Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1138 The Biggest Regret

"I'm sorry."

Groot suddenly lowered his head and covered his face with his hands.

Qin Mo was surprised to find that Groot was sobbing, which could be seen from Groot's trembling body.

"I'm really not a qualified candidate for the Royal Guard..."

"I slaughtered the arena in the lower nest... I can't control my anger..."

"I'm sorry... Commander... I'm sorry..."

"Every time I recall the moment when you gave me the Royal Guard Power Armor... I will be ashamed and want to commit suicide..."

Listening to Groot's words, Qin Mo's nose suddenly soured.

His hand was on Groot's shoulder.

The gentle words came into Groot's ears.

"You don't need to apologize for this."

"Looking back now, I think I overreacted because I was worried that Khorne might affect you, so I asked you to leave the Guard."

"But later in the battle for Tianwei, you proved that you would never be corrupted and degraded."

"If I had the ability to predict the fate of each of you... or if the thread of your fate that I disturbed could be seen, I would never make that decision."

Hearing this, Groot put down his hand and looked at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo nodded: "From now on, you are one of the most suitable people to be a guard."

Groot took a deep breath and nodded vigorously. He wanted to express something, but he was never good at expressing himself.

The words he just said to Qin Mo were what Groot had thought about for a lifetime.

"After the battle for Tianwei I was over, I sent you a letter asking you to undergo the transformation surgery and become a Royal Guard again, but you refused." Qin Mo asked what he had always been curious about, "Why?"

"Gray and the others would be more qualified after the transformation surgery, and I think I would really become an overly efficient killing machine." Grot lowered his head, "That's one reason."

"The second reason."

"During the Battle of Cadia, the 44th Regiment I led was blown up by stray bullets during the battle between Titans."

"Those guys I trained personally."

Groot's tears rolled in his eyes.

"I know what kind of people their parents are, I know what their goals are, what kind of personalities they have, who likes to be lazy, who is the most diligent, who is the most depressed, and who is the most optimistic."

"When leaving Tyrone, I even met them one by one to find their lovers who came to the military camp. I persuaded their lovers to leave without worry because I would definitely bring them back."

"But in the end, they didn't. Their lovers were still fantasizing that their husbands or boyfriends would return in triumph on the battleship Lord of Tyrone one day, wearing power armor and hugging them amid the flowers and applause of Tyrone No. 1, not knowing that their husbands or boyfriends would have been vaporized by the stray bullets fired by the Titans at that time."

"In any case, I can't abandon my regiment, because if I decide to leave the Tyrone Army, the number of the 44th Regiment will not remain. Previously, someone in the Army Department believed that this number offended the past of the Lord of Tyrone and must be renamed..."

Groot is actually a sentimental person.

He will not tell the painful past while keeping a blank face as if he is out of it.

After hearing this, Qin Mo was silent for a moment, and slowly shook his head: "I'm sorry."

Groot grabbed his hair with his hands and closed his eyes to mourn for the young men he had led.

The child in Qin Mo's arms was playing with the beverage bottle in his hand, and he couldn't understand what Groot, the ferocious-looking but gentle grandfather, was talking about with his juniors.

Only when this child learned about the history of Tyrone in class many years later, he would point to the illustrations on the holographic image and shout in the eyes of the teacher and classmates looking at the King of Bullshit that the Lord of Tyrone hugged me, and the first Tyrone Field Marshal lived next door to my house.

But now he doesn't have to think too much, he is still a carefree child.

He only needs a childhood that is enough to heal his life, and a warm and powerful embrace.

The past is always heavy.

Groot knew that Qin Mo was willing to come to see him, which was a matter of trying his best to squeeze out time in his busy schedule. He didn't want his respected legion commander, governor, Lord of Tyrone... to leave with a heavy heart.

So he tried his best to pretend to be relieved, squeezed out an ugly smile, and talked about something else.

Groot stroked the child's head: "I think this child will definitely achieve something in the future. His parents are both very powerful."

"Why do you say that?" Qin Mo was very curious about Groot's neighbors.

This residential area is just like the residential areas in various worlds of Tyrone. It is not difficult to live here. A few months' salary plus the entry documents of the nearby workplace can be done.

However, as a residential area near the office area of ​​the capital world of Tyrone, if you want to live here, you need to work in the office area, but the parents of this child are likely to be ordinary employees.

"His mother is the orphan of my adjutant when I was the head of the group. I asked my sister to raise her and give her the best."

"And his father is a captain of the Tyrone Navy. He entered the naval school from a person in the collapsed agricultural world of the empire that was just included in the jurisdiction of Tyrone twenty years ago, became a crew member, and then became a captain."

Groot patted the child's head.

"He has an excellent memory and is very smart. He will go directly to the Naval Academy when he reaches adulthood. This is what Sein downstairs told me. This kid is the last candidate he will select before he retires."

Hearing the name Saiin, Qin Mo recalled the ship named Path of Glory, one of the first batch of battleships of the Tyrone Navy and the bridge provider of the flagship of the Tyrone Navy, the Glory Humanity.

Sain is the captain of the Path of Glory. He used a suicide attack to destroy the Vengeful Spirit during the Battle of Cadia, and was then drawn into the subspace.

When he comes out again, he will no longer be a captain and will serve in the naval academy.

"Sain lives downstairs from you?" Qin Mo was surprised.

"Yes." Grote nodded, "If we go and see him together, he will definitely be so excited that his son will be sent to the emergency room of Taiwei Er."

"Damn it, Saiin is too old to move now..." Qin Mo calculated. Sain does not have the physique of Groot. After being fished out of the subspace, he has always been accompanied by diseases, and these diseases cannot be cured until soul-related technology is developed.

"The old guy lies in bed all day long with his Iron Man nanny." Grote said with a smile. "He named the Iron Man nanny the Logistics Officer of the USS Path of Glory, and he wears his wrinkled navy uniform all day long to issue orders. The so-called combat order is to serve people with shit and urine.”

"He calls diaper changing...an emergency light spear energy capsule change."

"When the Iron Man nanny pushed him to eat at the dining table, he would yell: The Path of Glory will enter the starport immediately for supply operations."

Qin Mo listened to Grote's words with a smile, and then kept nodding: "Let's go see him together and have a... meeting with senior fleet officials."

As he spoke, Qin Mo lowered his head and looked at the child in his arms.

At this moment, he suddenly realized why Grote liked this child so much.

People in the past were aging or already aging.

This child is more than just a child, he represents the next generation of Tyrone.

He will grow and he will shoulder the responsibilities of the previous generation.

New power armors will be assigned to their new owners, and battleships will have new owners.

The new generation will implement Talon's will. They will receive alien diplomats with an attitude that is neither humble nor arrogant. They will also drive battleships to exterminate enemies who cannot coexist after receiving the discussion results of the Talon Supreme Council. They will enter other countries. Various positions, they will pass on, and they will protect everything.

At this moment of sudden realization, a part of Qin Mo that had been worried since he established Tailong dissipated as his gaze on the child became deeper and deeper.

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