Chapter 276 Why are there four Admiral seats?

“It’s no wonder that Marine and the World government value him so much, and Whitebeard gives him so much face. It turns out that the lord has so many advanced technologies.” The third brother also shouted.

There was also a hint of joy on the throne, but it soon turned noncommittal.

Although it is said that Marine and the Four Emperors have given the Lord face, can what the Lord said before really come true?

Helping the fish men island to migrate to the land, this was something that the princess couldn’t achieve with her life back then, could it be done by him alone?

The world government and the people on the land will change their attitude towards the merman because of that lord.

The king does not know.

Although Feith came to The fish men island a few days ago, and let Whitebeard hand over the ownership of The fish men island with one sentence.

This really surprised the fish-man king and the three princes, but he had just met, and he still couldn’t believe that it was something that had been ingrained in people’s minds and could be changed.

Behind him, the huge fish-man princess, Shirahoshi’s watery eyes were also looking at the screen.

Looking at the technologies that Feith said belonged to him, I was shocked.

Maybe that adult can really, really help the princess to realize her dream.


Shirahoshi is also not sure how much Feith’s weight will be in front of the World government, and he can only wait until the execution is over and the result.

On the other side, in a palace in the middle of a desert, Vivi and his father Kobra were also watching the live broadcast.

Vivi supported the big yellow duck beside him, and said enviously, “The aircraft above Marine’s head is also very useful, isn’t it?

“If I had this, I could also experience the feeling of flying

“This is so much better than Karoo!”

When Karu, who was comfortably being touched by the side, immediately squeaked in dissatisfaction.

And Guanbra and the king’s army commander saw that it was not these things.

The king said in shock, “What is Marine’s golden random door?”

The king’s army commander shook his head: “I don’t know! It seems to be a portal that can traverse any boundary at will. This is a bit exaggerated!”

“The little propellers on the Marines’ heads, and the capsules in their hands that fire superstar shells, are technologies we’ve never heard of.

Guanbra said solemnly, “When did Marine’s technology become so advanced?

“I always feel that this live broadcast is afraid that something terrible is going to happen.”

On the screen, with the pre-war exercises completed.

The surrounding Marine soldiers used the universal capsule to release a giant battery, covering the entire Crescent Bay and its surroundings.

This scene once again aroused the shock of the world audience.

Immediately on the sea, there were originally only a dozen giant Marine warships in the headquarters, but at this moment, a giant warship appeared out of thin air.

The entire perimeter will be filled with water.

At the same time, on these warships, one after another random doors appeared on the plywood, and countless Marine soldiers came out of the pupae, ready to fight.

This scene amazes audiences around the world.

These things that have never been seen before have subverted everyone’s worldview.

At this moment, a female audience member in front of the screen suddenly exclaimed: “That, that’s my son!?”

The people around were attracted by her cry.

Only to hear the father continue to be shocked: “My son has just enlisted in the army three months ago, why is he included in the elite army?”

This time, Marine said, it was Marine’s elite who played the battle.

And his son has become an elite in a short period of time??

This is too unexpected!

With this mother’s words, everyone soon discovered that many of their friends who joined the army were all werewolves.

I haven’t seen each other for a few months, but I’ve changed into a person, it looks like one person can hit ten!?

And at this moment, on the high platform on the screen, Sengoku continued: “The Marine soldiers who have omen this time are all the elites in Marine!

“Now that they have undergone special training from Marine, even the lowest-ranked soldiers can be a dozen or so among ordinary soldiers!

This remark once again shocked the world audience once again by Marine’s miraculous means.

A rookie who has only been in the army for just a few months can actually be able to do more than a dozen?

Marine what kind of training is this?

Is this too pervert?

Soon, it was Marine’s mid-level and high-level combat power, that is, Rear Admiral and Vice Admiral.

Some veteran Marine Vice Admiral also has a black knife in his hand.

Black Knife looks sharp and domineering, making these Vice Admirals look heroic too.

ask for flowers

In front of the screen, some master swordsmiths all stared straight at each other.

They had never seen such exquisite swords before, and it simply made them mortals feel ashamed.

On the high wall at the rear, there are several random doors.

Doflamingo, Moria, Empress Hancock and several other Shichibukai appeared.

However, what everyone did not expect was that in the face of the world’s live broadcast, Hancock actually made a chair out of thin air, and a table, some snacks, and he just took a leisurely rest!?

This scene surprised the audience, and at the same time there was some emotion in their hearts.

Those weird and magical things even have Shichibukai!?


Although it is said that Shichibukai is a force recognized by Marine, Marine generally does not support armed technology.

Where did these things come from?

At the same time, everyone also said that it was different. The Empress Hancock didn’t give Marine face so much, so Marine didn’t care? After all, the Empress is really beautiful…

What these viewers don’t know is, how can Marine dare to control Hancock now, this guy is Feith’s man now, with his back to the mountains, how can they do this?

Doflamingo Moria and other Shichibukai look at Hancock who is so arrogant and doesn’t give Marine’s image at all.

I can only sigh silently in my heart: there is someone behind it!

With the appearance of Shichibukai, the live screen began to move towards the bottom of the execution platform.

At the same time, the marshal said loudly: “Next is Marine’s highest combat power, Marine Admiral will appear!”

When the audience heard that the three Admirals were about to appear, they couldn’t help but get excited.

You must know that Admiral, as Marine’s highest external combat power, has a prestigious reputation, and it is still the object of admiration and admiration in the minds of some people.

“Admiral is coming!”

“Among the three Admiral, I heard that Akainu Admiral has the hottest temper.”

“I still prefer Qingxiong Admiral, the last time I met him at sea, he was riding a bicycle on the sea, not to mention how handsome

The crowd kept talking, and some even shouted.

However, when the camera came to Admiral’s position, everyone was stunned.

Why are there four positions!?

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