Chapter 349 Golden Lion can use Conqueror’s again!

For the Golden Lion and the Red Earl, rejuvenation is what they most desire.

Especially Golden Lion, now he is basically injured all over his body, his feet are broken, and the top of his head is inserted into the wreckage of a cabin, which greatly reduces his strength, and even makes it difficult for him to use Conqueror’s Haki.

If the red-haired broken arm can be recovered, then all his injuries will also be recovered.

Golden Lion couldn’t wait the most, he said quickly: “Master Feith, can you let me recover first?”

At this time, he was shaking a little when he spoke.

Seeing his appearance, Feith couldn’t help laughing and crying: “Whoever comes first can do it!”

The other two also didn’t compete with the Golden Lion, who got his wish to be the first to restore youth.

Aside, Roger, standing beside Whitebeard, the redhead and Rayleigh, grinned.

“Golden Lion! When you’re young again, we’ll find a chance to fight!”

At this time, the Golden Lion had not recovered his youth, but he was already in high spirits, and he laughed: “Roger, have you forgotten the scene when I was forced into a desperate situation?

Roger sneered, “That time, your Golden Lion’s Flying Sky Pirates suffered heavy losses!

After speaking, don’t forget to taunt a few words: “Speaking of Golden Lion, you should know the importance of navigators by now, right?”

Golden Lion ignores Roger, really 193 is a pot that can’t be opened and raised, wait for Laozi, and then clean up after you recover.

Ignoring Roger, the Golden Lion begs Feith to help him regain his youth.

Feith didn’t talk nonsense either, adjusted the time of the time wrapping skin according to Golden Lion’s request, and then covered it on his body.

On the side, the other old fritters are very calm, and they have seen it many times about restoring youth.

However, it is different for the evil kings and Xuanyue hunters who also came out of the sixth floor of the underwater prison. They have not witnessed the scene of rejuvenation with their own eyes, and they are all watching intently.

The Red Earl on the side was also breathing rapidly, and he was also looking forward to it. He wanted to see the effect of the Golden Lion’s recovery, and the next step was exclusive.

Soon, the time wrap on Golden Lion disappeared.

I saw that the feet that Golden Lion had severed because of his escape from prison regrown, and the two famous knives once again became weapons, not the tools Golden Lion used as feet.

At the same time, the rudder above the Golden Lion’s head was no longer inserted in his head, and it broke away from the appearance and restored to a complete rudder. The baldness disappeared, and the thick (bcbf) golden hair grew again.

On the side, Earl Red took a deep breath, his eyes were hot and excited, he didn’t expect the effect to be so good!

And the other evil kings under Blackbeard, Xuanyue Hunter and others who saw this situation for the first time also had shocked expressions and fiery expressions.

After so many years in the undersea prison, who doesn’t want to be young again?

This means that the years that have passed can be remedied.

As for the client Golden Lion, he was a little dazed.

So soon?

He felt that he hadn’t reacted much, and the time bag was covered, and it disappeared in a few seconds.

It can’t be fake, can it?

However, when he looked down and saw his growing legs, he was obviously startled, and because of his bowing, the rudder above his head also fell.

Looking at the rudder, Golden Lion felt a little dazed for a while, and some did not react.

The rudder above my head is…!?

There was a sense of unreality, which made him unable to help reach out and touch the top of his head, and what he touched was his thick hair.

Only at this moment did Golden Lion react, and his voice was a little hoarse: “I, I am really young again!!”

His whole body trembled a little, trembling with excitement!

The next second, he raised his head and roared, venting his excitement and excitement: “I’m really young again!!!”

Immediately, an aura erupted from the Golden Lion, and at the same time, countless dark red lightnings appeared, extending from the soles of the feet to the surroundings. This is Conqueror’s Haki!

“The long-lost Conqueror’s Haki!!

Golden Lion exudes joy and nostalgia!

“Soft! Golden Lion, Conqueror’s Haki can’t be released here!” Feith said coldly.

Feith’s words immediately made Golden Lion instantly restrain his Conqueror’s Haki.

He looked at Feith a little, “Sorry Feith Lord! A little too excited, accidentally…

Feith waved his hand: “Forget the first time, there is no next time!”

Seeing Feith’s intention not to pursue it anymore, Golden Lion breathed a sigh of relief.

At that moment, Golden Lion’s heart was beating so fast, he had just regained his youth, but don’t wait a minute because he accidentally broke the rules because of excitement and was beaten by Feith, wouldn’t he cry to death?

After thinking about it, Golden Lion flattered and bowed deeply to Feith: “Thank you, Lord Feith, for restoring my youth!”

Feith waved his hand again, and said indifferently: “You don’t need to apologize to me, you paid for the lottery, these things were originally obtained by your own luck!”

“We are just a buyer and seller relationship!”

Even so, Golden Lion would like to sincerely thank you.

Feith ignored the Golden Lion, and then helped the Red Earl and Bullet to regain their youth.

After recovering his youth, the Red Earl was as excited as the Golden Lion, but under the circumstance of precedent, the Red Earl was more rational and did not break the rules.

On the other hand, Bullet was relatively calm. He was not too old at first, but he had just recovered the years he had spent in the sixth floor of the Undersea Prison, so he was not so excited.

The three remnants of the old era put away the lottery items one after another.

At this time, Feith recovered the last piece of time bag skin and asked them to choose a top prize in exchange.

After discussing again, the three decided to switch to a Huawei mobile phone.

They got 2 mobile phones by lottery, and there were three of them, and they simply exchanged mobile phones so that everyone had one.

Feith naturally has no opinion.

The more mobile phones, the more beneficial it is for him.

He believes that as long as he publishes his own video, no matter which party sees his own video, he will definitely like and comment on his own video.

So the popularity of mobile phones, Feith is the biggest beneficiary!

At this moment, the aunt returned to the crowd happily.

At this time, she was in a good mood. Not only did she ask Hancock and Shirahoshi to help her like her videos, but she also learned some techniques for shooting videos. She planned to teach Katakuri when she went back, so that she could also shoot videos. Premium video.

At this time, the aunt saw Golden Lion, Red Earl and Bullet holding a Warwick 9000, and her eyes lit up.

She hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Come on, please like the video for me!

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