Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1139 To the Lord of Tyrone

within the empire.

Scarus Sector.

Tediwen galaxy, Tediwen No. 1, feudal world.

A small transport plane left the transport ship and flew towards the surface.

On the bulkhead of the transport plane, the Tyrone Universe pattern is not a simple star, but a pattern composed of musical symbols and paintbrushes.

There is a line of text printed below the pattern.

[Tailong Galaxy Ancient Heritage Protection and Research Society]

The transport plane drove through large areas of farmland owned by knight families in the feudal world, as well as serfs in the farmland who raised their heads and looked at the flying bird in confusion.

The children of the serfs were playing with the young master of the knight family. These children saw something in the sky. They ran wildly on the field ridge, shouting, bird, bird, bird as they ran.

Finally, the transport plane landed on the Antarctic glacier in the feudal world.

A signal pole rises from the top of the transport.

The projection then marked a dangerous area and released aggressive sound frequencies. After all nearby creatures were driven away, a large amount of scientific research equipment was transferred from the transport ship to the vicinity of the transport aircraft.

The transport planes also gradually expanded, forming a small scientific research base.

Tailong's archaeological personnel stepped out of the transport plane and began routine inspections and debugging of on-site equipment.

Then another woman walked out of the transport plane.

This woman's dress is different from the researchers' simple and conformist to rigid dress. She wears beautiful clothes that match her temperament, figure and beauty.

When the lady stepped off the transport plane and stepped on the snow, she took off her white gloves, stretched out her fingers to grasp a handful of snow, raised it to the sky, and then stood in the snow and let out a sweet laugh.

This is a natural environment that is rarely seen by rogue traders.

"Is this an alien ruins? Or is it in the world of the Empire? The Imperial people have always hated all aliens. How could they allow us to inspect this ruins instead of destroying it?"

"It's simple, because there is someone who does not allow the ruins of this world to be destroyed, and he is someone who can speak in front of the regent of the empire."

Two Tyrone researchers were whispering while working.

The head of the scientific research team came over and asked the two people to discuss in a low voice, and then said: "No matter what, we have to thank Ms. Sulimaniya."

Hearing his name, Sulimaniya smiled and saluted the person in charge.

She really deserves the most credit.

As a Rogue Trader, Sulemania once found the original book of the Holy Book for Roboute Guilliman, and was one of the top leaders of the "Society for the Study of Human Creation and History" established by Guilliman.

The popular person in front of the Regent is also the only mortal besides Mrs. Euton who dares to call the Regent "Robo".

"Thank you, Ms. Sulemaniya." The person in charge returned the gift to the Rogue Trader, and then continued to say gratefully, "This ruins is of great significance. Tyrone's research society believes that it may be a person who participated in the Heavenly Journey tens of millions of years ago. Thank you very much for your help. Thank you for your willingness to preserve this relic for the Supreme King of the Knight Family."

Sulimaniya still didn't know what race the ruins belonged to. She was just found by the contact person of the Tyrone Society, so she helped.

Sulimaniya was surprised when he heard that the Tyron people had conducted an initial investigation of this ruins and believed that it was the ruins of an ancient race in the War in Heaven.

"Is it the tomb of the Necron?" Sulimaniya became serious. "Perhaps I should go to the High King to sell him a favor and ask him to send knights to protect us for mining operations."

"No, it's not the tomb of the Necron." The person in charge shook his head, "It's the relic of the ancient saint."

"Old Saint?" Sulimaniya was very surprised.

The person in charge nodded again: "We are all fortunate to witness the historic moment when this relic was excavated... although this place is of little significance in the eyes of others except us."

Extraction operations by Talon researchers have begun.

Professional equipment is used.

The force field covering the entire ruins is turned on, and the time is anchored before everything officially begins. If anything is damaged during the excavation operation, the team can restore this part of the area to the moment of time anchoring.

The huge construction machinery was assembled by itself. The hundreds of thousands of tiny emission holes on the construction machinery emitted rays that were too fine to be observed with the naked eye. Materials were captured by this ray and turned into solid cubes in insignificant open spaces.

A passage is gradually opened.

The entire ruins seemed to be waiting to be excavated. When the passage opened, an unknown light shot out, as if it was scanning, and then the entire ruins became brighter.

This ruins is not huge, only about one hundred square meters.

Strange lines are carved on the walls, and spiritual energy flows on these lines.

There was a small altar-like device placed in the center of the ruins. When people came in, the device flashed and a book appeared.

Sulimaniya watched all this excitedly, and her eyes fell on the person in charge again.

The person in charge made a gesture of invitation.

As a facilitator of this archaeological operation, Sulimaniya must have the qualifications to go forward to see the truth in person, and she will also sign a paper in Tyrone that will shock the archaeological world.

Sulimaniya stepped forward hesitantly and stretched out his hand towards the book.

The books slowly fell onto her hands.

Sulimani had no illusions that she could understand the ancient sage's writings, but she still wanted to take a look.

When she opened it, she was stunned.

"Madam?" the person in charge called softly.

The surprise on Sulimani's face did not dissipate, and she slowly turned around and handed the book to the person in charge.

The person in charge was also stunned after taking it.

The cover of this book is written in human language.

[To the Lord of Tyrone - Zen]

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