Chapter 274 Feith is going to the top? Marine is overjoyed!

One day before Summit War, early morning!

Feith is sitting by the coast drinking.

For the current him, ten days and ten nights without sleep would have no effect. The various levels of physical strength pills made him out of the mortal category.

At this moment, any door in the open space behind him appeared out of thin air.

This made Feith not look back, just chuckle at the corner of his mouth.

It’s finally here!

The Summit War is coming, and the day before will inevitably be the last wave of supplies from all parties.

That’s why Feith didn’t choose to rest.

Any door opened, and several huge figures appeared, Whitebeard, Kaido, Auntie… and red hair with normal height.

Then came Rayleigh and Hawkeye.

All the people who came were big shots, Marko, Benn Beckman, and the three generals and three did not show up.

To Fei’s surprise, Long, the commander of the revolutionary army, appeared here.

Feith still didn’t look back, and said unexpectedly: “Oh?”

“Is the revolutionary army planning to participate in this war?

Everyone didn’t hide it, Whitebeard nodded directly and said, “That’s right! Redhead and I persuaded the dragon to help us rescue Ace.”

Long said indifferently: “I don’t care about Ace’s life or death, but we will give priority to solving the Five Elders!”

“It’s clearly stated in our agreement!”

Neither Whitebeard nor the redhead said anything.

There is Sabo in the revolutionary army, even if the dragon does not save, Sabo will help.

And even if the purpose of the revolutionary army is not to save Ace, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is for them to deal with the World Government, so that they can relieve their pressure.

Whitebeard didn’t say anything more, he looked at Feith, and after a few seconds of silence, he said, “Your Excellency Feith Feith.”

To be honest, after galloping across the sea for so many years, Whitebeard is still a little unaccustomed to calling this young man Feith his lord.

But he still called, only to hear him ask: “Your Excellency Feith, will you intervene in this war~?”

For a moment, everyone held their breaths and watched Feith silently.

Although Feith had always shown a neutral attitude before, everyone knew that he was still Marine in the final analysis.

This is also the most concerned issue of their alliance now. Will Feith intervene in this war?

Who would he help if he intervened?

If Feith is helping Marine, the World government, then they’re doing shit?

You can surrender completely!

Feith smiled and didn’t answer.

He turned to look at everyone, glanced at everyone’s faces and said, “You are my clients, and Marine is my client, isn’t it?”

Everyone heard the words, looked at each other, and then couldn’t help grinning.

Immediately everyone, the bigwigs of all forces bowed to Feith in unison.

They can be regarded as letting go of a concern in their hearts, and Feith’s words illustrate a point.

In his heart, the status of himself and others is the same as that of Marine and others.

Kaido laughed and said: “I just said that Feith is too lazy to take care of our affairs, you just don’t believe it, you still want to ask.

“Fortunately Lord Feith didn’t blame us for not believing him.”

Everyone took a look at Kaido, this guy is really an afterthought.

When everyone was in parliament, this guy wasn’t afraid to face Feith either.

Saying this shit in front of Feith now.

When everyone finished the matter, they started the lottery one after another. This time, they came for two things.

Feith didn’t talk nonsense and started drawing for them.

I have to say that for this battle, everyone has to pay for it.

Whitebeard, Big Mom, Kaido, Redhead, Rayleigh, Hawkeye, and the Revolutionary Army cost a total of 610 billion baileys.

However, after replenishing the upcoming Super Zanpakutō, Feijian, and the god-level random gate, the god-level lottery prizes, everyone began to draw lower-level rewards.

After all, in a war, the strong is important, and the strength of the members under his command is also very important.

In this world, the strong will be consumed by the army, otherwise Marine’s Buster Call will not be so scary.

It took nearly an hour for the Four Emperors and the Revolutionary Army to complete the lottery.

Then he respectfully asked Feith to keep the secret of the Revolutionary Army’s participation in the battle, and after receiving a nod from Feith, everyone left.

Be prepared for the day after tomorrow’s Ace public execution.

Feith also took the opportunity to consume this wave of gains.

When it was early morning, Blackbeard appeared.

He also came to draw this time, and also told Feith one of his secrets.

“Brother Feith, this time as long as Marine fights Whitebeard and the others, I will go to the underwater prison…

Blackbeard grinned, telling Feith about his plans.

“How is it, brother Feith? Am I very smart?”

Feith chuckled and nodded, silent.

He already knew that, right?

Besides, this time, it is safer to have the Pass to All Worlds. If it was replaced by the original book, the Blackbeard Pirates were almost wiped out.

Blackbeard also left soon after the lottery was over.

Soon Doflamingo and other Shichibukai also came to draw.

As for the Empress, Feith did not intend to let her go this time, but when the Empress heard that Feith was going to watch the battle, she decided to go too.

This made Feith a little helpless, as long as she was free.

And by the afternoon, Marine came too!

Everyone in Marine did not care about everyone in the Four Emperors. For them, although Feith had a neutral attitude, at least he still had a position on Marine’s side. Even if he didn’t help Marine, he would not take action against Marine.

So after everyone came, the lottery started as always.

This time, Marine and the government are also generous, raising a total of 760 billion baileys.

As he took out the money, Garp laughed loudly: “,” Feith, you don’t know the faces of those Celestial Dragons, handing over the money, all of their faces are like eating (King Li’s) shit, so don’t let people Too much. ”

“These guys enjoy glory and wealth, and it’s time to let them bleed once.

Feith listened to their stories for a year while drawing prizes.

Similarly, after adding a few more god-level lucky draws this time, Marine began to draw a lot of lower-end, but affordable prizes.

Immortal beans, bamboo dragonflies, Zanpakutō, physical strength pills.. and so on all play an important role in improving the overall strength.

It took more than an hour for the lottery to be completed.

After taking out all the things, Feith said to Sengoku: “Sengoku, I will also go to Naval Headquarters tomorrow to see.”

Sengoku was stunned, as were the three Admiral, Garp and others.

Kizaru said with some joy: “Wow! Feith, are you planning to help our Marine?”

Everyone heard the words with bright smiles on their faces. If Feith made a move, it would definitely be stable!

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