Chapter 247 Shocked and confused supernovas!

Feith saw that the revolutionary army was in a hurry, so he planned to announce the prizes of the revolutionary army first.

After the others have experienced the sixth floor of the underwater prison, they are not in a hurry, and since Feith said that the revolutionary army should go first, everyone did not want to refute Feith.

Everyone in Supernova was stunned when they heard it.

What raffle? What goodies?

They also came to be interested and wanted to see what was going on, so everyone did not leave.

Feith didn’t talk nonsense, and took out hundreds of bottles of wine and Huazi in one go.

Blackbeard, Golden Emperor and Doflamingo were not surprised to see cigarettes and alcohol.

After all, they are used to these old fritters.

Tobacco and alcohol are generally rewarded under normal circumstances, about one-third of those who are lucky, and about two-thirds of those who are less fortunate. These are all routine operations.

However, for the Revolutionary “May 47” Life Army and Supernova and others, it was an unconventional operation.

Fuck!? Co-authoring these big guys is waiting for Feith to bring out the tobacco and alcohol?

What is this?

And where did these cigarettes come from?

I’ve never seen Feith use a universal capsule!

The supernova people are all confused, didn’t the storm-kun bear just say that it will subvert their cognition?


Relying on the creation of hundreds of tobacco and alcohol out of thin air to subvert our cognition? Subversion is subversion, but this is not surprising.

Aside, the faces of the revolutionary army were not so good-looking.

Previously, when Bao-kun bears returned, they did not introduce them, only the prizes were introduced, so the revolutionary army did not know about tobacco and alcohol.

Even Long, who was always calm, couldn’t bear it anymore, and he said deeply: “Feith, these tobacco and alcohol are considered prizes?”

Before Feith could answer, Bao-kun Xiong hurriedly explained. He thought that he forgot to report this column, “These tobacco and alcohol are also prizes, so… it’s considered time!”

“Although it’s not as good as Zanpakutō and Arbitrary Sect, but it’s also a rare and superb thing in the world.

“Marine’s side, the Admirals love these alcohol and tobacco.”

The revolutionary army dragon maintained a suspicious attitude, picked up a bottle of Maotai, weighed it, and after looking at it for a while, immediately opened it and prepared to try.

The bottle was opened, and the aroma of the wine spread out in an instant.

Long directly showed a surprised expression, the aroma of this wine was something he had never smelled before.

The revolutionary army cadres on the side, the four army commanders, and Sabo and others also showed their stupidity.

The mellowness of this wine is a bit exaggerated!

Many people such as Supernova have already drooled, for example: “Big Eater” Bonney.

Her tongue stuck out like a dog, and her saliva flowed directly: “This wine is superb! I have never seen such a superb Dongjiu in my life. The aroma alone makes me want to stop.”

Kid also showed excitement: “This wine! Absolutely!

With this wine as a prefix, everyone could not help but be very interested in smoking.

Belo Betty, the Eastern Army commander, couldn’t help but pick up a pack of Huazi, and then couldn’t wait to take out one and taste it.

The smoky Yan Yan moved, describing the unparalleled refreshing feeling of this Belo Betty at this moment.

In Supernova, the old smoker Bege looked at the Belo Betty who was smoking Huazi and kept talking about “comfortable! So cool!”.

Constantly swallowing, he really wanted to taste it.

It is a pity that these things belong to the revolutionary army, and he, the supernova, has not had the face to ask the revolutionary army to give him one.

Feith didn’t wait for everyone in the revolutionary army to enjoy it, and just took out the next prize, dozens of all-purpose capsules.

Seeing the universal capsule, everyone in the revolutionary army couldn’t help but laugh.

Finally got a useful prize.

And the supernova crowd on the side all lit up after seeing the universal capsule.

They originally came here because of this thing.

Now they can understand that this thing is from Feith.

Fei is the source of the universal capsule.

And what surprised them was that this magical thing was not developed, but drawn by lottery.

can you believe it?

Luo asked directly, “Doflamingo, what the hell is going on?”

“Why is this Lord Feith able to draw such a powerful technological product out of thin air?

Doflamingo gave Luo a glance, sneering, and the corners of his mouth outlined, as if proud: “This lord is a lottery fruit person!”

“What is this all-purpose capsule? You will see more powerful things later.

The Supernova crowd was surprised when they heard Doflamingo’s introduction.

Lucky draw fruit ability?

By the way, what is the power of the lottery fruit? Is there such a Devil Fruit?

However, Feith is alive in front of them, and she also draws lottery in front of them, believe it or not..

The Long side ignored these people’s insistence, directly took the omnipotent capsule, and distributed one to each of several army commanders, Sabo, and some capable generals.

Everyone experienced the convenience of the one-sided universal capsule, and couldn’t help but sigh.

“The revolutionary army will have this thing in the future, it will be very convenient in all aspects, and the storage of arms will be more complete, so there is no need to be afraid of the attack of CP spies.”

However, Long said indifferently: “Don’t be too happy, don’t forget, this thing is not only owned by our revolutionary army, the World government, Marines, Four Emperors, and Shichibukai standing in front of us, these people are more than We drew a few prizes first.

The speaker was unintentional, the listener was intentional, and the supernovas not far away were stunned.

what? What?

Marine, World government and Four Emperors have all come here to draw?

The existence of the Philippines has long been known as a top power?

No wonder, no wonder Marine Rear Admiral has this stuff.

Speaking of which, aren’t they behind?

At the same time, they also realized that Feith had been in contact with these top forces, but now he is here freely, drawing lottery for the Revolutionary Army and Shichibukai and others.

One can imagine how amazing Feith’s strength is, otherwise Marine and the World 4.7 world government would allow him to draw prizes for the Revolutionary Army?

What is the origin of Feith?

Now tell these supernovae that Fei is just a little sailor, and they are the first to not believe it.

Feith continued to take out dozens of high-level physical strength pills.

Everyone in the supernova is curious, except for the universal capsule, they have never seen others.

I don’t understand what’s the use of this blue thing.

Long took the high-level physical strength pill and glanced at Bao-kun Xiong.

At this time, the violent-kun bear was a little excited, and he quickly said: “Dragon, this is the physical strength pill I told you before!”

Long’s face changed instantly: “Is it the pill you said can raise the upper limit of a person’s physical strength out of thin air?”

“That’s right!” The storm-kun bear nodded affirmatively.

If it takes time, all the revolutionary army are overjoyed!

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