Chapter 286 Fighting with Bamboo Dragonflies!

Feith, who was watching the play, saw this scene and couldn’t help but be full of interest.

“Garp vs. Dragon, father-son game!”

This is a battle that every Haimi looks forward to seeing, whether it is Garp, the Marine hero, or Dragon, the revolutionary.

There is another point, that is, the wind and wind fruit ability of the revolutionary dragon is ten hammers.

Garp was a little annoyed when he saw the dragon’s shot.

He jumped out, like a cannonball hitting the ship directly.

At this time, Garp is like a beast, aggressive.

At this time, there was an inexplicable fire in his heart, and he did not listen to his own words, his son became the commander of the revolutionary army, so did his grandson Luffy, and Ace, who was a big one by himself…

If they had listened to their own words, would this war happen today?

Garp came aggressively, and Murray, the commander of the Western Army, appeared with him, and he turned the splint into a leather-like object, and then emerged from it.

“Hero Garp! Just to see if I’m qualified to fight you!” Morrie grinned.

Garp ignored him at all and scolded: “Pervert guy wearing a JK!

However, the dragon behind him waved his hand, “Murray! You go to help others, you are not Garp’s opponent!”

“Leave the Garp to me!

Although Murray said he would try to fight Garp, but since the dragon had spoken, he did not bother to stand back on the splint again, and the splint soon returned to its original state.

As Garp walked towards the dragon, he sneered: “What? Are you the iron fist that misses you, Laozi, my love?”

With that said, Garp is still gearing up.

However, Long said indifferently: “Garp, do you have the heart to watch Ace die?”

“Watching the child you brought up die? Although it is said that he is Roger’s child, he has no right to choose, he is just an innocent child, and he has not even met Roger.”

Garp’s footsteps were obvious, his face was ugly, and then he said angrily: “He has the right to choose, he should have the right to choose, if he had listened to me, he would not have fallen into the current end!”

“Dragon! Don’t change the concept, you bastard, Ace he became a pirate in the end!”

Long looked at his father, looked at his annoyed look, his expression still did not change, and continued: “Garp, Ace is not a pirate, he pursues freedom.”

“This world is already rotten to the extreme, dark to the extreme.”

“It’s like a huge shackle that locks people in this shackle, and those who are desperate to go to the sea, they pursue freedom and freedom, in order to escape this huge cage.”

“Pirates are a scourge to the people, but what about the nobles? Can the nobles openly take action against the civilians who are powerless?”

“The world of Garp has to change!”

“Let Ace go, overthrow the World government with me, and break this prison!”

Garp’s face was gloomy, but there was no movement!

In the distance, Feith was helpless. Originally, he thought he could see the father-son game, but now he has become the dragon’s mouth-cannon game.

But the dragon is right, how is Celestial Dragons better than pirates?

But every world has its own laws of development, and now Feith feels he is above the laws.

As long as he doesn’t touch his own interests and his bottom line, then he will quietly watch the development of this world.

Like a god, Feith is an observer and a giver, giving the good things of the lottery to both parties.

Suddenly Feith felt that he was a bit similar to Cthulhu’s Nyara Totipu, leading civilization to prosperity, and was able to lead civilization to decline, and even destruction.

And Bailey, who was given a lottery by those forces, was like a sacrifice, making him stronger.

And just as Feith was facing these, suddenly the Marine soldiers kept shouting: “The pirates and the Revolutionary Army have landed!”

Feith couldn’t stop thinking and continued to watch this battle.

I saw that on the coast, many pirates and revolutionary troops had already reached the shore.

The phoenix, Marco, and Sabo, who was wearing a bamboo dragonfly, ran straight to the execution platform.

On Marine’s side, there are also several Vice Admiral wearing bamboo dragonflies, all of them are veteran Vice Admiral, such as Mole Vice Admiral, Ghost Spider and others.

At this moment, Little Oz also jumped up from the bottom of the sea and killed it on the shore.

The huge figure gives a sense of oppression.

At this time, the Vice Admirals of the Marine giant clan took action one after another. Facing this behemoth, a few people can still resist it together.

ask for flowers…

At the same time, the fighting strength of the two emperors and the cadres of the revolutionary army also broke through the siege and came to the first front.

The presence of these people is tantamount to multiplying the pressure on the Marines.

Smoker, and some of the other lesser Vice Admirals, couldn’t stop one by themselves.

Those veteran Vice Admirals who stopped Marco and Sabo had to assist, and watched as Marco and Sabo passed them and went straight to the execution platform.

Ace “! I’m here to save you!”

Both Marco and Sabo shouted excitedly.

For them, Ace is their important person.

Ace’s expression was complicated. In fact, he didn’t want anyone to save him, which would only increase casualties.

He bit his lip and said nothing.

On the execution stand, Garp has already left to “talk” to his son Long, leaving only Zephyr and Sengoku.

Originally Zephyr wanted to shoot, but he saw golden light emerging from Sengoku with a black line.

Sengoku is coming!!!

Sengoku snapped: “Ace will never let you go!”

Following his words, his body was already glowing with golden light, and at the same time his body kept getting bigger and bigger.

The execution platform under my feet began to vibrate violently, and some supporting parts were constantly shaking because they couldn’t be denied.

The weight of the golden Buddha is terrifying!

Moments later, Sengoku has become a golden Buddha, majestic Haki!

Marco and Sabo both had cold sweat on their foreheads.

Facing the coercion of a Marine Marshal, I still felt a sense of oppression.

And just when the two were about to fight against Marshal Marine, a white figure suddenly appeared, and he laughed: “The old guy will be dealt with by the old guy, leave it to us here, you go rescue Ace!

“Senior Rayleigh!” Marko was delighted.

Pluton Rayleigh’s shot, and they’ll be spared the fight against Marshal Marine.

Sengoku, who is opposite the Golden Buddha, is annoyed: “Rayleigh! Isn’t it good to live your retired life well?”

“Aah!” Rayleigh chuckled, “It’s been such a long life, the bones are hardened!”

“Humph!” The Marshal snorted coldly, “Then I will send you to the underwater prison!”

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