Chapter 215 Everyone is pretending to be forceful, the shock of the Auntie Pirates!

Feith was originally a little depressed by Aunt’s arrogance.

But before he could speak, others helped him complete this wave of slaps in the face.

Heart can not help but happy.

This is still replaced by myself, it is estimated that I have to find a seam to drill into.

But then again, when did you have such a high vision?

Is 10 billion Bailey less?

In fact, it is quite a lot, nearly 2 Whitebeard’s bounty.

I think I was fooling that guy Rayleigh because of the 20w Bailey lottery.

Alas! Things are right and wrong, now there are more big lottery draws, and the vision is also higher.

Feith felt that he had to correct this bad habit, after all, no matter how small mosquito legs are, they are still meat!

No longer thinking nonsense, Feith looked at the aunt and said lightly: “This rich woman, how do you plan to draw a lottery for 10 billion?”

Feith bit the word “rich woman” very hard, which made the aunt feel a little ashamed.

Fuck! After everyone’s ridicule just now, she feels a little shameless now.

However, the purpose of coming here is to draw a lottery, so I had to bite the bullet.

The aunt was about to speak, but she was stunned and asked, “By the way, what is the lottery?”

There is no such thing in the information collected by Big Mom, so I don’t know what Feith is talking about.

Aside, Whitebeard sneered and said with a slight disdain, “Let my former colleague tell you.”

Whitebeard explained to aunt 527, and then gave aunt a set of plans.

After listening, the aunt said: “Can you guarantee a baby who has gone back 30 years?”

At this moment, everyone around suddenly realized what the aunt wanted.

Time wrap skin, but not the resurrection version, just need to reverse the time on it.

Whitebeard said lightly: “Then you should try more advanced lottery draws, as long as your luck is not particularly bad, you should be able to get one piece, if you are lucky, a few pieces will be fine.

In the end, after listening to various opinions, aunt decided to do 300 high-level lottery draws, and the remaining 4 billion chose to draw 10 top-level lottery draws.

Fuck! 300 advanced draws, do you want people to watch me for dozens of minutes?

Tucao returned to Tucao, Feith still accepted the money, decisively started the lottery, and the light lit up.

Feith starts a 600-time premium draw.

After the freshness at the beginning, Auntie stopped looking at Feith, but turned to look at Whitebeard and said, “You immortal, what good did you get this time?”

Whitebeard snorted coldly: “Old woman, you see clearly, I am more than 20 years younger now.

After a pause, Whitebeard grinned and said, “Just right! I haven’t shown it to others, let me show you, the old woman, the difference in strength between you and me now!”

After speaking, Whitebeard directly raised his hand, and the next moment his arm turned into billowing lava, exuding heat waves.

The lava dripped on the arm, making a “ZZZZ” sound on the ground, and life in an area disappeared instantly.

This scene made the aunt’s eyes widen, and the huge mouth opened nearly one meter wide.

Whitebeard doesn’t need to show Shock Fruit at all, because it’s enough to let people know that he has the double fruit ability.

Behind the shocked aunt, all the retainers were also shocked.

Katakuri, the person who hid his mouth, forgot to hide it at this moment, and his mouth was wide open.

Shocked, unbelievable, unspeakable.

“Double, double Devil Fruit ability Whitebeard actually has double Devil Fruit ability

“Why won’t he explode and die? It’s unreasonable, he won’t be cursed by Devil Fruit..

“Shock Fruit and Logia Lava-Lava Fruit, how scary is Whitebeard now!?”

“So this thing was pulled from Feith?”

“No, it’s impossible, right? Can a mysterious existence like Devil Fruit be extracted?”

All the retainers were stunned!

However, the initiator, Whitebeard, didn’t even think about the meaning of their explanation.

Looking at the stunned appearance of everyone in the Big Mom Pirates, the redhead couldn’t help but join in the fun.

He laughed: “BigMon, show you mine!”

As he said that, he took out the saber around his waist and chopped it down with one knife. Blood spurted out of his arm instantly, and only a trace of flesh and blood was linked together.

The Big Mom Pirates on the other side were deeply shocked by the neat and tidy behavior of the red-haired self-mutilation.

“I’m going!? The redhead is out of his mind?

“Wait, did you notice? The red-haired arms are still there?”

“The broken arm is reborn??”

However, before they were shocked by the rebirth of the red-haired severed arm, a scene that made them feel their scalps tingling appeared.

I saw that the red hair placed the broken arm with only a trace of flesh and blood on the fracture. In an instant, the wound healed with the naked eye. In just a few seconds, the wound was no longer bleeding, and then a few seconds later, the red hair. The arm can move freely and completely healed.


“Isn’t that too bizarre?”

“This healing power is unparalleled!”

“It’s more exaggerated than Kaido, isn’t it?”

“Who can hurt red hair in the future?”

The Big Mom Pirates were deeply shocked.

It’s really shocking, the healing speed of red hair is faster than Kaido, can you not be shocked?

Where will Kaido, the strongest creature, put his face in the future?

Everyone is coveted and jealous to the extreme.

If they have this healing ability, what are they afraid of in the future?

Next to the red hair, Rayleigh shook his head: “These people can’t say the essence of “grooving”, it’s really pitiful!”

On the other hand, Doflamingo is also interested.

As Shichibukai, he didn’t have the opportunity to be envied by the Four Emperors on weekdays, but now the opportunity is in front of him.

It was quite fun to make everyone in the Big Mom Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, stunned.

Doflamingo showed his trademark smile and said, “You guys know what this is?”

Doflamingo’s words caught everyone’s attention.

The Big Mom Pirates looked around and saw Doflamingo holding a handcuff in his hand.

Katakuri frowned, then asked uncertainly, “Is this the seastone handcuffs?”

The eldest son of Perospero was a little puzzled, “Isn’t it seastone handcuffs? What’s so strange?”

Doflamingo had a smile on his face, and then he grabbed directly at Perospero.

Katakuri’s eyes instantly flashed a faint red glow, and an armed color appeared in his hand to stop Doflamingo’s attack in advance.

His eyes jumped, full of anger, and his tone was cold: “Doflamingo, you are so brave, you dare to attack our Aunt Pirates!!”

Just as he was about to question, Doflamingo smiled and said, “Katakuri, haven’t you noticed any problems?”

Saying that, he waved the handcuffs in his hands.

The Big Mom Pirates were stunned for a moment, and then their pupils suddenly shrank!

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