Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1158: Primarch Education

"Psychic energy is quite useful."

"If it were me, I would probably find a way to use gravity to drag the ship into the star."

"But then I won't have time to find the good treasures of the Tantric Cult."

Passing through the portal and returning directly to the Himalayas, Qin Mo mentioned the emperor's spiritual power.

The Emperor nodded silently, his thoughts clearly not on his own psychic powers.

"I am still thinking about the Secret Cult." The Emperor said, "Maybe you will think that I am thinking too much, but I have to think about whether there are any remaining agents of the Secret Cult? Can they enter your dimension? They... …”

"Of course they can enter my dimension." Qin Mo stopped, "In a few years, when I plan to use my dimension to allow humans to travel at faster than light speeds, as long as there is something that can connect the dimensions, they will be able to enter. ”

Hearing this, the emperor suddenly looked at Qin Mo.

Element awareness.

"But even if I take the initiative to put people from the Secret Cult in and protect their souls, they still won't be able to find the original body."

Qin Mo continued.

"That dimensional space is a place where space and time exist, but it is infinitely vast and infinitely long. If I don't leave a beacon where the original body is, I won't be able to find where the original body is."

"Give the Secret Cult agents a few hundred million years, and they will probably be able to slowly find the approximate location of the original bodies from the fixed jump point in that dimension."

After listening to what Qin Mo said, the emperor recalled the information he had read about the Void Dragon.

Star gods all have such a private space.

The dimension of the void dragon is an infinite and vast dimension without the concept of space, and each dimension is nested within another dimension. As long as the void dragon is willing, it can nest infinitely many dimensions.

A dimension is safe if its owner has no malicious intent.

"The Secret Cult has been killed, even if there are still some remnants of it." Qin Mo said, "It is just a threat that has been nipped in the bud, not worth mentioning. I think the two of us went together to blow up the Secret Cult's ship. Making a fuss out of a molehill, even if we leave it alone...but leaving it alone is always bad and psychologically damaging.”

The Emperor nodded.

"Now I am going to do my thing, and you are going to do yours. The matter of the Esoteric Cult is over, and the Esoteric Cult is out." Qin Mo turned around, "The army will win another key victory, and then the Achaemenids will The Empire will choose to surrender, and there will be candidates for the Thousand Sons Legion in your Astartes plan."

"It's just that this time you don't have to rush to give birth to them. You have plenty of time to perfect the Thousand Sons."

"So are the other Astartes."


The emperor looked at Qin Mo's back and nodded.

after a while.

Dimensional space.

Qin Mo entered this realm that belonged to him and found the location of the original bodies through the marks he set in the dimension.

There is a planet here.

The planet is full of birds and flowers, and any beautiful natural landform appears on this planet.

This place is essentially a useless testing ground for planetary transformation experiments.

A huge barrier isolates the planet and everything within it from the dangerous environment of the dimensional space.

Deep in the dimensional space that cannot be scanned by any detection equipment, deep in a beautiful planet, is where the original bodies are.

Qin Mo quietly came to a huge castle standing on the plain.

In the restaurant.

A logistics machine is printing seats and tables that match the original's current age, and then printing the food.

A cyborg-looking woman had led the Primarchs into the dining room.

Ms. Aisha.

This is the nanny Qin Mo arranged for the originals. She is the most maternal woman he has seen since coming to this universe.

Qin Mo looked at each of the original bodies sitting at the dinner table.

Their growth rate is extremely astonishing, and they are now equivalent to about two years old of normal humans, but these superhuman beings with beards and muscles can already run around and take care of themselves and eat.

They had stopped sleeping in the cultivation cabin long ago.

Perhaps after hearing about the future of the Primarchs, the Emperor changed the growth rate setting of the Primarchs during the manufacturing stage so that they could enter the war more quickly when all plans were now accelerated.

"Ms. Aisha, where is my rice spoon?"

Little Corax had just turned to talk to little Guilliman, but when he turned around he found that his rice spoon was missing, it was supposed to be inserted into the rice.

Ms. Elsa was wiping Horus' mouth just now and didn't pay attention.

But she obviously knew who had done this little evil thing.

"Curze." Elsa stood up and came to Curze's side, putting her hands on her hips, "Give Corax's rice spoon back to him."

"He can eat it with his hands." Little Coz replied with a sneer.

Aisha raised her index finger and shook it slightly: "Don't let me ask you for a second time."

Curze lowered his head, took out the rice spoon and gave it back to Corax.

The current interpersonal relationships between the small primarchs have already been reflected.

Guilliman and Corax had a good relationship, and they talked for a while while eating and playing some games.

Ferrus and Fulgrim have a good relationship, and they are discussing where to explore for a while.

The Alpharius brothers share a spoon and a rice bowl.

So does everyone else.

Considering that the original body would not be choked when talking while eating, Aisha would not stop the original body from talking while eating.

The atmosphere at this lunch was very good.

"Ms. Aisha, I want to leave this world and go outside to play." Lorgar suddenly said to Aisha. "You talked about things outside, and I have always been curious about the outside."

Hearing this, Aisha looked at Lorgar very seriously, stroked his head and said: "The Lord of Flame has not come yet, we can't leave this world and go outside without his protection, not now, but I guess he will come soon, then..."

Lorgar pushed Aisha's hand away, jumped up from the chair, and knocked the rice bowl to the ground: "I want to go outside! I want to go outside! I want to go outside!"

As they grow up, the Primarchs gradually realize the difference between themselves and Aisha, the caretaker, whether in strength or in thought... They will naturally have a different view of this caretaker than when they just left the incubator.

And Lorgar, he realized the difference in strength between himself and Aisha. He believed that as long as he wanted to do something, Aisha must not stop him.

Aisha tried to comfort Lorgar, but before she could say her gentle words, a stern voice sounded in the restaurant first.

"We will be able to go outside soon."

"But Luo Jia, do you remember what I said before?"

Qin Mo walked out of the shadows.

Seeing him, Luo Jia, who was making a lot of noise, suddenly became quiet, with a blank look on his face.

Qin Mo walked forward, lifted Luo Jia up and pressed him on the dining table, raised his hand and gave him a very traditional classical mechanics education.

Luo Jia was very quiet and honest after being beaten, and then was lifted by Qin Mo and put back on the chair.

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