Chapter 320 Terrible Gundam! One Piece was kicked away by a punch!

Im soon finished trying Gundam and returned to the spot.

When Garp saw the opportunity, he installed the bamboo dragonfly and went straight to the cab.

He couldn’t wait to try driving the behemoth.

Once in the cab, Garp couldn’t wait to try out Gundam’s attack mode.

Laser machines, all kinds of artillery, etc., the attacks are so powerful each time, that Garp, the “old urchin”, can’t keep his mouth shut.

“This Gundam is so in line with the old man’s wishes!”

Roger, who had just been resurrected, was also a little excited when he saw this, “Just being resurrected, it opened my eyes!”

“I want to see how awesome this Gundam is!”

Roger grinned and looked eager to try. He said loudly, “Garp, we haven’t played against each other for a long time, so let’s try it!”

In the cab, when Garp heard Roger’s voice, he couldn’t help but rejoice: “Forget about “One Seven Three” Roger! I’m afraid that you will finally be resurrected and die later!”

“Ah! Garp, why are you scared?” Roger defiantly.

Garp snorted coldly: “What am I afraid of! You bastard were not my opponent before, and now that I have this mecha, you are not worth mentioning at all!”

Roger also stopped talking nonsense and borrowed his previously obsolete saber from the redhead, Griffin!

Roger grinned, pointing Griffin at Garp.

The next moment, he jumped up, the knife in his hand was immediately attached to Armament Haki, and at the same time Conqueror’s Haki wound up.

The terrifying dark red lightning is like a giant snake, opening its bloody mouth.

This blow made the air tremble, and the void seemed to be distorted.

Conqueror’s Haki has affected the sky, and the clouds have begun to rise, welcoming the return of the once-king.

Under the influence of Conqueror’s Haki, some of the surrounding audience fainted, while the Marine soldiers shivered.

“Is this the pressure of One Piece’s terror…

“too frightening!”

“It’s just a monster!”

Unbelievable. “How do the former Marines feel in the face of such a monster.”

Whitebeard sighed a little: “This guy is still so sharp!”

“Although he has already surpassed Roger’s realm after the lottery, Roger’s domineering is still admired by Whitebeard!”

Rayleigh laughed: “Long-lost Roger’s Conqueror’s Haki feeling!”

Many people were palpitated by the terrifying aura emanating from the former king of Roger.

Today’s Roger is not suffering from illness, and his strength is far beyond his peak.

In the cab, Garp laughed: “Roger! Let you, the king, fall to the altar today!”

“I don’t need a weapon, just a fist!”

Garp controlled the Gundam mech and punched Roger.

Above the fist, Conqueror’s Haki armed!

“Roger! Catch my giant iron fist!” Garp laughed.

Roger looked at the fists that were about to collide, the sword in his hand had been pushed to the extreme, and he quickly chopped it without hesitation.

“God avoid!”

The terrifying blade stance directly distorted the space, and the power rippled in the void like a ripple.

However, when the two sides contacted, Roger felt an indescribable force.

That is another mechanical push, an unmatched giant force.


This power is too terrifying…

Roger was slightly shocked, the horror of this power was something he had never imagined.

He gritted his teeth and insisted, but in the face of this powerful force, Roger’s blade was quickly defeated.

Li Cheng hit Roger directly, causing him to fly upside down.

At the same time, it spit out white water and fell back to the ground!

For a while, the surroundings were silent, only the sound of Garp laughing in the cab from high in the sky.

“Roger! Didn’t expect you to be so vulnerable!”

Garp is a little proud, showing off his strength!

It’s really cool, the opponent who used to be entangled with him, now he can defeat it with just one punch.

If this thing existed before, would it make Roger the Pirate King?

just kidding!

The expressions of excitement and joy on the faces of Marine executives.

When Roger faced this Gundam, he had no strength at all.

With this Gundam, who can compete with Marine?

Everyone was very impressed with this Gundam.

However, the staff crane was a little worried: “In other words, this Gundam is indeed powerful, but this is a mechanical mechanism. What if there is a problem?”

“I don’t think the Vegapunk guy can fix this big guy!”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, but this is a problem.

Since it is a mechanical structure, there is a risk of damage.

Im on the side said indifferently: “It doesn’t matter! It’s enough to ask Mr. Feith to draw a lottery. As long as there is time to wrap the skin, it can be restored to its original state anytime, anywhere!”

Feith nodded with a smile: “That’s right! Although the time wrapping skin is not big enough, you just need to pay more money to draw a lottery. It’s like stickers, stick it piece by piece, and it can always be restored!”

As for “cannonballs, these things shouldn’t be too difficult to study, but you can leave it to Vegapunk to study it!”

When everyone heard the words, the corners of their mouths twitched.

– According to Feith, if you want to restore a Gundam, how much does it cost to spend time to restore the skin of the Gundam?

Second, it’s because Feith looks down on Vegapunk too much, right?

In front of these technological prizes like you, that guy is like an ape who has not yet opened his mind. He can study shit.

Everyone is helpless, but there are only these ways.

This time the lottery also announced a paragraph.

Im began to point the finger at the surrounding pirates.

She chuckled and said, “Since everyone is here, even Roger, the pirate king, how about we do it?”

“As long as you win, we will naturally hand over Ace. If you lose, the world will be at peace!”

These -1.5 proposals are naturally highly supported by the Five Elders. The Elders of the Five Elders are behind Yim, indicating that the final battle will be started!

Marine executives also think this is feasible!

Rather than consuming it like this, the two sides might as well get to know each other.

Now that Marine has got the Gundam, and there is Im the powerhouse beyond the ceiling level, Marine and the government will win!

Whitebeard, Red Hair and other Four Emperors and the big bosses in the underground world of op frowned.

They were wearing masks, and the mysterious Yimu was extremely vigilant in his heart.

Although they hadn’t seen Yimu’s shot, they could sense that this one was not easy to mess with.

Roger, who has been to Raftel, just laughed.

He hadn’t even considered playing against Im at all, the time had not yet come, it was too early, it was not the time yet.

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