Chapter 214 Aunt: The Clown Is Myself?

Aunt’s face is still crazy.

And the subsequent appearances of Katakuri, Cracker, Smoothie and other retainers changed drastically after seeing the lineup in front of them.

Perospero broke out in a cold sweat: “What, what’s the situation?

The fifth son, Owen, said in horror: “Whitebeard, Redhead, Marine three Admiral, and Garp and Sengoku.”

“This lineup…isn’t it outrageous?”

“Why are the Marine executives and the twin emperors gathered here?

“And Shichibukai, Donquixote family, Empress Hancock, Gekko Moria, Kuro-kun bear..

All the retainers are a little restless, this Fuck is outrageous, right?

I’m afraid that over the years, the gathering of so many bigwigs has not been as grand as this time, right?

Katakuri’s eyes became more solemn, and he said solemnly: “Not only the twin emperors, Shichibukai, but also the high-ranking Marine… Even the old guys like the Five Elders are here.”

Katakuri is the most powerful son of the Big Mom Pirates, and he knows about the Five Elders.

Now some other uninformed retainers are a little uneasy.

What a joke!?

Even the top five of the world government are here.

Have a party here?

Of course! As the Four Emperors regiment, they had also seen the world. After being shocked, they began to observe the surrounding situation.

Marine was a little hostile, but generally seemed to be in a good mood.

Not just Marine, Whitebeard Pirates and Red Hair Pirates, I go!? And Pluton Rayleigh:

This time, Ka Er was completely shocked, how did this retired old monster appear!?

Just now Rayleigh was not conspicuous, and now I look carefully to find the existence of the famous Rayleigh.

A drop of cold sweat fell on Katakuri’s forehead.

However, he didn’t have the initial shock and desire in his heart, because he found that the overall atmosphere here was not so tense.

It seems very good here.


Katakuri quickly noticed Feith, and at other times, Feith was actually the first to notice.

Because several forces from all sides are surrounding him, Feith is the most prominent C position.

The aunt and a group of retainers didn’t notice Feith just now, mainly because the people around were all prestige and illustrious, and they were too shocking, so they ignored Feith.

But now that Feith was noticed, everyone was even more restless.

Surrounded by overlords and bigwigs, it is the young man who is vaguely centered.

Katakuri, the most powerful retainer, even thought of a lot in an instant.

If nothing else, this young man should be the source of all kinds of Pokémon…

The aunt also noticed Feith, her eyes narrowed, and then she said: “You are the lottery fruit person~[?”

In the past few days on the voyage, the aunt has not been idle here. I have inquired a lot of information and learned about the existence of the lottery.

In the face of this giant aunt who is a bit like Attack on Titan, Feith has no fear at all.

Just kidding, now he hangs the aunt with one hand, of course! After he has digested the harvest this time.

But even with Feith’s current strength, it’s more than enough to beat Big Mom.

Feith laughed: “That’s right! It’s me!

After a pause, Feith smiled and said: “Do you also want to draw a lottery? But I’ve said it beforehand, but it’s Bailey’s!”

The aunt couldn’t help but smile when she saw that the young man had no fear in front of her.

She said in a ghostly voice: “I have already received the news, and naturally I understand that I need benefits.

But “I also agreed in advance that the amount I want to draw is very huge. Can you accept it?”

“Don’t wait for me to draw too many treasures, you little bastard can’t get them out, so don’t blame me for being rude.”

Aunt wanted to press Feith’s head with words, this kid made Aunt feel a little uncomfortable.

A mere kid actually put on a strong attitude in front of her.

Opposite, Feith’s smile became brighter and brighter, what does Auntie mean this time with a lot of Bailey?

Feith said decisively and quickly: “Don’t worry! As long as you can afford it, I can take it as much as you want!”

The aunt looked up and laughed: “MonMonMonMon!

“You brat is so shameless!

After speaking, she stopped talking nonsense and waved her hand: “Come on, prepare me 10 billion Bailey, but I want to see how many treasures this kid can give me a lottery.

However, Auntie’s heroic and domineering words fell, and everyone in the Auntie Pirates seemed to feel that the area was silent.

Everyone was silent, as if speechless.

In fact, this is not like, but everyone is really speechless.

Seriously, Feith almost jumped up and slapped Big Mom.

Fuck! You are an old woman playing with my feelings?

Said so boldly, so lavishly, and finally this?

That’s it?

10 billion Baileys, are you embarrassed?

Seeing that the air was suddenly quiet, the aunt thought Feith was frightened, and she sneered: “, “What? The kid is frightened by so much money?”

Feith’s mouth twitched, just about to speak.

However, I heard a glamorous voice: “Ah! How could Feith, who is a concubine, be scared by these 10 billion Baileys?”

When the aunt saw that it was the Shichibukai empress Hancock, she couldn’t help showing displeasure on her face.

In the second half of New World, the Four Emperors would not give Shichibukai any face.

She was about to scold the Empress when she heard Whitebeard, Redhead, and Pluton Rayleigh all laughing out loud.

“Culuo, old woman, are you kidding me?”

“10 billion dare to ask if Feith can take it?”

Hahaha “!” The red-haired man with no image of the Four Emperors laughed the most exaggeratedly: “Auntie, even if you take out 100 billion Bailey now, Brother Feith can take it.”

On Marine’s side, the elders of the Five Elders couldn’t help but sneer and shook their heads.

(Li Lizhao) aside, Kizaru said with a crooked mouth”” “BigMon, our Marine just pumped 50 billion Baileys.”

“And just now, it’s almost 100 billion baileys in the lottery. You are only 10 billion baileys. Ask Feith if he can take it?”

The aunt was speechless for a while, and only felt that her face was beaten with a “snack”.

Originally, she thought that if she took out 10 billion Baileys, she could shock the kid in front of her.

However, I didn’t expect that the clown turned out to be me?

Behind them, the retainers all felt that their faces could not be hung, and at the same time they were extremely shocked.

Katakuri, one of the three generals who had not changed his face when the mountain collapsed in front of him, was a little stunned in his heart.


Is everyone so rich?

It’s all 10 billion bailey, 20 billion bailey… 50 billion bailey lottery.

This is simply outrageous…

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