Chapter 285 Dragon Garp confronts father and son!

The huge figure jumped out, setting off layers of huge waves.

This made the Marine soldiers exclaimed: “What happened?”

Before everyone could react, they saw Little Oz emerging from the bottom of the sea, like a sea beast in the sea.

At the same time, he roared: “Ao——!”

The giant stick in his hand fell and fell on the heads of the Marine soldiers.

The huge sticks were there for the soldiers to stop them, and when the stick went down, there were casualties and screams everywhere.

The Marine soldiers were stunned, “Giants!?

“How can there be such a huge family of giants??”

“Quick! Quick! Shoot and bring you down!”

“If I’m here for you, I’m afraid we will lose a lot!”

“Boom boom boom!”

Countless artillery shells were fired, but these shells hit the giant Oz with no harm at all.

“This defense is a bit outrageous!”

“Run, he’s going to attack again!

A huge shadow descended, and the Marine soldiers scattered.

And at this moment, above the high wall, Doflamingo grinned lightly: “Just let me do a little bit, don’t those old men say I’m useless!”

After Doflamingo finished speaking, he flicked his fingers, and the whole person flew up immediately.

Line 563 fruit gave him the ability to fly.

Doflamingo is also a person who doesn’t talk much. The fingers of his hands are like claws, and he controls the invisible line to go towards the legs of Little Oz, cutting off his legs.

“Hehehe! Just keep your legs!”

Just when Doflamingo was complacent, a knife light came directly to the seat.


A crash sounded, causing Doflamingo’s body to stop.

Then Doflamingo looked a little ugly and whispered: “Hawkeye!!”

“How dare you stop me, don’t you want Shichibukai’s title?”

“Are you trying to continue being wanted by Marine?”

Doflamingo was depressed in his heart, he was not sure about Hawkeye, and the world’s greatest swordsman was not in vain.

Hawkeye didn’t speak, and his expression couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

For a while, the two were at a stalemate.

Above the high wall, Moria watched Doflamingo miss, and smiled: “To solve this trouble, you still need to rely on me!”

As he laughed, he was about to use his shadow fruit ability.

At this moment, a low voice came from the ear: “Dragon Claw Hand!”

Moria was startled, a sense of crisis came from the side, subconsciously wanted to attack, but the opponent’s speed was faster.

Go down with one claw and swept Moria down the high wall directly.

Sabo fell to the ground and saw Moria slammed to the ground, and couldn’t help sneering: “Shichibukai of this level don’t come out and be embarrassed!

Moria was defeated by the Luffy Pirates before, and this kind of strength was undoubtedly abused by Sabo, the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army.

Shells continued to be fired from the surrounding Marine’s forts, but the pirates and the revolutionary army below also broke through the defense line and began to try to land.

However, the scramble for the right to land is the most tragic, why at this time, the two sides began to contact, and began to fight each other face to face.

In the crowd, Shichibukai’s violent-kun bear led a group of revolutionary troops to fight and land.

The Marine soldiers looked at the huge tyrannical-kun bear, terrified.

“Blood-kun bear!!”

“Isn’t he Shichibukai? Why is he with the Revolutionary Army!?”

“Damn it! This guy turned out to be a traitor!”

“Bastard! Kill him!”

This time, Bao-kun Xiong was already ready to reveal his identity, and the task given to him by the revolutionary army had also been suspended, so it didn’t matter.

The bear didn’t talk nonsense, and directly used the fleshy fruit ability to compress a meatball cannonball in his palms.

Immediately go to the Marine soldiers.

He was going to use this blow to tear a way out, so that their side would be able to land.

However, a figure came hurriedly, “Don’t try to succeed!”

I saw the tea dolphin galloping with Zanpakutō in hand, and it slashed head-on with the meatball (bceh) shell of the violent-kun bear.

In an instant, Zanpakutō’s powerful absorption ability is activated, which directly absorbs the meat balls without a trace.

Tea dolphin grinned: “Peach! It’s up to you next!”

“I don’t need your order!” A cold and arrogant female voice sounded above the sky.

I saw Momousagi also holding Zanpakutō, and a knife flowed towards the head of the violent-kun bear.

“Betray Marine, Yu-kun Bear, you are no longer Shichibukai, go to hell!”

Zanpakutō’s ability is activated, releasing a powerful force towards the violent -kun can go straight.

The violent-kun bear wants the back side, although it has the ability of flesh and fruit, but even the power of ordinary Zanpakutō is very terrifying.

“Don’t be afraid! I’ll help stop it!”

Countless crows fluttered their wings, and their speed was so fast that they stopped between the bear and Momousagi.

Immediately, the crows converged into a human figure, who also held Zanpakutō in his hands, and waved without any pause to stop Momousagi’s attack.


The two Zanpakutō collided with each other and were deadlocked.

“Northern Commander of the Revolutionary Army, Crow!!

Tao Free gritted her teeth, she was almost able to injure the bear’s face.

The crow said lightly: “I didn’t expect that the alternate Admiral would know me, which is really surprising!”

Momousagi snorted coldly, slashed with his sword again, and became entangled with the crow.

The upper edge of the landing shore has become a pool of blood!

Behind him, the revolutionary army dragon did not dare to show weakness, “I have been hiding for so long, it’s time to show you my strength!”

The dragon raised his hand, and the situation changed suddenly!

The clouds above the sky began to surge, gradually forming a vortex, and in the blink of an eye, a giant tornado was formed.

The core of the tornado is the dragon.

This scene made both sides of the confrontation show expressions of consternation, even the people of the revolutionary army.

You must know that the revolutionary army dragon is an extremely mysterious person, even if there are not many people in the revolutionary army who know his true strength.

Looking at this tornado connecting the heaven and earth, the red hair couldn’t help but exclaim: “As expected of the commander of the Revolutionary Army, this strength has reached the level of the Four Emperors!”

Long ignored the surprise of the people around him at all.

He looked at the execution platform, and then waved his hand: “Go!”

This tornado is like an obedient puppy, rushing straight to the execution platform!

Ordinary people can’t stop it at all, and are directly involved in it.

In front of this force of nature, people are incomparably small.

The violent tornado swept toward the execution platform, and no one could stop it. Just as the tornado was about to reach the execution platform, a sudden shouting voice sounded: “Dragon! Enough is enough!

The voice was all too familiar to the dragon, it was his father Garp.

I saw that on the execution platform, Garp moved, his fist was like a rock, and the tornado of the dragon was crushed with one punch!

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