Chapter 204 Brother Ming: I want to resurrect Rosinante!

The redhead agreed to Annie’s boarding. As for whether this “chuan” will be added with a “g” at that time, this is not Feith’s business.

Feith quickly took out the next prize, a super fairy bean.

Whether it was Pirates or Marines, everyone in the audience couldn’t help exclaiming when they saw this super fairy bean.

Doflamingo laughed outright.

With this thing, even Admiral, even if Kaido escaped now, he wouldn’t be afraid.

To be honest, this thing is equivalent to having an immortal body within a year.

No matter how powerful Kaido is, it is not so easy to cut off Doflamingo’s head directly.

“This 20 billion is really worth it!” Doflamingo thanked Feith while taking over the super fairy beans.

“Thank you Lord Feith, thank you Lord Feith! Doflamingo, Heavenly Yaksha, at this moment, how sincere his expression is.

He is truly grateful to Feith.

Without Feith, his “business” would not have developed so quickly, nor would his dominance advance so quickly.

Shichibukai such as Hawkeye, Moria, Bear and Empress are envious.

As a result, the current Doflamingo’s combat power is not on the same level as them.

Even if Hawkeye, the world’s No. 1 swordsman, or the Storm-kun bear now fights Doflamingo, he is likely to lose.

After all, today’s Doflamingo has taken a super physical strength pill, and under a super fairy bean, the “blood bar” is terrifyingly thick.

So far, Doflamingo’s prizes have reached 11. Except for tobacco and alcohol, all of them satisfy Doflamingo.

Soon Feith came up with the twelfth prize, a 20-year-old time-wrapped version.

As soon as the wrapping skin came out at this time, it also caused a lot of movement.

In this chaotic and sinful era, everyone is as strong as the Four Emperors, with power and status as high as the Five Elders, and everyone will leave early.

The redhead resurrected Annie, and now there is an admired Roger, and Rayleigh also wants to resurrect Roger’s old friend.

And Whitebeard is the one to be resurrected, along with Oden, Sengoku, Garp, and Crane.

Time wraps are just in need in chaotic times, and are coveted treasures by everyone.

When Doflamingo heard that it was a 20-year-old version, he sighed slightly: “Originally, I planned to resurrect my mother, but unfortunately, my mother died 31 years ago~”.

For Doflamingo, the happiest time is when his mother gave him tenderness as a child.

After the death of his mother, he lost this gentle touch, and he has since embarked on the road of Blacken.

After being hanged outside the castle, he was completely Blacken!

But even Blacken’s Doflamingo always values ​​his family in his heart, even if he doesn’t say it on the surface, but the establishment of the Donquixote family and the containment of Corazon before can prove this.

Even if his father and younger brother were killed by himself, the attachment in his heart still cannot be erased.

Feith smiled: “If you want to revive people 31 years ago, you can try the god-level lottery of 20 billion Bailey in the future, maybe it will come out?”

After a pause, Feith smiled: “Do you want to replace Doflamingo with something else, I can replace it with Super Stamina Dan!”

Doflamingo was speechless and did not answer hastily.

But the people around were stunned, they didn’t know there was such an operation?

Can the reward be replaced?

Doesn’t that mean that those who don’t need prizes in the future can be exchanged for something else?

But how could Feith not know the minds of the crowd?

He added: “Don’t think too much, just at this time the wraps can be replaced, and the rest are not allowed!”

This sentence made everyone dispel some thoughts. Since the Lord has spoken, what else can we do?

At this moment, the female emperor Hancock came to Doflamingo and said solemnly: “Heavenly Yaksha, I can exchange 2 billion Baileys, so that you can also draw a super top lottery.”

If someone else said this, Feith would definitely kill him.

But since it was his “future wife” who spoke, Feith didn’t say anything.

Anyway, this 2 billion Bailey finally came to draw a lottery here.

On the other side, Whitebeard’s sharp eyes also looked at Doflamingo, and he said solemnly: “Little brat, I can also take out 2 billion Baileys in exchange for your time wrap.”

Feith didn’t say a word either, he knew that the person Whitebeard was going to resurrect again was Oden of Wanokuni.

Anyway, as long as it is used on the spot, Feith will not prevent such transactions.

On the other side, Marine executive Sengoku directly said that he could buy it with 3 billion Bailey.

And just a few seconds after Marine spoke, the silent Doflamingo finally spoke again, he said solemnly: “No, I still have someone who wants to be resurrected.”

Everyone was stunned, while Whitebeard, Sengoku, and the Empress felt a little bit regretful. If Doflamingo needed it, they couldn’t change the skin of the time pack.

Everyone looked at Doflamingo curiously, not knowing who he wanted to resurrect.

Doflamingo didn’t hide it either, anyway, people knew it sooner or later, so he said directly: “,”That’s Donquixote Rosinante!”

As soon as the name came out, everyone in the Donquixote family showed unexpected expressions.

The young master wants to resurrect Corazon!?

Although it is said to be his younger brother, isn’t this the one killed by the young master himself?

Yes, is it necessary to waste it?

Not only was everyone in the Donquixote family puzzled, but Sengoku was also shocked.

He knew Corazon very well. He was Marine’s undercover agent in the Donquixote family.

And Doflamingo knew this, otherwise he wouldn’t have killed his brother.

And now Doflamingo has resurrected an undercover agent?

This is out of character for Doflamingo!

Behind Doflamingo, the cadres have been silent since the accident, and (Li Lehao) no one stopped or persuaded them.

Others didn’t know Doflamingo, they did, and though he was ruthless, his brows wouldn’t wrinkle when a family member died.

But it is undeniable that Doflamingo is still reluctant in his heart.

Even if he was betrayed, Doflamingo hated betrayal the most, but after so long, that annoyance had long since disappeared.

Feith nodded: “If you want to resurrect who is your freedom, you only need to take out a part of that person!

Doflamingo didn’t say much, and took out a box of ashes directly from the universal capsule.

Ever since he saw Tezzolo’s resurrection, he has kept all the ashes of his family on his body.

Feith didn’t say anything, and directly covered Corazon’s ashes with the time-wrapped skin.

This time, he didn’t go into the villa to get the quilt. Anyway, it’s a man, and the society will die….


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