Chapter 287 Kong and the Five Elders are here!

Rayleigh and Sengoku were soon due out.

Although Rayleigh seems very small in front of the golden Buddha Sengoku, he is better than flexible.

Furthermore, with Zanpakutō on Rayleigh, Sengoku’s shock wave was completely absorbed, making it difficult to decide the winner for a while.

And Marco and Sabo didn’t stop, and immediately went to the execution platform.

Above the execution platform, Zephyr saw that the situation was not good, he gritted his teeth and said: “Ace will never let you rescue!

Zanpakutō appeared in his hand, Zephyr said without a word, “Execution!”

Although it was said that the time had not yet come, Zephyr couldn’t care less.

Marco narrowed his eyes, and his speed was even faster, “Don’t think about it!”

The sound of breaking the air roared, and the next moment came to Ace, blocking Zanpakutō who was slashing at Ace.

Zanpakutō fell, and with the blessing of the original regeneration flame, Marco would not be hurt at all, but this is Zanpakutō, not an ordinary weapon.

Zanpakutō’s sharp blade, coupled with its absorbing ability, immediately made Marco’s bright red blood splash.

“Ugh!” Marco groaned.

And just then, Sabo arrived, “Dragon Claw Hand!”

With Haki attached to his arm, posing like a dragon’s claw, he grabbed it towards Zephyr.

In Zephyr’s hands, Zanpakutō wanted to slash towards Sabo, but Marco attacked regardless of the injury.

The combined efforts of Sabo and Marco directly knock Zephyr down from the execution platform.

The two looked at each other with excitement on their faces.

At the same time, the injury of Marco’s arm is also restored with the regeneration flame.

The two no longer delay, and they are about to rescue Ace. As long as Ace is rescued, then they can leave here.

However, just when Sabo was about to take Ace away, Hong Zhong’s voice suddenly sounded out of his dantian: “Don’t think about it!”

Then a huge figure shrouded down.

Both Marco and Sabo only felt an extremely powerful force above their heads.

Sabo gritted his teeth and wanted to take Ace away quickly with his speed.

However, that figure was even faster, “Boom!”

The force exploded, directly shaking Sabo and Marco away, and they flew out backwards, and blood spurted out of their mouths at the same time.

One blow directly traumatized both of them!

Marco adjusted his body and stabilized in the air.

He stared solemnly at the figure on the execution platform, gritted his teeth and said, “Kong!?”

Below, the direction of the execution platform was the focus of the audience, and everyone saw Kong’s appearance.

Marine soldiers rejoiced: “Commander Kong is here!

“Commander Kong is awesome! The Phoenix and the Revolutionary Army staff were wounded in one blow!”

“It’s not bad it’s Commander Kong!”

“Commander Kong joins the battle, and victory is just around the corner!”


The commander-in-chief of the three armies is also a ceiling-level existence, and the appearance of Kong will undoubtedly boost morale.

Especially at the most critical moment, this made the Marine soldiers cheer.

In the distance, the red-haired, Whitebeard, dragon, and nearby Rayleigh and others frowned.

Kong has entered the war, and now it’s in trouble.

I’m afraid those five old people will come too!

Generally speaking, the Five Elders do not participate in any battles, but the sixth floor of the underwater prison last time broke the rules, and I am afraid it will appear this time.

Not surprisingly, after Kong appeared, five random doors appeared out of thin air on the execution platform!

Immediately, the Five Elders and the others walked out of an arbitrary door.

The appearance of the Five Elders took time to make the entire battlefield seem to be silent for a few seconds.

Whether it was a Marine soldier, a pirate or a member of the Revolutionary Army, shock and disbelief appeared on their faces.

“Five, how come the Five Elders came!?”

“The five elders who represent the highest power in the world actually participated in the war??”

The appearance of Five Elders is not only unbelievable, but the audience in front of the screen is directly frying.

“I’m going!! Five elders representing the highest authority of the World government actually appeared on the battlefield!

“Big news, big news!

“Breakthrough! Today is full of explosions!”

“These immortals, the revolutionary army is about to kill them!”

And some people in the Confederacy, people who believe in Celestial Dragons, after seeing the Five Elders, they bow their heads.

The appearance of the Five Elders, except for a few high-level cadres, everyone was shocked.

This war has reached such a scale.

I am afraid that the war will be extremely fierce, and it will overturn the pattern of the world.

Even ordinary people can feel this.


The appearance of the Five Elders and Kong shocked the audience and brought Marine’s morale to an unprecedented level.

Marko and Sabo had to back away slowly, waiting for the opportunity again, facing the Five Elders and Kong, the two of them continued to go, just to court death.

Watching Marko and Sabo retreat, the elder couldn’t help but smile.

“You can’t go back no matter what.

“Today, our old fellows want to completely eliminate the shadow of the world being shrouded by pirates, the devil’s son Ace will die, Whitebeard, redhead, Rayleigh, and the dragon, all of you will also die!”

Opposite, Whitebeard looked up to the sky and smiled: “Kuke Kekekeke

“Really? Then try it out and see if you can keep the old man!”

After speaking, Whitebeard’s eyes became sharp, the next moment his eyes narrowed and he locked on the three Admiral.

Immediately, the Shock Fruit ability and the Lava-Lava Fruit ability are released at the same time.

The tear-like terrifying power swept the audience, heading straight for the three three Admiral, and at the same time, the magma directly fell from the sky, and the power was extremely terrifying.

Three Admiral’s face changed dramatically, Aokiji quickly resisted with the ice wall, but was directly repelled by the terrifying dual abilities.

Kizaru was more interested, and immediately used the eight-foot mirror to dodge, avoiding Whitebeard’s attack.

The last Akainu was extremely tough, facing Whitebeard’s dual ability attack, he did not retreat at all.

“Whitebeard, you are also dual ability, I am also dual ability, 4.7, let’s see which of us is stronger!”

Akainu used Sparkling fruit ability and Lava-Lava Fruit ability to try to block Whitebeard’s attack, but only felt a devastating power that directly knocked him backwards.

Possessing Devil Fruit with two top destructive powers, coupled with the recovery of a young Whitebeard, his strength has now reached a new level, and I am afraid that even Roger will be defeated.

Seeing that Akainu was being blasted back by the force of the shock and the magma, Kong jumped off the execution platform.

Immediately before Akainu, he punched the ground, and in front of the two of them, a gray and milky white wall appeared.

“Bone Wall!”

This white wall abruptly blocked all Whitebeard’s attacks.

In the distance, Whitebeard grinned: “Kong! It seems that your bone fruit and weapon color have been upgraded to a higher level!”

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