Chapter 301 Im asking to meet!

After the final reunification, the Whitebeards planned to revive the Rocks when they felt that they could suppress the Rocks.

Of course, this is in the case that the resurrection version of the time wrap skin is redundant.

Rayleigh said with some emotion: “If Roger, Rocks and others are resurrected, I feel that I have returned to a young age!”

Benn Beckman smiled, he didn’t participate in that era, it was the era of divided heroes.

“It’s kind of fun! Benn Beckman laughs.

After a pause, Benn Beckman said: “Then we are going to discuss how to exchange for huge wealth!”

Rayleigh nodded, “That’s right! The premise of all the discussions we have just discussed is how to obtain huge wealth in a short period of time!”

“It’s a good idea to catch pirates in exchange for bounties, but after this period of sweeping, the number of pirates in the New World and Grand Line with over 100 million has decreased too much.”

“There must be another way!”

This is a problem that worries everyone. The two pirate groups, Red Hair and Whitebeard, do not have their own properties like Aunt and Kaido.

There is no way to get a lot of – wealth through trading.

Just when everyone was frowning, this is the violent-kun bear and said: “We can go to the world’s richest man Tezzolo!”

“Let him help us first, and then pay him back later.”

“Tezolo is not a good guy, he will help us?” Jinbei opened his mouth to express his opinion.

Whitebeard couldn’t help grinning: “If he doesn’t cooperate, we people will convince people!”

Everyone looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile.

In the end, they decided on several plans: first, to find Tezzolo, the richest man in the world, second, to grab the heavenly gold, which is the wealth of Celestial Dragons, and third, to kill pirates in exchange for a reward.

These three programs are carried out at the same time, so it is very likely that a large amount of wealth can be obtained in a short period of time.

And when everyone was discussing the money-making plan, Sabaody Archipelago.

The Five Elders came to find Feith.

Feith still lives in the coastal villa, although the Empress Hancock and the Murloc King have built Feith a castle.

But Feith prefers this coastal villa more than the castle.

Five Elders greeted Feith respectfully after seeing Feith.

Feith shook his hands slightly, indicating that he had returned the gift, and then said directly: “What? The war has just ended, and you can’t wait to come to the lottery?”

Last time, when Feith went to the Holy Land Mariejois East, the Five Elders were still busy with some public relations after the war, as well as some battle damage, did not expect to transfer funds so quickly for the lottery?

However, to Feith’s disappointment, the Five Elders shook their heads.

The first elder said helplessly: “This time Marine suffered a serious loss, the compensation for personnel and other strategic equipment, as well as the various aftermath work of Marine, requires a lot of money, and it will not be able to transfer much money for a while.

The first elder seemed to be deeply afraid of Feith’s dissatisfaction, and even apologized: “Sorry, Feith!”

Feith doesn’t care about waving his hand, but he doesn’t care too much about it, the passage of the world can take it slow.

After a pause, Fei smiled casually: “Actually, Naval Headquarters is not in a hurry to repair it, and it can be transferred to G5 in New World. Wouldn’t it be better?

The reason Feith said this is because in the original book, after the Summit War, Naval Headquarters was transferred to G5, the branch of the New World.

Everyone in the Five Elders was stunned when they heard the words, and the second elder said something different: “Feith’s thoughts are actually the same as ours.

He was a little excited: “I think so too, this way, Marine can strengthen his control over New World!”

The third elder did not forget to pat his ass, “Feith, you are young and light not only in combat power, but also in some decisions.

Feith continued to wave his hand, indicating nothing.

Seeing this, the first elder took the opportunity to laugh and said, “Feith, although the Naval Headquarters transfer will help Marine strengthen his control over New World.”

“But at this stage, Marine has suffered heavy losses. This time, the generals have died too many times. Marine’s current combat power is not as strong as before, or Feith Your Excellency, consider promotion?”

The elder raised his eyebrows and said, “You can make an exception for the position of the fourth Admiral for Feith for the time being. Sengoku is about to retire recently. When Sengoku retires, the position of Marshal Marine must be yours!”

The other elders smiled and nodded.

“That’s right! Feith, you have such strength!”

“And as a marshal, basically no one will have any opinion!”

…for flowers…  

“On the contrary, after this war, you have quite a reputation in the Marine, or in the world!”

Although this time at war, Feith spends most of his time watching the play.

However, he is still “the most chaotic boy in the audience!”. The world’s top bigwigs are respectful and well-behaved in front of him, and he is the one who suppressed the three old-time powerhouses.

Super bright!

Feith continued to wave his hands, “Don’t! I’m not interested in being an Admiral, a marshal or something!”

“This time Marine suffered a heavy loss. In fact, it can be made up for by recruiting soldiers in the world. There are so many in the world, but there are still many strong people!”

The Five Elders all looked at each other, and they fell into the ground in admiration for Feith.

He was very reasonable about some of the plans, and it was basically no different from the plans of Marine Sengoku, a The Resourceful General.

A well-deserved choice for the leader, what a pity!

If Feith is willing to take over Marine, the Five Elders feel that the world’s pirates are basically suppressed!

Feith also didn’t want to continue these topics, and the World Recruitment was also a follow-up development of the original book, and he said casually.

He changed the subject and said, “Elders, isn’t this what you came here for this time?”

Feith felt that it was impossible for the Five Elders to come in person in order to make themselves the fourth Admiral or the marshal, because they knew in their hearts that they would not agree.

It is also mentioned in passing.

Sure enough, after Feith finished saying this, the elder also started the main topic this time.

He slowly opened his mouth and said, “Feith sees it clearly!”

“The most important thing to come here this time is to invite Feith to the Holy Land Mariejois!”

“Huh?” Feith raised an eyebrow.

“Why did you invite me to the Holy Land?”

Feith went to the Holy Land only a few days ago. At that time, it was to go through the relocation procedures for The fish men island with the World government.

In fact, it is to inform, and at the same time to see what the Holy Land looks like.

The Five Elders all looked at each other, and then the elder elder stepped in front of Feith, lowered his body, and whispered in Feith’s ear: “Your Excellency Feith, Lord Yimu invites you to come and see!

Fei frowned, Im?

This mysterious existence is planning to meet me?

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