Chapter 323 The terrifying power shown by Feith and Im!

The Golden Lion felt as if everything had been taken away.

Feith also has the ability to flutter Devil Fruit, and now even his last few smaller air pirate ships are used as a ring.

However, Golden Lion didn’t dare to say anything, they were a ceiling-level existence, and these pirates were still being sheltered by Feith.

Forget it, forget it! Treat it as a protection fee!

Just as everyone was focusing on Feith and Im’s upcoming battle, a golden random door appeared.

The Golden Emperor Tezzolo came to Sabaody Archipelago. When he came, he was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Fuck! What is this situation?

The coast villa is now almost crowded, Whitebeard, Redhead, Kaido, Big Mom, and the OP Underworld he knows are all there!

Surrounded by many Marine soldiers, as well as ordinary audience, this scene made the Golden Emperor a little confused.

When did Feith get so busy here?

And he found that everyone was paying attention to the sea in the distance. He looked and found that there were several giant pirate ships suspended in the air above the sea!

He saw Feith above, and a tall, mysterious man with a mask.

All this made the Golden Emperor look at a loss, and he had to ask the Ocean King, one of the OP’s underground world bosses he was familiar with.

When buying arms, they all relied on the sea king. 177

Sea King Umit glanced at the Golden Emperor and said, “Im is going to discuss with Feith now!”

The Golden Emperor is at a loss, who is Im?

Umit explained for a while, and then talked about the ultimate lottery and Gundam, which made the Golden Emperor Tezzolo look shocked.

“The ultimate lottery draw? Gundam!?” The Golden Emperor looked delighted.

It seems that he did not come in vain this time.

Gundam can even defeat Roger, so doesn’t it mean that there is no problem with other powerhouses?

Take a Gundam yourself and go back, and worry about others robbing it in the future??

Tezzolo was excited and planned to have a big draw for the ultimate lottery later!

But before that, we have to wait for the end of Feith’s sparring with Im.

On the “Seaside Broadcasting Station”, Feith and Yim stood at a distance of 100 meters, facing each other.

Both are ready.

“Now that you’re all set, let’s get started!” Feith laughed.

After a pause, Feith looked confident: “Imm, ladies first, let you go first!”

This sentence caused an uproar among the melon eaters around.

“I’m going!? What the hell? Ladies first?

“The highest authority in the world government is actually a woman?”

“As expected of Lord Feith, it seems that he knows the identity of this mysterious person!”

People are constantly talking about this hot news.

At the same time, Feith and Im’s sparring begins.

Facing Feith Jean’s first move, Im did not refuse, and when facing Bullet, she had absolute confidence.

However, facing Feith, Yim is very serious. She has seen Feith suppress the three old-time powerhouses in Summit War, and she knows Feith’s power!

So Im didn’t dare to be careless.

“Since Lord Feith let me go first, then I will go first!”

Im’s double rippled eyes narrowed, just facing Bullet, Im was always a normal attack, but now she is facing Feith, she uses her ability as soon as she makes a shot.

“Feith! Let me show you, the rarest Logia devil fruit!

“Astral Seed.. Sun Fruit!”

Behind Im, there is a rising sun, like a halo.

Fei’s eyes moved slightly, and she complained in her heart: I’m going!? And this Devil Fruit!?

But it was too late to think about it, the fire of the sun was already burning on Im, coming towards Feith.

The terrifying sun’s fire burned the space to distort and deform!

The heat made the splint under the foot burn with a raging fire, and the heat rose.

Im like the flames on his feet, and he was already in front of Feith in a blink of an eye.

The fist, burning with the fire of the sun, slammed into Feith’s face.

Fei did not dare to neglect, the terrifying heat could easily burn his skin, and magma appeared on his body to resist the heat wave of the sun’s fire.

(bcbf) At the same time, the power of thunder surrounds the whole body.

“Let’s see, the combined attack of 4 Devil Fruit abilities!”

Feith shouted, and also punched the punch that hit Im.

A fusion of all the abilities of Shock Fruit, Lava-Lava Fruit and Sparkling Fruit and Thunder Fruit!

With the improvement of Feith’s attribute points, these Devil Fruit abilities are highly developed and controlled.

Feith can now easily fuse his abilities and then unleash a more powerful combo attack.

Between the electric light and flint, the fists meet.

A shocking explosion sounded, like the explosion of more than ten tons of explosives, the flames were washed away, and a mushroom cloud rose above the sky.

At the same time, among the flames, there is also the shuttle of thunder!

The heat wave formed a storm and swept the four directions, the sea was boiling continuously, and at the same time, people on the Sabaody Archipelago, a few kilometers away, could clearly feel the scorching heat.

Whitebeard, Roger, Five Elders, Sengoku, all the top powerhouses were stunned.

“The power is just terrifying. Roger was in awe.

“Fortunately, I was resurrected, otherwise I would have died if I knew that there are such strong people in this world..

Bullet, who was lying on the ground, looked horrified, and his godless eyes were full of fear.

If Im used such power to fight against him just now, he would die now!

Everyone was shocked by the terrifying power of the two fighting.

“Speaking of…is there a winner or loser?” Someone in the crowd asked curiously.

“In this case, it is impossible to see at all, and we can only wait until the explosion subsides!”

“However, Yimu actually has the Devil Fruit, a star species that we have never heard of before. Your Excellency Feith is afraid that it is a little off!”

The crowd was silent.

In fact, when Im showed the super powerful ability of the Logia Star Species Devil Fruit, everyone thought that Feith should lose.

There is no reason, this is the crushing of Devil Fruit’s ability level!

Just like magma suppressing fire, Devil Fruit’s abilities also have different levels.

The terrifying explosion gradually subsided, and everyone saw that the arena composed of the Golden Lion air pirate ship had almost become a wreck at sea. The wreckage was still burning with flames, and the sea water could not be extinguished.

This makes the hearts of those opposed to the Marine World government, such as Whitebeard and Roger, nervous.

Such a terrible fire of the sun, can Feith stop it?

As the flames and smoke of the explosion faded away, Feith and Imholan appeared in front of the crowd.

I saw some distortions in the field of vision, Feith and Yim stood in the air.

Some of Feith’s clothes were burnt with holes, while on Im’s side, the mask had cracks, and at the same time, the “sun halo” behind him also showed clear cracks!

In this fight, Feith has the upper hand!

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