Chapter 333 The strength has increased rapidly! Take a photo to record it!

Feith intends to officially announce the Sabaody Archipelago as his own.

Then build up your own armed forces to defend against powerful enemies that may appear after the passage of the Myriad Realms is opened.

This is the foundation of longevity.

However, these things should be done slowly and planned step by step. What we need to do now is to digest the harvest.

Feith stopped thinking about this, sat on the beach chair beside him, and began to close his eyes to look at the system interface.

Feith now owns 13 Devil Fruits.

The most powerful is Lava-Lava Fruit, which has the most attribute points, up to 25w attribute points, followed by the ability of Shock Fruit, both of which have super powerful destructive power, followed by the sound of thunder..

These destructive abilities are considered to be the kanban of Feith’s combat power.

The weakest is the Barrier Fruit, which has not yet added points. It was because of this that I was defeated by Yimu.

Simply Feith put a lot of attributes on the barrier fruit.

As the attribute points continue to increase, the sum quickly reaches the goal of the sum of attribute points.

The system’s voice immediately sounded: “Relationship Host, get Paramecia [Hell Fruit]!”

“This fruit really makes people unable to think of any 183 effect! Feith complained.

He had seen Yimu use it before, but at the time he was fighting vigorously, and he kept drawing his sword without paying too much attention, so he didn’t know exactly what it did.

However, the name seems to be very powerful, so Feith added all the remaining attribute points to this [Hell Fruit].

As for other fruits, such as String-String Fruit, Sand-Sand Fruit, which feel relatively low, Feith basically did not add much.

“This time, the strength has improved a lot!” Feith was in a good mood.

In addition, the increase in the attribute points of the fruit of hell allows Feith to feel an inexplicable move, that is, the words of hell, and the area of ​​hell.

As in the previous life story, after the Red Earl got the ghostly beast Devil Fruit, he could use the fruit’s ability to influence the surrounding into darkness.

Feith has this feeling right now, and feels that it can affect the surrounding area. This may be the awakening of the improvement of the attribute points of the fruit of hell.

Feith went out to try the effect of the fruit of hell to see how it affected the surrounding environment after using it, and what would happen after the impact.

Feith got up, suddenly thought of something, and grinned.

“By the way! You can use Pirate Douyin to record your cultivation time, so that others will definitely like and comment when they see it.”

“Another shortcut to getting stronger while lying down!” Feith couldn’t help but laugh.

And now that no one publishes Douyin, you can also be the first person to post Douyin.

Thinking of this, Feith took out a Warwick 9000 from the space ring.

The interface is no different from an ordinary mobile phone, except that the software is relatively small. Feith has no intention of looking at other software. For him, the mobile phone is not new, so he directly opened Douyin.

As soon as it was opened, an advertising slogan appeared: Pirates are funny, it’s even more exciting with you!

This kind of uncompromising picture made Feith couldn’t help but raise the corner of his mouth, “By the way, when mobile phones become popular in the future, can I make money by charging advertising fees?”

Out of curiosity, Feith hurriedly asked the system.

The answer given by the system is yes, all the background permissions of this APP are on the system, and the system belongs to Feith, so Feith can control it at will.

Feith couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

But then, he was surprised to find that there was a video after Douyin’s splash screen.

In the video, there is a selfie video of the Empress and Shirahoshi, nothing special, just a video showing their beauty.

“Haha!” Feith laughed out loud this time. After the popularity of mobile phones in the future, will the three Admiral and other bigwigs of various forces hold their mobile phones to scan beauties?

Imagining such a scene, Feith couldn’t help but want to laugh.

Soon, Feith stopped thinking nonsense and gave Hancock a like (bcbf).

The female emperor Hancock, who was still recording the video, was suddenly stunned, and then her beautiful eyes opened in disbelief.

Shirahoshi on the side was a little different: “What’s the matter?”

Hancock looked at the message prompting Feith to like him. Hancock turned his head to look at Feith, showing joy, excitement, and shock, and said, “Feith!! It can really improve his strength!”

“The next second after you liked it, I felt the improvement in my strength. Although it is weak, once there are more likes, the degree of improvement will be terrifying.”

Feith nodded with a smile, somewhat surprised by the result.

After all, the matter of strength enhancement is very mysterious, it seems that there is no external force at all, and I don’t know how to strengthen people’s strength.

But the system itself is a mysterious thing, and Feith doesn’t intend to worry about these things.

And the female emperor, who has experienced the improvement of her strength, is more active in releasing videos.

Seeing Feith’s positive energy, Feith decides to teach a drag queen video.

Half an hour later, Feith released the video that he worked so hard to edit. Hancock and Bai Cheng were already looking forward to it, and quickly came over to watch the video.

Looking at the two of them who were deliberately made ugly at the beginning, they became a domineering queen and a cute fish princess immediately after the music became a bit of a distraction.

Such unprecedented visual impact and freshness made the two women unable to extricate themselves.

How happy are the two of them.

“Dear!! You are amazing! You shoot so well!” Empress Hancock praised.

“Master Feith is really a perfect man, he can do anything!” Shirahoshi’s voice was soft, and he was not stingy with praise.

Feith, who is praised by two beauties, has a brilliant smile. As a man, he naturally likes to be praised by beauties.

However, Hancock and Shirahoshi were still unfinished and wanted Feith to make videos for them again.

This made Feith’s heart “Karon”, and it was over!

He was so careless! He suddenly thought that taking pictures was the favorite thing for girls, and now that he made them fall in love with taking pictures, wouldn’t he be reduced to taking pictures and silhouette tools in the future?

The first person in the dignified pirate world becomes a tool man?

Feith refused immediately.

Hearing Feith’s refusal, Hancock and Shirahoshi suddenly lost their faces.

Looking at the two lost beauties, Fei explained: “I’m going to try my new ability now, and I’ll take pictures for you when I’m done.”

Hancock and Shirahoshi were once again happy when Feith said he would take pictures for them later.

Then he was a little curious, and Shirahoshi said: “Master Feith is planning to test new abilities?”

Feith nodded: “I just got a hell fruit, I want to see how it works.”

Although the two girls didn’t know why Feith got the new ability, they didn’t ask Feith either.

Hancock said happily: “Then I’ll take pictures for my dear!”

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