Chapter 265 Gravity Training Room!

Sengoku couldn’t help laughing secretly at this time, but as an old coin, he has his own qualities, and under normal circumstances, he would never laugh, unless he really couldn’t help it.

“Cough cough…

Sengoku hurriedly coughed twice and immediately agreed, “Okay, that’s it!”

Three for one, is it good to earn blood?

A rag that has no soft use and can only be turned into delicious food. In fact, Sengoku thinks it is very cost-effective to replace it with a super Zanpakutō.

However, if he can do more, he naturally has to do more. Sengoku still has self-confidence in his understanding of aunt, and the facts also prove that he bet right.

The marshal’s exchange was a quick one, and for fear that the aunt would go back on it, he immediately traded with the aunt.

At this point, Marine got his wish and replaced the unusable tablecloth with three super items, and Auntie was also delighted to get the tablecloth of a god-level gourmet.

Marine and the Five Elders are so cool, looking at aunt is like looking at an idiot.

However, the aunt didn’t care at all, and was silly with the god-level gourmet tablecloth.

Whitebeard and the redhead, as well as Rayleigh, all had a black face and shook their heads.

Really convinced! I have to say that they have some cooperative relationship, and they are really not afraid of opponents like gods, but they are afraid of teammates like pigs. 553

Although it is said that the god-level gourmet tablecloth is from the god-level lottery, what is the use?

Do you tempt your opponent with food during battle?

Ok! If the opponent is Big Mom, it may be useful..

On the side of Kaido, his mouth Kakuzu shoved, he pointed at the aunt and scolded: “Old woman, you prodigal, you exchange three practical things for a useless cloth?”

“Are you going to kill the enemy with food when you are going to fight?”

Kaido is a heartbreaker, Fuck! Don’t give it to me, I don’t want more, just a super Zanpakutō.

What’s so special! Such a useful artifact surpasses the existence of the Supreme Sword, unexpectedly, unexpectedly…

Kaido teased that he was about to have a myocardial infarction, it was really depressing!

He still hasn’t…

Feeling helpless, he also understands Auntie, this old woman is good in everything, and it is not bad to regain her youthful appearance now, the only bad thing is that when she sees food-related things, she is extremely brainless, just like cerebral palsy…

Even if you can’t eat delicious food, you will run away.


Kaido carries his hands on his back, looks up at the sky, his back, his eyes are more bleak, more bleak, more bleak


He murmured: “If these three things are given to me, my strength will definitely rise to a higher level!”

“Sad! Sigh! Damn it…  

However, the aunt didn’t care about all this anymore, she sat directly on the ground, like a child, with stars in her eyes.

She transformed into puffs, and immediately began to eat, and then made a soul-like voice, “Delicious! So delicious!”

“It’s the taste of childhood! No! It’s even more delicious than when I was a child!”

At this time, the aunt was like a child, and began to taste the food, which was called a relish.

This scene is so contradictory that Feith’s eyes can’t help twitching.

I didn’t feel anything in the anime, but in reality, it looks like a person with mental problems.

And the key is that it’s not bad to restore a young aunt’s appearance now, it’s a sight to do such a thing!

Katakuri and the other ministers also looked helpless and shook their heads.

However, afterward, they even followed the aunt to taste it.

Feith was stunned, saying that you just shook your head helplessly, what is it that you tasted it with relish the next second?

Can you guys stop being so weird?

Oda’s bad taste?

Fuck..I really can’t complain!

At this moment, the faces of the aunt and their sons are as happy as they are in food paradise.

“I have to say, it’s delicious!

“Yeah! Better than any dim sum from Wan Guo!”

“This god-level gourmet tablecloth (beeh) is really not covered!”

“Sure enough, Mr. Feith’s products are excellent!

Feith rubbed his temples, feeling a little pain in his head.

Even if he didn’t see a good show, it made him unable to complain.

He even said: “Okay, okay! The transaction has been completed!”

“It’s time to announce the last prize!”

Except for the Big Mom Pirates, all eyes are gathered.

As we all know, the last thing Feith took out is usually high-end goods!

These are the things that lottery old fritters know.

This is Feith’s bad taste.

Feith was soon seen pulling out a pocket gadget about the size of a time house.

And introduced: “This is the gravity training room!”

The Marines got agitated when they saw this thing!

Other things may be rare for them, but they often see this thing. It is similar to the Time Room. Although it looks a little different, the specifics should be similar.

This makes Momousagi and Chajue and other middle-level powerhouses a little excited. If you want to know the individual prizes, such as: Zanpakutō series, Xiandou series, physical strength Dan series, etc.

It is very difficult for them to have a chance to benefit from it.

And this thing similar to the time house can bring them huge benefits.

can increase their strength.

Marshal Sengoku, as the first army commander, was also a little excited after seeing this thing.

Although they have not used up the previous time room, everyone can only enter for 24 hours, that is, one day and one night. Basically, the elites have already entered.

Now it can only be used to train recruits, but after coming out, the strength is uneven, and there is no second chance for further study.

Although it is said that physical strength pills can directly increase physical strength, physical strength improvement also means combat power improvement.

However, swordsmanship, physical skills, kicking skills, and even the development of abilities all need to be practiced.

The marshal quickly said: “Feith, can you introduce the function of this thing?”

Feith nodded, “Of course!”

“Compared with Time Star, this gravity training room has more obvious features.


Everyone came to be interested.

Feith continued: “The first point, he can freely adjust the gravity of 1-1000 times, and everyone has control.”

This made Marshal Sengoku a little confused, “What does Feith mean?”

Feith touched his nose and said, “It means that if a group of you Marines enter cultivation, some of them may be lower in strength and can only practice under 2 times the gravity, then he can choose 2 times, and some people who are stronger can withstand 10 times. , then he can choose 10 times, or even others can choose 100 times

“These are non-interfering with each other!”

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