haired boat, but was rejected by the red-haired. After all, the journey was dangerous, so the red-haired refused Annie to get on the boat.

This is one of the reasons why Annie will leave Sky Island.

The red-haired chuckled and looked at Annie, the man of the Four Emperors said with tenderness in his eyes: “No! Even without this, we will be able to be together every day in the future.”

“Because I want to keep you by my side.

When Annie heard the words, a shy look appeared on her cold face, and her cheeks were slightly red.

On the side, Feith almost shouted: “6666”, I didn’t expect red hair to be so flirtatious!

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