Chapter 283 Both parties use the Lava-Lava Fruit ability!

Akainu released Meteor Volcano, and the terrifying fist-shaped magma fell like a meteor, like a natural disaster.

This pleased the Marine soldiers above the square.

“Akainu Admiral is worthy of being Akainu Admiral, this indiscriminate big move depends on how those pirates and revolutionary army block.

“Shoot down their pirate ship and they’ll be buried in the sea together!”

Hahaha “That’s right! Let them die!”

The Marine soldiers were excited. Unlike Kisaru Admiral’s attack, Akainu’s attack was like a giant meteorite, which made the opponent more difficult to defend.

And at this moment, Whitebeard, who hadn’t shot since the beginning of Hai Zhen, made another shot.

I saw him pick up the big sword in his hand and laughed loudly: “Magma ability!”

“I’ll show you guys too! Let you Marines know that it’s not just your Akainu that knows how to magma!”

On the opposite side, the Marine soldiers looked at each other with a blank look on their faces.

They didn’t understand what Whitebeard meant by that.

Akainu Admiral eats Lava-Lava Fruit to have magma ability, while Baihu 12 eats Shock Fruit, what does he mean by this sentence?

What does it mean that not only Akainu Admiral has magma ability?

However, on the opposite side, Whitebeard responded to the differences in everyone’s heart.

I saw him wielding a big sword, and billowing magma appeared on the sword.

As he waved, a knife blade magma blade gas quickly moved towards the sky, and entered the clouds like Akainu.

Before everyone’s face showed consternation, the next second was different from Akainu’s fist magma. Above Marine, huge blades made of magma flew down, and the heat wave was monstrous.

Same move as Akainu Admiral.

At this moment, everyone present was in love.

The cigar in Smoker’s mouth fell directly to the ground, his pupils shaking violently: “No! Impossible!

“How could Whitebeard have Admiral’s magma ability!?

In the crowd, Kirby’s forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his face was full of horror.

The base friend next to him held his head and opened his mouth to look at the blade lava that was falling rapidly above his head.

He’s about to pee, “Fuck… How can Whitebeard have Akainu Admiral’s Lava-Lava Fruit ability!?”

In front of the screen, all the audience was also in an uproar.

“Is this too ridiculous?”

“Didn’t I hear that the Devil Fruit ability can only be possessed by one person?”

“Today really challenged my worldview countless times!”

“My worldview is about to shatter, isn’t it!?”

“My God! What the hell is going on here?”


Everyone sees that they are almost doubting life now.

And some reporters in the crowd, after a brief shock, turned excited.

“Amazing! Awesome! Today is really my lucky day!”

“Going to War” Up to now, there are countless explosions, if this is made into a newspaper, it will definitely detonate the world!!

Above the square, Aokiji, who fell on the periphery of the square, looked at the lava blade that covered the sky.

He sighed: “Akainu’s ability is really a trouble!”

If this falls on the crowd of soldiers, it will inevitably cause huge losses.

Qingxiong stopped talking nonsense, squatted down on one knee, pressed his palm on the ground and said, “Frozen Fortress!”

With his palm as the center, the ice quickly spreads toward the ground in all directions.

Immediately after wrapping the entire square, the ice quickly moved upward to build a semi-circular fortress.

Those terrifying magma blades smashed down towards the frozen fortress, making a roaring sound.

The fortress shattered in an instant, but was quickly repaired by Aokiji until all the magma blades were blocked.

On the other hand, on Whitebeard’s side, one by one cadres began to act, one by one blocking a giant magma fist.

Bista, wielding Zanpakutō with ease, broke the giant lava fist with ease.

Some cadres who will be weak, or whose abilities are not suitable for the frontal hard magma fist, use bamboo dragonflies to avoid the magma fist.

However, although the lava giant fist was solved, the bursting magma would still cause immeasurable damage to the pirate ship under their feet.

At this time, Rayleigh and the others smiled and said, “Want to destroy our pirate ship?

“I’m sorry, you can’t destroy the universal capsule even if you put it away!”

Some powerful cadres quickly used the universal capsule to put away the most threatened pirate ship.

Some people even use arbitrary doors to open in the air, and then transfer the scattered lava elsewhere.

After this attack was completely subsided, the pirate ship was released from the universal capsule again.

This operation only left the audience dumbfounded.

This war is too dazzling, isn’t it?

However, before the audience could express their indignation, Akainu was even more outrageous on the screen.

He saw that after the two sides exchanged a wave of skills, there was no result, and he shot decisively.

Akainu’s lower body turned into golden light, and a billowing lava appeared in his hand, attacking Whitebeard directly.

“Whitebeard, you old remnant, you should have died a long time ago, let me give you a ride!”

A golden light shone above the magma in his hand: “Shine Great Eruption!”

Akainu just overtakes Whitebeard.

On the bow, Whitebeard looked at Akainu who was coming straight, and he didn’t move, and there was no fear in his eyes.

Suddenly a voice shouted: “Akainu is also worthy of Dad to shoot because of you?”

“Let me meet you!”

I saw Qiao Rui jumped out of 563 and turned into a diamond man at the same time.

“That’s Whitebeard’s third captain, Josz!

Known as “the existence of the strongest defense!”

“Akainu Admiral can’t beat him!”

“Come on Akainu Admiral…

Soldiers in the square cheered.

Akainu didn’t care about that at all, and he didn’t care at all about inspiration.

Seeing Qiao Zi appear, there is only a fire in his heart, these pirate bastards jump out one by one, then they must die.

Coming to George, Akainu’s long-established punch hits directly.

The high temperature magma combined with the flashing radiation, all hit Qiao Zi.

Qiao Zi snorted, gritted his teeth and desperately resisted, but the powerful force made him keep making a deep slip on the splint.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the bottom of the sea, Qiao Zi suddenly shouted, all the energy in his body poured out, and he bounced off Akainu, which perfectly resolved this attack.

Akainu backed away, but was stabilized with just a back flip.

He looked at Qiao Zi in front of him, although the attack was blocked by Qiao Zi, he still sneered: “Why should Qiao Zi be brave if he has no strength?”

At this time, although Qiaozi blocked Akainu’s attack, his diamond ability also disappeared, and his flesh was ripped open, with damage caused by Sparkling fruit laser, and burns caused by high temperature of magma.

The injury is horrific!

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