Chapter 334 Terrible New Move: Netherfire!

Feith readily agreed.

He originally planned to record a video, and then posted it, and Hancock took the initiative to take pictures of himself. It’s not bad!

So Feith began to test [Hell Fruit] under the recording recorded by Hancock.

He flew over the sea with the Lion Fruit, trying to stay away from the Sabaody Archipelago, just in case.

After all, safety comes first. If the hell fruit is too powerful, it will be bad if one does not pay attention to destroying the Sabaody Land-Archipelago.

Soon, Feith was burning with a fire-flame…

No! Not a flame to be exact, but an indescribable weird thing like a flame.

It is full of extremely evil, extremely evil indescribable things.

Feith looked at these things on the surface of the body and murmured: “Hellfire? Or ghost fire?”

Feith couldn’t figure it out either, but he knew the power of this thing.

Once the opponent is infected with this indescribable flame, they will feel indescribable pain, which is the pain that acts on the soul, tortures the soul, makes people mad, and mad.

Feith was going to try an opponent, and after thinking about it, his eyes moved.

Immediately after raising his palm, the sea below suddenly rolled over, and a huge Sea Kings was forcibly grabbed from the deep sea by Feith.

Now Feith’s Lion Fruit also has more than 100,000 attributes, and the level of development has reached the point where you don’t need to touch it yourself, you can make it float just by the person or thing that Observation Haki informs.

Although there is no damage, this is an extremely good way of defeating the enemy, so Feith will give so many attribute points.

The Sea Kings below had a dazed expression. It was swimming well in the deep sea and suddenly floated into the air for no reason.

The confused Sea Kings moved his eyes after seeing Feith above his head, as if he wanted to understand something, and roared at Feith the next second.

Those sharp fangs wanted to shatter Feith.

Feith snorted: “It’s really scary!”

Immediately, he raised his finger and flicked an indescribable strange flame, “Netherfire!”

Feith intends to call it only Netherfire, which sounds domineering.

Netherfire was extremely fast, and soon came into contact with this Sea Kings.

At the moment of contact with this Sea Kings, this indescribable flame spread wildly, and in a short while, the whole Sea Kings was wrapped, as if swallowed by flames, the difference is that this fire does not hurt the body. .

This Sea Kings was still screaming desperately at Feith, but the moment it came into contact with the fire, the whole body froze like an electric shock, and the pupils dilated.

The next second was a heart-piercing wailing, the wailing was extremely fierce, as if it came from the soul.

Sea Kings struggled frantically with his entire body, twisting his body desperately, trying to get rid of the ghost fire on his body, but to no avail.

Sabaody Archipelago, Shore Villas!

Hancock and Bai Cheng recorded the video for Feith, looking at the scene in front of them, the beauty of the two girls turned white.

His eyes were full of fear.

“This weird flame is so scary…” Shirahoshi covered his mouth with his hands.

As a half fish, she can feel Ultimate’s pain from the wailing of the Sea Kings, a pain she can’t imagine, from the soul..

Although the Empress Hancock could not understand the voice of Sea Kings, her strong intuition let her know that if she was hit by this trick, she would definitely be worse off than dead.

This is a very ruthless and vicious ability.

Feith touched his nose, then removed the Lion Fruit ability from Sea Kings.

“Although you are a little innocent, but since you have made sacrifices, then give me a comprehensive test! I will mourn for you!”

Feith murmured.

If this Sea Kings understands this, I am afraid that I will cry to death and feel that I am unlucky today.

The Sea Kings, who had released the ability of the Fluttering Fruit, fell towards the sea.

Seeing that he was about to touch the sea, there was a hint of hope in Sea Kings’ pained and twisted expression.

As long as it comes into contact with water, the flame on his body can disappear.

The huge body fell and set off a huge wave.

Sea Kings, who originally thought that he had seen hope, was horrified to find that the strange flames on his body could not be extinguished at all.

Fei looked at the Sea Kings who were still struggling in the sea and howling in pain, touched her chin and murmured: “It seems that the sea can’t extinguish the fire, and it is this flame that burns the soul, and as long as the soul is still there, it will continue to burn.”

Feith came to a conclusion, and also made an evaluation of Netherfire, that is, this is an extremely terrifying move, and it is a move that is extremely torturous to the opponent.

As long as the soul is immortal, it will suffer such pain all the time, and this trick is more suitable for the enemy.

ask for flowers…

With the knowledge of the move, Fei snapped her fingers and extinguished the fire on Sea Kings.

After thinking about it, he fed this Sea Kings a fairy bean as compensation for his sacrifice.

Sea Kings, who were originally half-dead, immediately froze after eating the fairy beans.

The fish’s face was dazed and shocked, it didn’t seem to believe that it had recovered!?

But without thinking too much, after seeing Feith above the sky again, the giant Sea Kings showed Ultimate fear on his face, flicked his tail, and fled frantically into the deep sea.

Fuck! This guy is horrible!

Feith murmured silently: “Am I so scary? Anyway, I gave Xiandou, okay?”

Ignoring it, Feith intends to start experimenting with the ability of the Hell Fruit to affect the environment after awakening.

On the other side, over the Golden City!

Tezzolo had arrived in a huge mech.

In the cab, Tezzolo repeatedly said, “This mecha is really amazing!”

Whether it is speed or attack power, it is impeccable.

On the way back, he directly sunk a small island with a diameter of about 100 meters into the seabed, which only required one missile.

Above the Golden Emperor, many celebrities and rich people looked at the iron lumps in the sky and couldn’t help but be amazed.

“what is that!?”


“It’s so big!”

“There is such a thing in this world??

Hearing the shock of the people below and the shocked expression on his face, Tezzolo couldn’t help but feel a little proud.

He originally likes to show off, like high-profile, likes to listen to people’s applause, and Tezzolo’s dream is to become a singer.

This gave him a good idea to hold a concert with Gundam, which would definitely be very cool.

I was thinking this way in my heart, and soon I came to the building that belonged to me.

After coming out of the Gundam cab and putting it in the universal capsule, Tezzolo came to his office, ready to have a drink and celebrate his harvest this time.

However, just when he was sitting on the boss chair and leaning his feet on the table, a golden random door appeared in front of him!

Tezzolo’s face darkened, and he cursed inwardly: “Fuck..


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