Chapter 239 As soon as Feith comes out, the two sides stop the war!

The exclamation of the Red Earl was like a horn to extinguish the war, even if the battle situation between the two sides was anxious at this moment, they were still separated every minute.

Immediately, everyone’s eyes were looking for Feith’s figure, and finally everyone’s eyes fell in the direction of an arbitrary door.

“Feith!? Why are you here??

The Four Emperors side and the Five Elders and Marine side uttered these words almost in unison.

Behind him, Doflamingo and the Golden Emperor Tezzolo, as well as Blackbeard and others, didn’t feel anything.

They already knew Feith’s place in the eyes of Marine and the Four Emperors.

However, this is the first time that the revolutionary army has seen it with their own eyes. Although they heard about it before, the feeling of hearing it and seeing it with their own eyes is different. It’s already hidden.

The revolutionary dragon’s face was expressionless, but his heart was moved.

Feith’s face is really big!

The army commander Crow couldn’t help but whispered: “I didn’t expect it! As soon as the name Feith came out, the Four Emperors and Marine actually stopped fighting.”

Sabo nodded: “The bear is right, Feith’s current status is already detached in the hearts of the Four Emperors and Marine!”

Belo Betty bit her cigarette and said solemnly: “It’s really unimaginable that a young man has such a status.

“To be honest, I’ve never heard of Feith before.” Morrie scratched his head, looking puzzled.

Sabo grinned: “Don’t talk about you! Even my chief of staff, I haven’t heard of it before.”

“However, according to the information I have collected during this period, Feith seemed to be a mediocre Marine soldier more than a month ago.”

“He only rose during this time, of course! The specific situation is unknown!”

The four army commanders all looked at Sabo with amazed expressions, as if to say; what are you kidding?

But this is really shocking. In just one month, the big bosses from all sides have given face, and their status is already detached, which is enough to shock people.

On the opposite side, after the Four Emperors, Five Elders and Marine noticed Feith, they naturally saw the person behind Feith.

Blackbeard Pirates, Golden Emperor Tezzolo, Doflamingo and his family.

It’s nothing for these people to appear, the most important thing is that there is still a force!

The eyes of the Five Elders shrank when they saw it: “Commander of the Revolutionary Army!! Monkey·D·Dragon!~?”

The expressions of the five elders changed dramatically.

Not only the Five Elders, but the expressions of the Marine executives are also extremely changeable.

Why did the Revolutionary Army appear here?

But it should be said, how did he find Feith?

They also had a lottery with Feith?

The crane withdrew a glance at Garp and said lightly, “Garp! If your son does something wrong later, you have to take good care of your son!”

Garp is speechless, Fuck! What do I want?

If I can control my son, he will still be the commander of the revolutionary army?

Just kidding!

Sengoku also gave Garp a look, but didn’t say anything.

He looked at Feith, although his face was calm, but his tone was not at all tough: “Feith, what are you doing here?”

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether Feith comes or not. After all, Feith is neutral and detached, so it has no effect on the situation.

The most important thing now is the emergence of the Revolutionary Army, and the top level of the Revolutionary Army is almost all assembled. Once involved in the war, Marine will be difficult to resist, and I am afraid that he will have to contact the CP spy agency for support.

Feith didn’t know anything about himself. Facing Sengoku’s question, he just stretched his waist and said casually: “I heard that there is a good show to watch here, I thought it would be boring to be idle, so I came to watch the show!”

Feith’s words made Marine’s face go black.

We are fighting for life and death, you say this is a good show to watch?

We are fighting for our lives, not acting.

Also, we have no opinion when you come here. The key is why did you bring the revolutionary army?

This is not a pit we are.

The Marine executives and the Five Elders and others were all about to cry without tears.

Feith ignored their expressions and snorted, “Hey! Don’t look at me!”

“You can just treat me as air, you continue to continue, I am just watching the show, and I will never interfere!”

However, the emergence of the revolutionary army has caused everyone on both sides to be afraid, where will they make a move?

One by one, you look at me, I look at you, and we are all in harmony.

However, when there are too many people, there will always be one or two people who have no brains. At this time, a violent voice sounded: “Feith!”

“You came just right, the last time the account has not been settled with you!”

When he entered the underwater prison before, he was beaten by Feith, what a shame to be treated as so many prisoners?

Also, he’s been killed by Feith’s prize, and he’s been slashed by Zephyr these days.

Others have no idea how he got here during this time, and Kaido hates Zanpakutō and Fina who brought it out.

Now he’s going to put all the blame on Feith.

In the form of a dragon man, he went straight to Fei, and his mace was already recaptured.

The mace in his hand dragged a long ravine on the ground, and at the same time, the dark red lightning unique to Conqueror’s Haki kept surging.

Golden Emperor Tezzolo and Doflamingo and others were shocked.

Four Emperors Kaido shot, even if Feith was strong, it was a bit difficult at the time.

If you and others take the opportunity to make a move, wouldn’t you be able to show off in front of Feith?

Maybe you can get a few 50% off opportunities!

Thinking of this, the Golden Emperor and Doflamingo hurriedly set out to help Feith block Kaido’s attack.

While the Revolutionary Army Dragon was motionless, the Four Emperors Kaido attacked, his expression was still flat, without the slightest change.

Exactly! Just look at how powerful this young man is.

Four Emperors Kaido’s shot can already make Feith do his best, right?


The revolutionary army commander thought so, not only him, other army commanders and Sabo did not retreat when they saw their commander standing still.

They know how powerful their commander is.

At the same time, I also want to take a close look at whether this young man Feith has the strength to match his current status.

The Revolutionary Army did not move, nor did the Blackbeard Pirates.

Blackbeard grinned as he watched Kaido approaching aggressively.

This idiot!

He was taken over by Feith before, and he knew Feith’s strength.

Finally, I’m not the only one who got beaten up!

Everyone’s thoughts were different, but before Doflamingo and the Golden Emperor started, Feith took the lead!

I saw him grinning: “, “I really have no memory at all!

After speaking, Feith raised his hand directly and popped a finger towards Kaido who was swept in!

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