Chapter 256 Another epic bug-level artifact!

As soon as the slap-sized sword came out, everyone’s eyes were focused like the sun.

All of them looked extremely solemn.

There’s something new!

If it takes time, all the forces will be in a commotion.

“New prizes are out!

“It looks like a sword, but it’s only the size of a slap,

“What kind of expression do you have? This is a lottery drawn by Feith, can you judge by appearance?”

“That’s right!

“The god-level lottery draw is a weapon again, I’m afraid this time it will be turned upside down!”

The outlying supernovae were shocked.

Looking at it like this, there should be a new prize, but when the new prize came out, it turned out to be highly valued by the world’s top powerhouses.

Each and every one of them seems to be facing something incredible.

What they don’t know about Supernova is that for the Four Emperors, Marine, Shichibukai, and the Revolutionary Army, these old fritters.

They have deeply understood that as long as it is a new prize drawn from Feith, it means “exclusive”, “dominant” and “leading”!

– If there is no one who does not pull out as soon as possible to achieve a balance of strength, then they will fall behind, and falling behind for so long means they will be beaten!

A battle on a scale comparable to that of the Valley of the Gods is already a sure thing, even larger than the battle of the Valley of the Gods.

Therefore, new prizes will naturally attract great attention from all parties.

The Golden Emperor was the most excited, because this god-level lottery was his.

He asked the voice of everyone present: “Your Excellency Feith, what new artifact is this?”

At this time, the four sides were quiet again, all of them pricked up their ears, waiting for Feith’s answer.

Feith grinned, and it was called: “Flying Sword in the Sky!”

“Flying sword outside the sky?”

Everyone around murmured, listening to the name, they couldn’t guess what the mystery of this sword was.

Feith laughed and continued to introduce: “The Flying Sword in the Sky has all the characteristics of a super Zanpakutō.

“Absorb and release Whether it is Devil Fruit ability or Haki, it can be absorbed and released, with the same power as Super Zanpakutō.”

This sentence caught everyone’s eyes.

This alone is equivalent to an enhanced version of Super Zanpakutō, earning it!

You know, this sword is only the size of a palm, but it has some super Zanpakutō power.

If this sword is suddenly cut out during battle, it can achieve amazing effects.

It is the best trump card for the strong.

Feith laughed, “If only this is the case, then it will be a shame for the god-level lottery. This day, Feifei Jian also has a unique function, a function that Super Zanpakutō does not have!

This sentence made everyone hold their breath.

It is difficult for all forces to hide the excitement and excitement in their hearts.

Also have special abilities that Super Zanpakutō doesn’t have?

Feith didn’t give a shit, and said directly: “Whether it’s Zanpakutō or Super Zanpakutō, they all need to be swung by the user to be able to unleash their power.

“And this flying sword outside the sky is different. It can do whatever it wants, and it can be released at any time according to the master’s will.”

Feith explained and demonstrated.

I saw that this flying sword was poured into Haki by Feith.

As Haki filed in, the Feiwai Feijian immediately moved.

Immediately, Feith waved his palm and shouted: “Go!”

This flying sword from the sky actually broke away from Feith’s palm and began to dance in the air by itself.

This scene made everyone’s eyes widen.

All the bigwigs of the various forces present at the scene couldn’t help but breathe a little faster.

Does this sword have self-awareness?

Feith shook his head: “Do you think this sword has self-consciousness? In fact, it is not, it is based on the user’s mind, so that it can fly freely.”

“And the flying speed of this flying sword depends on the strength of the user’s Haki.

The hearts of all the bigwigs present were deeply shaken.

Everyone is a strong man who has experienced hundreds of battles. Feith’s introduction made them immediately think of the use of this flying sword on the battlefield.

Before the battle, give this flying sword a wave of energy, and then when the two sides are at war, control the flying sword to shuttle behind the enemy without the opponent’s attention, and then control the flying sword to cut out the super Zanpakutō. one strike.

Just ask this blow or a hit in the back, who can withstand it?

For those with weak Observation Haki, this is an existence that can be easily assassinated.

Even when Observation Haki is powerful.

You and others can secretly open an arbitrary door, and use the arbitrary door to make the flying sword suddenly appear behind the enemy, and cut out a knife…

Ask for flowers.

Thinking about it all here, all the big guys have already begun to shine.

Arbitrary door plus flying sword from the sky, this strange, sudden method, ask what kind of enemy can’t win?

What kind of war cannot be won?

This is another epic bug-level strategic artifact!

But it is a pity that this day Wai Feijian only appears when the god-level draws time, and the god-level lottery currently seems to be a god-level arbitrary gate as standard.

The price paid is too great.

Otherwise, whether it is Marine, or Pirate, or the Revolutionary Army.

Which side is equipped with more flying swords, it can be said that which side is already the master password for victory in the war.


It is truly invincible!

Seeing everyone’s shocked expressions, and their constant excitement, Feith was immediately speechless.

“Send, send! Quiet and quiet!”

“I haven’t finished introducing it yet!” Feith said angrily.

As soon as Feith opened his mouth, everyone around him, whether it was the Five Elders, the top Marines, the Four Emperors, or the Revolutionary Army, instantly quieted down.

It’s quiet again here.

However, the excitement in the eyes of everyone could not be concealed.

Feijian is still functional today!?

I’m going!? It’s already so heaven-defying, and it’s not over yet?

At this moment, everyone is extremely enthusiastic about this new prize.

The supernova people on the side all widened their eyes.

Digging a slot!? Feith’s words instantly silenced all the top powers in the world

And one by one is as it should be, and there is no dissatisfaction at all?

This face is simply heaven, right?

Everyone in Supernova has thoroughly understood one point. Today’s Fei is already in a detached position, and has vaguely surpassed all the top forces in the world.

It’s unbelievable!

How on earth did Feith get to this point at such a young age?

Even if there is a lottery fruit, it is not enough.

And Feith saw that everyone was quiet, and continued to introduce: “This day, the Feijian can freely grow bigger and smaller…  

Feith said while demonstrating to everyone!

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