Chapter 316 Roger is resurrected! Thanks Feith!

All eyes were on the wreckage covered by the Time Pack.

With the passage of time, the wrapping skin quickly bulged, reaching a height of nearly two meters.

The nerves of everyone around him began to tighten.

The faces of Whitebeard and the redhead showed joy and anticipation, and they were finally resurrected!

Golden Lion, Bullet, and the Red Earl also all knew who this wreck was, and they all swallowed when they saw the human figure appearing in the Time Wrap.

Kaido and Big Mom, as well as the bosses of the op underground world, all looked serious.

Supernova everyone is also very curious.

As the time-wrapped skin gradually disappeared, the answer was revealed.

I saw a sturdy man with sharp eyes and a signature mustache.

Seeing this man, Whitebeard smiled: “The man is finally back!”

The redhead and Rayleigh were both happy.

As a crew member who used to love Roger’s internship, it can be said that for the redhead, Roger exists like a father.

Rayleigh calmed down, then lit a flower and took a slow sip, his eyes flashing with a smile, it’s been a long time!

Brothers who used to adventure together meet again!

On Kaido and Aunt’s side, their faces were full of shock!

“Ro, Roger!!”

The bosses in the underground world of op looked at Roger, each with different expressions, some in shock, some in fear, and more in disbelief.

“This wreck turned out to be Roger’s

“Ro, Roger is resurrected!”

“It’s unbelievable, and if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have imagined that something like a tablecloth could bring Roger back to life.

“As expected, Marine and the big pirates are all scrambling to please.


Feith’s eyes changed slightly after seeing Roger.

However, it will soon return to normal, and it is not surprising that Roger is resurrected. After all, many people have very strong feelings for this One Piece.

While Feith was indifferent, the bodyguard supernovas on the side were not calm when they saw Roger.

“Ocean, One Piece is resurrected…

“The appearance of another legendary boss.

The character who started the era of great voyages has an irreplaceable position in the hearts of pirates.

Around, watching Roger’s resurrection, many people fell into fear and shock.

“Hai, One Piece, Luo, Roger is resurrected!”

“It’s going to change, it’s going to change!

“Unbelievable, this cloth really brought Roger back to life!

“Another troublemaker, what if Roger knew his son had been caught?”

In the crowd who kept exclaiming, Marine’s secret son looked at Roger with a terrified expression on his face. With trembling arms, he quickly grabbed the phone bug and said to the inside, “Marshal, marshal!!”

Waiting for Sengoku to respond, Anko quickly said: “The Whitebeard Alliance resurrects Roger!

This sentence was like a fuse that was lit, and Sengoku was shocked to Ultimate’s voice on the opposite side: “What!?”

Sengoku gritted his teeth: “Roger is… actually resurrected??”

This time, “I’m sorry, you continue to stare, I’ll go over immediately!”

“Yes Yes!”

On Fei’s side, Roger opened his eyes after being resurrected, maybe because he had not been exposed to sunlight for too long, Roger’s eyes narrowed.

After waiting for a few seconds to get used to it, he slowly opened his eyes and immediately saw the crowd around him.

These are people Roger still knows, Whitebeard. Rayleigh, Kaido, Big Mom.. Leiter..

The names of the corresponding faces flashed in his mind one by one, and now Roger was a little dazed.

“I, where am I?”

He looked at Whitebeard, and many people actually looked a little different, and didn’t recognize him for a while, so Whitebeard was exactly the same as he remembered.

He frowned, “Whitebeard, are you dead too?”

Roger clearly remembered that he had been executed.

When Whitebeard saw Roger with a confused face, he couldn’t help laughing out loud: “Roger! Old rival! I want to live well, welcome back!”

“Welcome back?” Roger murmured somewhat blankly.

Rayleigh stepped forward and threw the white coat he draped over his back on Roger before grinning, “Roger! You’re resurrected!”

Roger looked at the gray-haired old man, and his image gradually overlapped with the previous Rayleigh. Then he widened his eyes and said with great joy: “You, you are really Rayleigh!?”

Rayleigh laughed and scolded: “What? Captain Roger, don’t you know your co-captain?”

Roger was overjoyed after confirming that it was Rayleigh, and then he looked at Shanks with red hair on his head.

“So, this is the intern kid!! I didn’t expect it to grow so big!”

Shanks smiled helplessly: “Captain Roger! It’s been more than 20 years, can it be big?”

Roger’s expression was both delighted and excited, and he kept saying hello to those old friends he remembered.

After a while of chatting, he looked at the aunt with a strange look: “It’s really a god! Aunt, how come your appearance is still the same! I remember that you are very keen on having children, right?”

Auntie’s face was black and she ignored Roger at all.

Roger didn’t care either. He was a shrewd and heroic character. He looked at Rayleigh and the others and asked, “What’s going on here? How did you bring me back to life?”

“And I can clearly feel that my illness is cured!”

Rayleigh pointed to Feith, then introduced Feith to Roger, and explained the reason why he could be resurrected, as well as Feith’s magical lottery ability.

Roger was stunned when he heard it, and the expression on his face was even more wonderful after he heard it all.

He was a little shocked: “There is such a magical Devil Fruit!?”

“It is truly unimaginable to be able to draw out so many treasures.”

Feith smiled and waved his hands casually to indicate that it was all a little thing.

Roger sighed with emotion: “I originally thought that I had traveled all over the world and the sea, and I was worthy of this world, but I didn’t expect that there would be miracles that I had not seen.”

“If this is not resurrected, wouldn’t I be watching the sky a little bit!”

Roger laughed at himself, and Feith responded implicitly: “Roger, if you want to see more Pokémon, you can draw me a lottery!”

Roger was immediately very interested, but unfortunately he had just been resurrected and had no money at all.

Next time!” Roger laughed, and then the smile faded from his face and turned serious.

“Feith! Anyway, it’s your blessing that I, Roger, will be able to return to this world again!

“Thank you so much!” Roger bowed deeply to Feith!

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