Chapter 350 Operation in the dark box, understand?

Feith couldn’t help but smile bitterly in her heart when she heard her aunt let the three old-time remnants like it.

Sure enough, there is still some inconsistency!

After the popularity of mobile phones, I am afraid that when these strong people meet in the future, it will no longer be a discussion or something, but will praise each other as soon as they meet.

Golden Lion, Red Earl, and Bullet didn’t refuse either, and they all clicked on the pirate jokes immediately.

At one point, I saw Feith’s advertising slogan, and then Feith helped Shirahoshi and Hancock shoot a cross-dressing video.

Now the most popular video in Douyin is this video, because these two women are Feith people, Bullet, Golden Lion and Red Earl immediately like it!

Then the three of them swiped the video of Feith testing the fruit of hell. Golden Lion, Red Earl, and Bullet looked at each other, and they all liked it without any hesitation.

In any case, whether it was the shock the video brought to them, or seeing Feith’s face, they had no reason not to like it.

It is worth mentioning that the two videos of Feith and Shirahoshi and the female emperor Hancock are the most liked in the Pirate Douyin.

Next is the video released by Im and Aunt, as well as Kaido and others.

Golden Lion, Red Earl and Bullet all liked Auntie’s video, not for anything else, just to allow Auntie to like them too.

After the three of them gave the aunt a thumbs up, they immediately started recording their own videos without stopping.

Golden Lion showed off the recording, now that he has regained his lush hair, and released it immediately!

The Red Earl released a very provocative video. He threatened to become the pirate king in the next moment and become the next peak figure!

As for the final Bullet, I almost recorded a provocative video and showed off my physique at the same time.

After the three posted the video, they immediately liked each other, and then asked the aunt to like it.

The aunt had no opinion, and decided to like the three of them. After finishing the work, she smiled and said: “Everyone! We are all old acquaintances. After seeing each other’s videos, we will like and comment on each other.

Golden Lion, Red Earl, and Bullet all agreed, which was beneficial to them.

At the same time, the gain of likes appears at this moment.

The three of them felt the improvement of their own strength, and they couldn’t help showing joy and shock.

On the side, Whitebeard, Redhead, Kaido and others watched Auntie and others like each other with their mobile phones, and they were also excitedly discussing the improvement of their strength. Finally, they couldn’t sit still anymore.

Kaido said directly: “Whitebeard, redhead, I don’t think we need to wait any longer..

“It’s just a top lottery anyway, and our current savings are enough to draw a few hands!

Bullet, Golden Lion, and the Red Earl had planned this time to rob the gold in the sky, so they didn’t need to share the money with the Alliance.

Hearing this, Whitebeard hesitated: “We only have a few billion baileys in our hands now, and we can’t even reach 10 billion baileys. I think it’s better to wait for the next time.”

Whitebeard wanted to wait until after reaching 10 billion baileys before drawing a lottery.

However, after discussions with Long, Benn Beckman, and Rayleigh and others, the league finally decided to draw a lottery.

Whitebeard handed the money to Feith, “Your Excellency Feith, draw all the top prizes!”

Fei is naturally very happy. After accepting the money, he now only needs more than 7000000000 Bailey to open the Myriad Realm Channel, and it is getting closer and closer!

To be honest, the closer Feith got to opening the Myriad Realms Channel, the more his heart beat faster.

What kind of New World will be opened? Or is the opening of the Myriad Realms channel, not just a single world, but a connected world?

Everything is full of unknowns, everything is uncertain!

This is like Feith when he traveled to the world of pirates, looking forward to the future and feeling a little helpless.

Feith today is not because of fear. He feels that this is a kind of nostalgia, and he is a little confused about the new environment that is coming.

In any case, as long as you do a good job of everything, if it is really the Dragon Ball world, there is a super high-level existence like Quanwang, then there is no way to do it.

In other words, when Saitama appears, Feith doesn’t think he can defeat this One Punch Man, but Feith likes Saitama more than King Quan.

Because he is stupid!

Fei felt that by fooling Saitama, he should be able to fool him lame.

Stop thinking about these things, and leave the future things to your future self!

…for flowers…

Feith restrained his thoughts and started the lottery!

This time, Feith intends to give Whitebeard, Redhead, Kaido, Long, Roger, Rayleigh and others a Warwick 9000 each.

In this way, Douyin will be more interesting, and you will receive more likes.

However, you can’t be too anxious and give too many mobile phones at one time, so that you can stimulate consumption, and you can let them continue to draw lottery.

Just as Feith was thinking about the behind-the-scenes operation, the lottery was over.

Take out the regular rewards of the top lottery first.

When everyone in Whitebeard saw the random door, physical strength pill, etc., all of them didn’t catch a cold.

However, after Feith finally took out 6 Warwick 9000s, the eyes of Whitebeard, Redhead, Long and others lit up.

The Golden Lion, Red Earl and Bullet on the side were also stunned.

“I’m going!? So many phones!? Golden Lion can’t believe it.

Red Earl and Bullet also twitched at the corners of their mouths. In their nearly 150 lottery draws, only 2 Warwick 9000s came out, and the other one was exchanged for time pack skins.

As for Whitebeard, they only drew about 40 times, and they actually came out with 6 copies??

This Fuck! It’s just outrageous!

Roger looked at Golden Lion and the others in shock, and couldn’t help laughing: “Golden Lion! You were unlucky back then, but you are still unlucky now!”

Golden Lion was powerless to refute.

Feith on the side is calm and composed, and complains in his heart: Where is your luck, let’s learn about the dark box operation?

Everyone in Whitebeard happily took over the phone, one for each, and all of them were laughing from ear to ear.

In this way, they can also record videos and like each other to improve their strength.

Soon, the scene was turned into a shooting venue. Powerhouses such as Whitebeard, Redhead, and Kaido couldn’t wait to shoot their own videos, upload them to Douyin, and then like each other to improve their strength.

At this time, Benn Beckman rejoiced: “Captains, now our alliance has the most mobile phones, which can be used to create a rare army!”

Although Benn Beckman’s voice is very low, but all the high-level Pirates are strong, so they can hear it naturally.

Now Marine can’t sit still!


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