Chapter 282 Super Zanpakutō vs Super Zanpakutō!

Feith was surprised: the paddling ape was so active??

At this time, Kizaru jumped up in the air, and he chuckled lightly: “Ming! This time the marshal said that as long as I make more than ten shots, he will give me a bonus!”

Feith, who was eating potato chips below, almost spat out.

Good guy! The salary is really in place, the Four Emperors are useless.

In the sky, Kizaru stopped talking nonsense, crossed his hands, and the next moment his body shone with golden light.

The golden light is getting more and more dazzling, and it has become a golden star under the sun.

“Eight-foot Qionggou jade!”

Kizaru gave a low snort.

The dazzling Venus immediately emitted countless laser beams like a shooting star.

Below, Marko sneered: “That’s it?”

He jumped out, “Dad! Leave it to me!”

In an instant, it turned into a phoenix and blocked the rays of “563”.


The golden beam hit the phoenix, but the regeneration flame on Marko burned wildly, bringing these to Marko and repairing all the injuries.

That heavy rain-like attack was resolved by Marco.

On the other side, Benn Beckman raised his gun directly at Kizaru above the sky.

Try “My Bullets! Kizaru!”

Benn Beckman pulled the trigger, and the bullet was fired.

It rotates at high speed in the air, and this bullet is also composed of seastone, and it also carries Conqueror’s Haki and Armament Haki!

It can be seen that the bullet is black, and the dark red lightning that represents the armed color is dragging its tail behind it.

Above the sky, Kizaru looked at the bullets with crooked mouth: “Wow! It’s really scary! As expected of Benn Beckman!”

After speaking, Kizaru stretched out his hand to take out the Super Zanpakutō behind him, and slashed directly in front of him.

Stopped Benn Beckman’s shot with ease, and cut the seastone bullet in half, like cutting tofu.

The group of Marine soldiers below who had not seen Zanpakutō were amazed.

Especially Vice Admiral Smoker, his weapon is specially made by seastone, no one knows the hardness of seastone better than him.

However, the knife in Kizaru Admiral’s hand can easily cut the bullet in half, which is obviously more advanced.

Above the sky, after Kizaru perfectly blocked Benn Beckman’s attack, he smirked.

“Wow! You guys attacked, now it’s time for me to attack!”

After finishing speaking, without answering to the other party, the Super Zanpakutō in Kizaru’s hand instantly slashed downwards.

It was a blow from Kizaru’s full force, and the powerful force absorbed by Jiang Shi’s super Zanpakutō gushed out.

The void continued to tremble, and a golden sword light swept through the entire Marlin.

It was as if the world was covered in gold at this moment!

The terrifying power swept across the four directions, causing the Marine soldiers below to feel fear and oppression.

And on the Crescent Moon Bay, the members of the alliance were even more frightened, not only because of the sense of oppression, but also because of this terrifying sword energy, which was to cut off their hope of survival.

“Too, too scary!”

Outside the screen, the entire screen is covered with golden swords.

Although everyone is far away from the battlefield, they can also feel the pressure and the terrifying prestige of this knife.

“That’s the strength of Marine Admiral.

“Is Kizaru Admiral so powerful?”

“Is this still the rumored Admiral paddling? This knife is even scarier than Whitebeard’s seaquake just now!”

On the battlefield, the terrifying coercion caused the members of the three major forces to remain silent and deeply feel despair.

And at this moment, the “pot” sounded!

The redhead had been pressing the hand of the saber around his waist, and he finally pulled out his saber!

With the saber unsheathed, Jiang Shi and everyone can see that He Ran is the exact same saber as Kizaru!

The red-haired chuckled: “It’s my turn to attack! Kizaru takes it!”

The red hair also burst into full force, and the super Zanpakutō in his hand slashed upwards.

Different from the power attack of Kizaru’s ability, the red-haired sword is more about sword intent and Haki.

His saber aura was red, and at the same time there was a terrifying dark red lightning that shuttled continuously, like ferocious thunder snakes.

Originally, this world seemed to be covered with gold, but now this world is divided into two, with gold and dark red occupying each.

The two terrifying forces collided together, and neither let anyone else, and the might unleashed by the collision made the entire Ma Linduo tremble again.

A more terrifying earthquake appeared than just now, and the ground of the square began to crack. At the same time, the sea surface of Crescent Bay was boiling violently, and the plywood of some giant ships was broken.

The sword energy and energy were reckless, and some of the weaker ones vomited blood and suffered varying degrees of damage.

“God” battles and mortals suffer, which is vividly reflected here.

A few seconds later, this force exploded, and the power of the force above the sky directly caused the clouds to spread around with the explosion as the center.

The powerful explosion of energy also caused a terrifying hurricane, which blew the weaker people around.

On the high platform, Marshal Sengoku frowned, the power of the explosion did not affect him.

The main reason for his frown is because the redhead also has super Zanpakutō.

In his impression, the redhead and others originally did not have super Zanpakutō.

It seems that during this time, the red hair and others continued to smoke a lot of good things!

If there are redheads, maybe Whitebeard has them too!


The collision of these two sword qi formed a terrifying scene that made the audience watching the live broadcast speechless.

“This is simply not a fight that those of us can understand!”

“If these two knives hit hard, I’m afraid we Sabaody Archipelago will not be spared, right? It just sinks to the bottom of the sea.

“It’s terrifying! I’m afraid there will be a lot of deaths in such a battle!”

“I wonder if those ordinary people will be afraid in their hearts

The scene left the audience stunned.

On the screen, although two forces exploded, it was clear that the red-haired 4.7 knife had the upper hand.

Although it exploded, most of Yu Wei swept away in the direction of Kizaru.

Three Admiral’s last Akainu couldn’t help moving his eyes, then got up and threw a punch.

Above the arm, the magma was shot out like a cannonball.

Akainu shouted: “Great Eruption!”

A huge magma ball made of magma flew upwards, helping Kizaru to offset the final aftermath.

Then Akainu didn’t say a word and started raising his hands, aiming at the sky like the muzzle of a cannon.

“Meteor Volcano!!”

Clouds of magma were shot into the sky by Akainu, like a cloud.

The next second, huge fists broke through the clouds from within the clouds.

These magmas are huge and shaped like fists.

It’s like a meteorite falling towards the enemies of Crescent Bay..

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