Chapter 240 Only five Devil Fruits were used!

Feith raised a finger, and a force of terror to Ultimate was directly ejected.

It was a huge magma ball, but it had the speed of golden flash, and there were terrifying thunder snakes shuttle on the surface of the ball.

Where the huge magma ball passed, it also tore the surrounding area!

The ground and the air were like a piece of glass shattering directly, and there were cracks like spider webs.

At the same time, the entire sixth floor of the underwater prison began to tremble violently, and a powerful shock wave was formed at the front end of this magma giant ball!

Feith shot this area as if the end was coming!

Feith smiled, detached, as if it were all his own hands, but it was a blow of his own.

The terrifying shock wave made everyone present shudder.

“How much Devil Fruit ability does this attack!?” At this moment, Monkey D. Dragon, the commander of the revolutionary army, finally changed his indifferent expression.

Behind him, Sabo, the four army commanders and other people from a revolutionary army were oppressed by this powerful force, and they were almost out of breath.

On the opposite side, Kaido, who was rushing in, saw this terrifying attack and couldn’t help but stop.


His face changed drastically, but Kaido was too late to think.

The instinct of the strongest creature tells him that this blow must be blocked, or he will die!

“Damn it!”

Kaido gritted his teeth, and the next moment he raised his mace and slammed it down towards Feith’s attack.

He has to block, because with the speed blessing of Sparkling fruit’s ability, he can’t dodge!

“Thunder Eight Trigrams!”

Kaido’s mace also raised a terrifying aura. The pitch-black Armament Haki and the Conqueror’s Haki entwined with dark red lightning made the power of this blow extremely terrifying.

But the one-time emperor of the sea, Kaido, known as the strongest creature, his proud blow was so overshadowed by Feith’s attack.


The attacks of the two sides quickly contacted each other, and at the moment of contact, Feith’s terrifying blow exploded directly.

In an instant, a terrifying heat wave swept across Kaido.

“Ughhhh!!!” Kaido only felt a burning sensation all over his body.

And not only the burning sensation, but also the force of Shock Fruit (bceh) is constantly tearing his body, as if to tear apart the flesh of his strongest creature, accompanied by a biting bite. To numb the feeling, that is the ability of Thunder Fruit.

At this moment, Kaido’s miserable howl was even louder than this explosion.

In the end, Kaido was blown away by the shock wave, like a kite with a broken string, hitting Bullet and the Red Earl’s cell!

The entire sixth floor seemed to be quiet, and everyone was looking in the direction of Kaido.

At this time, there were torn wounds all over his body, but no blood flowed out, because these wounds were already scorched by magma and scorched by thunder.

The strongest creature, Kaido, is scorched black at this moment, constantly smoking black smoke!

This scene made everyone in an uproar and set off a storm in everyone’s heart!

Whitebeard, Redhead, Hawkeye, Rayleigh, Five Elders, Garp, Sengoku and many other Marine executives.

Everyone was shocked by Feith’s strength!

They know that Feith’s strength is actually very strong, but to what extent, they don’t know.

And now that Feith is shooting, they realize that Feith’s strength is a bit exaggerated, a bit outrageous.

And Feith didn’t even have the right to shoot, and they couldn’t judge the extent of Feith’s strength.

scary guy!

Behind Feith, Doflamingo, the Golden Emperor, Blackbeard and the rest of the revolutionary army were also unable to calm down.

The Golden Emperor Tezzolo and Doflamingo looked at each other.

They also wanted to take the opportunity to show off in front of Feith, not hesitate to offend Kaido, but also to please Feith.

But now I want to think about the two of them too much!

Does Feith need help from both of them?

No need at all, okay?

When people deal with the Four Emperors Kaido, they only need to defeat them with a snap of their fingers.

Everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates kept swallowing, and the cold sweat on their foreheads was a slap!

They were fortunate in their hearts, fortunately, when they met Feith before, they hadn’t come here for a few of them, otherwise they probably would have called the curtain before they appeared on the stage.

At the same time, Blackbeard is fortunate in his heart that he has a good relationship with Feith, Feith’s brother Feith’s brother has been shouting, and he still deserves it!

The Four Emperors aunt was also frightened by Feith’s terrifying blow, and this fairy stopped shouting.

Looking at Feith in horror!

Although she always felt that she was stronger than Kaido, in fact she knew in her heart that she was similar in strength to Kaido, and no one could ask for benefits.

That is, Feith can also give her the result casually.

This is really scary!

Feith touched his nose and looked at Kaido who fainted, and couldn’t help but feel satisfied.

Up to now, his strength has been improved, and he has not yet made a move, and he has never felt how powerful he is today.

But it can also be said that he is not satisfied, Feith shrugged: “Oh! It’s really a disappointment, the strongest creature is this? I haven’t even shot with all my strength.

“That is, using Lava-Lava Fruit, Sparkling fruit, Shock Fruit, Thunder Fruit, and the Buddha form of Renren Fruit, the five-in-one hit (Red Lotus Shining, Shocking Thunder Punishment, and Shock Wave) can’t stand it.

Really “was rubbish!”

Feith’s words made everyone around him speechless.

Marine and the Five Elders’ mouths twitched, not only because of the fact that everyone present was madly complaining in their hearts.

Fuck! Are you speaking human words?

It is also a five-in-one strike, such as shining, thunder and punishment, and waves.

That is?

A person can use five Devil Fruit abilities and just say one sentence?

Are Devil Fruit abilities worthless?

Is it normal for a person to have five Devil Fruit abilities?

And how much fruit do you bastard have?

Everyone was speechless, this sentence is too Versailles, right?

In Marine, the Vice Admiral saw Feith for the first time.

At this moment, they also understood in their hearts that this young man was probably the source of those magical things in Marine.

In other words, with so many Devil Fruit abilities, is this person really human?

They prayed in their hearts that people with such terrifying strength must not stand in line, and even if they were in line, they must not stand on the side of the pirates, otherwise Marine would be afraid of annihilating the entire army today.

A guy who easily kills Kaido and fucks him?

It is estimated that the three ceilings Kong, Garp and Sengoku are not opponents together!

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