Chapter 234 Five Elders and Kong debut!

Just as Zephyr was about to go desperately, he suddenly put a hand on his shoulder and stopped Zephyr who was ready to desperately.

Zephyr gritted his teeth and looked back, and immediately his face was overjoyed.


From the commander-in-chief Kong!

The appearance of Kong instantly triggered a series of chain reactions.

“The Commander has appeared!”

“Commander Kong is participating in this battle!”

The Marines were excited.

Kong, like Garp and Sengoku, is a legendary figure. Although it is said that it has rarely been shot now, it is still the soul of Marine.

A person without prestige cannot sit in the position of commander-in-chief of the three armies.

It takes time for the soldiers who were sluggish to cheer up!

In a cell, Bullet stood up suddenly, then grabbed the cage with his big hands, gritted his teeth and said, “Kong!!”

“Laozi wants to fight you again!”

As a lunatic in the old days, he not only played against Roger, but naturally also played against Kong.

Elsewhere, Earl Red’s eyes flickered, and his eyes were full of resentment. He was sent in by Kong at the beginning.

Whitebeard slashed Akainu upside down, then looked in Kong’s direction and frowned, “Kong!?”

“Looks like Marine has a great guy this time!

Kong’s participation in this battle was unexpected.

However, Kong naturally didn’t care so much, he directly lifted the justice cloak behind him, squeezed his knuckles, and grinned: “Kaido, my old physique should be able to send you back to prison!

Not to be outdone, Kaido slowly stepped out of the gate of the prison, and said quietly: “Kong, hand over Zephyr, I can also consider letting you enjoy your old age!”

And just when the two sides were about to start, a voice suddenly sounded: “There are so many prisoners in the undersea prison that are already lively enough, but you still like to join in the fun here!!

The people who were fighting couldn’t help but stop and look in the direction of speaking.

Because the comer is a strong man with five powerful breaths.

I saw that the five elders of the Five Elders did not know when they had used the door to appear here at will.

“Five Elders!~!”

Redhead, Whitebeard, Aunt and Kaido, the four sea emperors, all jumped up and down, showing shock.

How did these five old guys come??

Generally speaking, the world government will not care about Marine’s affairs except for important matters.

Marine, Enies Lobby, Impel down are actually three different institutions, and only Enies Lobby is the only one in the World government.

But the fact is in front of you, five old guys shot!

This time, all Marines such as Admiral, Marshal Sengoku, and Garp were overjoyed.

Although Kong’s appearance is said to be unexpected, it is reasonable, but the appearance of Five Elders as a combat force here is an additional surprise.

This time the scale of victory is balanced again!

Five Elders The four elders in suits took off their suits, revealing the shirts inside, and ripped off a few buttons on them.

The big elder rolled up his cuffs and said with a smile: “I haven’t made a move since I regained my youth. This time I just experience the feeling of returning to youth!”

The other elders were a little helpless.

It can only be said that the old bones have not been loosened for a long time, and they should be loosened well today.

The addition of the Five Elders is tricky for Whitebeard, Redhead, Big Mom and others.

The addition of Kong is just one more top-level powerhouse. They can still resist and cope, but the addition of the Five Elders is a bit difficult. After all, these are also five top-level powerhouses.

And for Whitebeard, Big Mom, and Kaido, the three powerhouses who have risen in the past, they also understand the exaggeration of the power of the Five Elders.

Even so, Whitebeard did not flinch.

His son Ace was just a few hundred meters away. As long as he was rescued, the subsequent war could also be avoided.

He didn’t keep his hand, and directly blasted Akainu with a punch with the two abilities of magma and Shock Fruit, and it was impossible to rush directly in the direction of Ace.

Ace “! Don’t worry, Daddy is here to save you!”

Zanpakutō in the red-haired hands shot out a powerful Conqueror’s breath and slashed towards Kizaru, he laughed loudly: “If you don’t rescue Ace today, then you will fight to the end!”

On the aunt’s side, she actually wanted to evacuate after she rescued Kaido, but after thinking about it, it would be the same if she rescued Ace now.

Thinking of this, Auntie stopped talking nonsense and started to do her best.

“Prometheus!” Big Mom called to her sun.

“In! Mom!” came Prometheus, “Fuck Dump”.

The aunt’s beautiful face revealed a sinister smile: “Let them see the terror and oppression I feel with all my strength!

“Yes! Mom!” Prometheus immediately merged with Big Mom.

At this moment, she had regained her youth and beauty, her hair was on fire, and at the same time she stepped on thunderclouds.

At this moment, she is a devil of hell!

“,” Aokiji, do you know why no one called me ugly before?” the aunt asked with a grin.

“You mean to say that everyone who sees your appearance is dead?” Aokiji said lightly.

The aunt was stunned, only to hear Qingxiong continue to say lightly: “Such low-key pretending to talk is outdated, bigMon!

The aunt gritted her teeth and stopped talking nonsense to Aokiji: “You are going to die for the fairy!”

Behind him, facing Kong Kaido, he did not dare to be careless at all, and directly transformed into the strongest dragon man.

His crazy eyes stared at Kong, “Since you won’t get out of the way, then I’ll step on your corpse and kill that bastard Zephyr.”

Now Kaido just wants to kill Zephyr, it’s so hateful, he keeps splitting him these days.

If this revenge is not repaid, he is afraid that he will explode in aggrieved.

On Marine’s side, Sengoku, Garp, and Wu Lao (Li’s) stars also all shot.

The war is really heating up!

Meanwhile, Sabaody Archipelago!

At this time, Feith was basking in the sun leisurely. Since he did something with the Empress Hancock and was caught by the river crab, he called the Empress Hancock back.

Now only one person can enjoy the scenery.

Feith doesn’t know anything about what happened to Impel down at this point.

At this moment, an arbitrary door suddenly appeared and then opened.

Feith looked lazily, and saw the Golden Emperor and Stella appear, the two kept laughing and sparring, and directly sprinkled Feith with a wave of dog food.

Feith complained in his heart, without the mythical beast of river crab, I can play better than you, and the tongue is attached to Conqueror’s Haki, have you tried it?

But even though the Golden Emperor spreads dog food, Feith is still overjoyed.

Because it means he has gained again!

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