Chapter 233 Kaido is liberated! The Four Emperors are here!

There are still too few strong players in Marine!

At this moment, the marshal was deeply aware of this, and Marine was a little reluctant to deal with the Three Emperors Alliance.

It seems that if there is a chance, there will be a world conscription.

But these are future plans, and now this situation still needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, Ace absolutely cannot let the pirates rescue.

To know that the news got out, Marine became a joke.

Marshal Sengoku was no longer only in charge of command, he opened his eyes wide, golden light appeared on his body, and his body gradually became huge.

Marshal Sengoku has made his move, in the form of the Great Buddha!

After the transformation, Sengoku’s whole body is dazzling with golden light, and he is not angry with himself, just like the angry King Kong!

He shouted, “Garp, and the Marines, get out of the way!”

After the Marine elite soldiers and a group of Vice Admiral spoke, they hurriedly avoided.

Seeing that most of the soldiers had already retreated, Marshal Sengoku no longer hesitated to shoot directly.

The golden giant chapter blasted straight ahead, and a terrifying shock wave surged out instantly.

You know, this is the corridor on the sixth floor. Although the space is large, it is also limited. The shock wave directly blew the members of the Whitebeard Pirates away, and the weaker ones rolled upside down, and once again pulled 12 away from the Ace cell. distance.

At this time, Garp returned to Sengoku’s side, and he cursed: “You bastard! Laozi hasn’t retreated, you just blasted it with a shock wave!!”

“Good thing Laozi’s Iron Body is awesome!”

As we all know, Marine’s Iron Body is divided into two types, one is others’ and one is Garp’s.

Sengoku didn’t care, “Aren’t you still alive and well?”

Garp snorted and ignored Sengoku.

Sengoku and Garp, the Marine’s power ceiling, stood together and directly blocked everyone’s path to Ace.

“Damn it!” Marco gritted his teeth!

“It seems that if there is no blood left today, there will be no Ace!” Qiao Zi said helplessly.

In the face of Garp and Sengoku, the two combat power ceilings, they can only fight to the death.

In fact, the main reason is that the time is not right. If this is the day when Ace is publicly executed, I am afraid that Garp will not be so serious.

And now, when Ace hasn’t died yet, Garp’s mood is not so entangled.

Just as everyone was preparing for the second wave of attacks, a random door suddenly appeared in front of Garp, Sengoku and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Any door opened, and a grey-haired old man came out, Pluton Rayleigh!

Rayleigh smiled faintly, glanced around and said: “I didn’t expect that I am so old that I am fortunate to participate in this level of battle!”

“I have to say, it’s really nostalgic!”

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was instantly overjoyed.

Pluton “Rayleigh is coming!”

“Now we have a chance!”

“Ace, we can rescue you soon!”

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates rejoiced.

On the other hand, Sengoku and Garp both had ugly faces.

Another legendary powerhouse has come, and now it will be troublesome.

“Garp, haven’t you missed your recent training?” Sengoku asked.

“Bullshit! Laozi was the one who went into the time room, and now Laozi Rayleigh beats this bastard, one for two!” Garp exclaimed.

However, as soon as Garp finished speaking, another random door appeared, not far from Rayleigh.

I saw a stern-faced man walking out with a huge black knife on his back, his hands folded in front of his chest.

Hawkeye “!?

This time, the faces of Sengoku and Garp were even more ugly.

How did Shichibukai Hawkeye appear here?

Friend or foe?

When Hawkeye was in the lottery before, he was mixed with Red Hair and the others, but he was also Shichibukai, maybe he was here to help Marine.

However, Garp and Sengoku’s luck was shattered by a word from Hawkeye.

I just listened to Hawkeye: “Remember to pay me 20 billion Bailey when the red hair arrives. This time, the extra battle will increase the price!”

In the distance, the red hair was entangled with Akainu, and said perfunctorily: “oj-bk!”

This is also what Feith taught him.

This time, even San Admiral’s face turned ugly.

Now they have to face the Alliance of Three Emperors, as well as Pluton Rayleigh, and the world’s number one swordsman, Hawkeye.

And just when everyone felt troubled, at this moment, Zephyr vomited blood and flew out, and Zanpakutō in his hands fell to the ground.

“Damn it!”

He gritted his teeth, but to no avail.

Zephyr has just been surrounded and suppressed by the cadres and retainers under the aunt’s command.

Although he has Zanpakutō in his hand, he also has it on the other side!

In addition, Katakuri’s terrifying sight and ability of glutinous fruit made it difficult for him to fight against the enemy.

But the most crucial reason was that he was attacked by someone while fighting, paralyzing his arm, which caused him to lose so quickly.

Katakuri didn’t hesitate, he would talk about principles in a heads-up fight, but now it’s a group fight, and it’s still a war, so principles don’t matter.

He naturally knew that his sister was acting funny in secret.

Without thinking about this, Katakuri directly used Zanpakutō to easily destroy the cage built with seastone.

Inside the cage, Kaido was already grinning out: “Linlin’s second son! Aaaaa, well done!”

“Help me open Seastone’s mirror cuffs!”

Katakuri didn’t talk nonsense either, using Zanpakutō to easily cut open the seastone mirror on Kaido’s body.

It takes time, an aura that is suppressed to Ultimate erupts.

Without the restraint of seastone, Kaido’s fish and fruits can be used, and wounds on the body continue to heal. Although the wounds cut by Zanpakutō 540 can heal, they will leave scars.

However, Kaido’s eyes are only crazy at this moment, and for these, he has already ignored it.

“The Lord of Beasts is back!”

“Laozi is finally free!”


Kaido kept roaring, venting his suffocation these days.

Right now he just wanted to kill people, and he just wanted to turn Marine upside down.

“Killing starts with Zephyr, aaaaa!

When the aunt in the distance heard Kaido’s liberation, she couldn’t help laughing and said, “Kaido, this time is not right for my mother! This fairy rescued you this time. Remember to give me money, 50 billion Bailey!”

Kaido smiled: “Small problem with 50 billion Bailey! Linlin!”

Kaido’s roar echoed in everyone’s ears.

It takes time, and the balance is once again tipped towards the pirates.

Marine’s morale was suppressed.

Fuck! Now all Four Emperors are here!!!

If this is the war of the time, is there a chance for Marine to win against the Four Emperors?

Not to mention the upcoming war, if they lost Marine this time, and Ace was rescued, the war would not have to be fought.

On the chaotic battlefield, Zanpakutō, who fell to the ground, gritted his teeth, and saw Kaido being rescued, his eyes were splitting, he grabbed the fallen Zanpakutō and went up desperately!

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