Chapter 275 Summit War begins, the world is shocked: what are those props?!

Feith shook his head and smiled: “No! I’m just going to have a look, no action!”

This time, the four sea emperors and all the forces of the revolutionary army were involved, how could they not join in the fun?

In the original book, Summit War is also the forces of the Whitebeard Pirates and Marine. Well, Feith will naturally participate in this feast.

And I am afraid that this time, people like Kong and the Five Elders will take action.

This horror is countless times more exciting than the battle of the Valley of the Gods.

Everyone in Marine was a little disappointed to hear that Feith didn’t help.

But this was also expected by these people, they never thought that Feith would intervene in this battle at the beginning.

Sengoku nodded and smiled: “Of course! Besides, I said no, can I still stop you from going?”

Sengoku smiled helplessly.

Feith smiled too.

It must be said that this is also true, even if Sengoku said no now, Feith would not pay attention to him.

Everyone casually chatted a few words, although it was said that the war was coming tomorrow, but everyone did not mention much about tomorrow.

Everyone knows that tomorrow will be a huge turning point that will change the entire world.

No one knows how the gears of fate will work.

Perhaps Marine and the World government will triumph in the end, putting an end to the age of sailing on the Great 560 from Roger’s death to the present.

Or maybe the Four Emperors Alliance will win, and the world will enter an era of greater chaos, and the world will be divided.

In any case, the world will re-enter a new era in wars after wars, be reformed again, and then be reborn.

So these things do not need to be discussed, just need to wait for the final result.

In fact, many people could not sleep that night.

Even ordinary people, although they do not need to participate in the war, but everyone knows what this war means.

A new era is coming!

Time passes by like a white horse, and the battle that decides the fate of the world is coming!

Sabaody Archipelago!

In the square, it was already full of people in the early morning, and everyone gathered in front of a huge projection screen, waiting for Marine’s public live broadcast this time.

“Why isn’t Marine going live?”

“Isn’t something going to happen?”

“I heard that there seemed to be a riot in the underwater prison before.”

“I’m going? Why didn’t I know, Aye! How did it turn out?”

“I don’t know, I also heard from a relative of the jailer that this matter was suppressed by Marine and the World government,

Ace “Should he be rescued?”

“Impossible! Underwater prisons are notoriously dead.”

And just when the crowd was bustling, the relay phone bug started to work, projecting the image.

“I’m coming!”

“The live broadcast has begun!”

Not only the audience of Sabaody Archipelago, but audiences all over the world began to get excited.

On the screen, He Ran was a square with many Ma Lin. On the square, countless soldiers were already in a dense array.

On the periphery, countless forts were waiting in battle, and the faces of every soldier were extremely solemn.

Marine has a huge lineup this time around.

At this time, on the high platform, a golden random door suddenly appeared, and the moment it appeared, it flashed a dazzling golden light.

Immediately afterwards, Sengoku walked out of the golden random door.

At this time, he is not angry and arrogant, his expression is serious, cold, and his handsomeness is fully displayed.

And this scene, let the world watching this live broadcast fry the pot.

“what is that?”

“It looks like a golden door.”

“Is there this door on the high platform just now?”

No “Ah! This door seems to have appeared out of thin air.

“And Marshal Marine walked out of nowhere through that door.”

“This is too subversive, isn’t it? Has Marine technology reached this level now?”

Shocked “My mom for a whole year!”

“Is it because we haven’t been in contact with the outside world for too long, it’s too low.”

For ordinary people, this scene simply refreshed their cognition, and all (bceh) people were shocked and talked a lot.

On the screen, Sengoku on the high platform stood on the high platform, and then said aloud: “The air force is out!

Immediately after an order, a large number of black Marine troops appeared above the sky. Some of these people had guns in their hands, and some of them were holding something that the audience had never seen before, like a capsule.

This again aroused the curiosity of the audience outside the screen.

“How can these people fly?”

“Damn it! Why does it feel like I don’t know this world anymore?”

“Fuck! What the hell is this on top of their heads?”

“I feel like I’m not from the same era anymore.”


“What are those capsule-like things in their hands?”

“Aba Aba..

Marine originally planned to announce Ace’s identity and suppress the sea through the execution of Ace.

But now Marine also intends to show off a wave of Marine’s combat power.

On the high platform, Sengoku nodded to an Air Force Rear Admiral.

Rear Admiral took the lead, and immediately took the lead in controlling the bamboo dragonfly to fly out, followed by countless soldiers behind him.

The speed of the bamboo dragonfly is also unmatched by ordinary aircraft. The speed is extremely fast, coupled with the orderly flight queue, this scene has a very visual impact.

The audience couldn’t help but ignite their admiration for Marine.

On the screen, the members of that team swept across the top of Moon Bay like falcons, and then dropped the all-purpose capsules in their hands, and then dropped the shells one by one.

I saw a group of soldiers whizzing by constantly, the Crescent Bay continued to make explosive sounds, and the water columns were lifted up, down, up, down…

This scene made the audience in front of the screen excited.

“It’s like a bomb in the sky!”

Really “It’s refreshing my world view. Where do these people get so many shells?”

“I guess it’s the unknown capsule in their hands.

“Where did the Marine technology come from?”

“Have you heard of Vegapunk?”

“I heard! There seems to be some very good scientist there.”

“That’s right! That scientist is known as leading the world’s technology for 500 years, and I guess he has researched these things!

“Be confident and get rid of estimates


Meanwhile, The fish men island!

Shirahoshi, his father and three older brothers are watching this live broadcast.

At this time, watching Marine’s military exercises before the war, the three brothers and the mermaid king were dumbfounded.

“This, these are what the lord said… Marine drew the lottery with him.” The elder brother was shocked.

“These technologies are simply heaven-defying!” the second brother exclaimed.

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