Chapter 281 Whitebeard’s Meeting Ceremony at the Peak!

The performances of Whitebeard, Redhead, Rayleigh, Revolutionary Army Commander Long and other bigwigs all fell into the eyes of everyone.

This confuses everyone.

what is this?

Those Marine soldiers who didn’t know Feith and the generals looked at Feith in disbelief and weirdness.


What did he just say? No shot?

What’s the meaning?

Isn’t this young man from Marine’s side? And his status is still above the three Admiral

Originally, everyone thought that this person who had never met was a candidate field marshal secretly cultivated by Marine’s high-level officials, but now they are at a loss.

And the young man made it clear that he would not shoot, why did the Marine executives such as the three Admiral and the Marshal not respond?

Is this acquiescence to the young man’s statement?

This is unreasonable!

Everyone is really at a loss, and they feel that what happened today is off-track.

At the same time, the Marine soldiers were still amazed.

That is, after the young man in front of him clearly stated that he would not shoot, the enemy on the opposite side was obviously relieved.

Even the number one man in the world, Whitebeard, seemed relieved.

People’s hearts are more or less passive, what is the situation?

The identity of this young man is definitely not simple.

Outside, in front of the live broadcast screen.

The audience looked at this scene and looked stunned.

“Hey hey hey! What is the identity of this young man?”

“I thought it was the alternate marshal or Celestial Dragons before, but now it seems that the identity is not just that!”

“That’s right! Whether it’s Marine or the Four Emperors, both sides have to give this young man face. It seems a little respectful.”

Black and white “Take it all, and eat it so blatantly, it’s really unprecedented!”

“With a sentence that he won’t shoot, let several top bosses breathe a sigh of relief, unbelievable!”

Meanwhile, The fish men island!

The king and the three princes were once again shocked.

“I’m going!!! Is that adult such a deterrent?”

“This adult is really amazing, he really didn’t talk big!

The king said with some joy: “It’s great, great! Maybe our murlocs will soon realize our dream!”

Behind him, Shirahoshi’s watery and beautiful eyes also shone brightly.

At this moment, Feith on the screen seemed to be plated with a layer of golden light in her eyes…

Mother, maybe your wish will soon come true, and we murlocs can go to that happy world to live.

Naval Headquarters, Crescent Bay!

After Feith promised not to shoot, the red-haired people didn’t care anymore.

On the bow of the red-haired pirate ship, the red-haired one-handed knife pressed at Sengoku and said loudly to Sengoku: “Sengoku! Let Ace go, we don’t have to fight this battle!

This “battle really starts, I believe you also know the consequences, no matter who wins or loses, there will be no winner!”

The two sides have invested heavily in this battle. As long as they fight, they will never die. The top powerhouses of all parties will fight, and in the end, they will only lose both sides.

Marshal Sengoku on the high platform did not change his expression, he looked at the red hair, and said solemnly: “I am the army, you are the thief, Marine and the pirates are inherently incompatible, and we kill the pirates as a matter of course, we cannot let people go!”

The redhead still planned to use his “fruit of face” to convince people, but was interrupted by Whitebeard’s voice.

Whitebeard stood on the bow of the Mobidi, and Haki said, “You are reasoning with Sengoku, the strong-mouthed king, useless redhead!”

“Fist is the last word!”

“Sengoku! Let’s give you a present first! As a gift for our meeting this time!”

Saying that, Baihu’s big sword is inserted into the ground, and his fists are clenched!

His arms swelled and charged, and the next moment he roared “Drink!”

The arms hit both sides, and at the same time, the unique Shock Fruit aperture above the fists appeared.

It slammed into both sides, and with a “dang”, it was followed by the sound of air shattering.

In the next second, this Ma Linduoduo began to tremble. The originally calm sea surface of Crescent Moon Bay began to tumble, and the ground above the square trembled even more.

All the soldiers were shaken, and this scene shocked them.

“Earth, there’s an earthquake!?”

However, this is just the beginning. I just heard a soldier on the outer high wall suddenly shouting: “Sea, tsunami!!”

Then the bigger and bigger people shouted in horror.

I saw that the surrounding area of ​​Ma Linduo was more than a hundred meters higher than the tower. The East Blue roared and swept up. The giant Marine battleships surrounded by the surrounding area were so small in front of this natural force that they were swept up!

ask for flowers…

This tsunami covered the sky and covered the sun, as if to engulf the entire Marlin.

Outside the live broadcast screen, although it was said that it was not there in person, watching the monstrous waves still made the audience feel terrified.

“It’s almost like the end!”

“Hundreds of meters high waves, this is created by Whitebeard??

“Is that human being?”

“Is this Whitebeard in his prime! It’s scary!”

Whitebeard pulled the sea shock, making everyone feel fear.

And when the monstrous tsunami was about to fall, Aokiji took the lead in the third Admiral position.

His leap was directly level with the huge waves several hundred meters high.

Aokiji’s expression was calm, and he spit out softly: “Ice Age!”

Ice appeared on his body, and through his extended hands, it shot directly into the tsunami on the left and right sides like rays.

With his contact with the ice, the turbulent waves froze instantly.

In just a few seconds, the monstrous waves that looked like doomsday in the eyes of everyone have become ice sculptures, losing their previous power.

This scene brought a sigh of relief to the terrified Marine soldiers below, and also cheered for Aokiji Admiral.

But Aokiji ignored the soldiers, his eyes were indifferent, he looked at Whitebeard, and then he posed as if he was pulling an invisible bow and arrow in his hand.

“The sound of ice!”

A crossbow arrow made of ice flew towards Whitebeard.

“Archery!? I’m good at it!”

At this time, Yasopp of Red Hair Pirates stood up, with a unique Utong in his hand.

He grinned: Hailou shot!”

With the sound of “bang”, the bullet made of seastone flew towards Aokiji.

The texture of seastone is very hard, and it directly smashed Aokiji’s icy crossbow arrow and shot it between Aokiji’s eyebrows.


Aokiji was directly elementalized by this bullet and fell down, nothing happened.

Yasopp scolded: “Damn it! Forget he took the Demon Elixir! Really troublesome!”

And as soon as Yasopp finished speaking, Kizaru set off!

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