Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1159 Little Perturabo

"Repeat what I taught you before, Lorgar."

Qin Mo said to the calm Luo Jia.

Luojia said obediently: "You are not allowed to be disrespectful to Ms. Aisha."

"Yes." Qin Mo nodded, "Don't have a next time, otherwise you will be in trouble."

Luojia nodded and stopped making trouble.

The other young Primarchs saw Lorgar's joke and either talked about Lorgar or continued what they had just discussed with their friends.

Curze, who was sitting next to Lorgar, approached him and whispered: "The Lord of Fire will appear every time we make a fuss, but you just don't have a long memory. Now it's better."

Lorgar rolled his eyes at Cozz angrily, and then changed to a sitting position that could relieve the pain.

Qin Mo nodded to Aisha, and then looked at the other original bodies: "When you finish eating, I will take you to leave this world and go for a walk in the ice and snow outside."

The little primarchs burst into cheers.

Qin Mo doesn't know why these guys like to go outside so much. After all, this planet in the dimension is not small.

Maybe it's nature.

Maybe it's the emperor's setting.

The originals finished their meal quickly, and then they left the restaurant and went to their respective rooms to change out of their travel clothes.

Qin Mo walked to Aisha who was cleaning up the bowls and asked, "It must be very laborious to take care of these little supermen, right?"

Elsa smiled and nodded: "Of course, Lord of Flames, but I like them very much. Although I was afraid of them at first, I gradually discovered that although they are a group of supermen in terms of strength, they are really a group of children mentally."

"The state of children like them will not last long." Qin Mo said.

Aisha nodded, she could tell: "But this short period of childhood will be a good memory for them, and also a good memory for me."

It was hard for Qin Mo to disagree. He was sure that he had not arranged the wrong nanny.

Elsa told an interesting story: "Now, the considerate Angron is my little helper. When these little guys are very noisy, he will help me calm them down, but then Angron will make a fuss." Get up, but it’s much easier to appease one person than twenty-one people.”

"Angron can absorb other people's negative emotions. This is his talent." Qin Mo nodded.

After chatting for a while about the little Primarchs, Qin Mo asked Aisha to change her clothes for going to the ice and snow in the Himalayas, while he went to the residence of the Primarchs.

He prepared some gifts.

In Guilliman's chamber, Corax, who had changed his clothes, was waiting for Guilliman.

Qin Mo entered the room and conjured up a device connected to two helmets like magic: "You told me last time that you wanted a strategic game device, and I prepared it for you."

This was exactly what Guilliman wanted.

"Thank you, uncle! You're so nice!" He took the device and put it on the table, looking at it in surprise.

Corax also stepped forward, and one of the two helmets connected to the game device was obviously prepared for him.

Qin Mo felt the time and then said: "Before we officially set off, you have ten minutes to experience it. Then when we come back from the ice and snow, you can keep playing games."

Watching Guilliman and Corax happily experiencing the game, Qin Mo recalled how hard-won this gaming device was.

The game company didn't understand why the Flame Lord ordered a device that could carry a hundred times more mental data than a normal human, and two helmets as big as anti-armor mines, but they did it anyway.

Qin Mo also had some gifts for other primarchs, so he left Guilliman's room and went next door.

Next door lived Magnus.

What was prepared for Magnus were some books that the Achaemenid Empire gave to the emperor. After reading them, the emperor specifically said that these books could be given to Magnus, so this gift was re-gifted by Qin Mo on his behalf. .

Next door to Magnus was Vulkan, and what he gave to Vulkan was naturally a set of exquisite gold forging tools.

Each little primarch received a gift that he liked.

Armor, swords, beautiful and gorgeous costumes, cool flying motorcycles...

Until the last small primarch, Perturabo.

When it was Perturabo's turn, Qin Mo didn't know what to give, because Perturabo was always silent and had no requirements. He would refuse no matter what the gift was.

In his room, Perturabo wore the small armor he made and picked up the heavy weapons he made. He was going to find a peak in the Himalayas to test the ruthlessness of the thing he made.

At this time, Qin Mo walked into the room, leaned on the armor stand, and looked at little Perturabo who was adjusting the weapon.

Perturabo noticed Qin Mo, but he didn't say anything, as if he didn't see Qin Mo at all.

It wasn't until the weapon was adjusted that Perturabo raised his head, looked at Qin Mo's figure in the mirror, and asked calmly: "How are my armor and weapons?"

"Very good." Qin Mo carefully felt the armor and weapons, from the most basic design structure to its additional functions.

Then he marveled at the Primarch's talents.

Hearing the compliment, little Perturabo's face was expressionless and extremely solemn.

From the perspective of little Perturabo, whether it was Aisha, this uncle, or their father who only existed in Qin Mo's mouth, they all had expectations and plans for him.

Perturabo discovered his talent, and then he realized what those around him were trying to do against him.

He worked hard in this direction, hoping to be recognized, but he still firmly believed that what he was talented in and what he was doing were all plotted against by others.

Perhaps he would become a weapon in the future.

Perhaps he would become a forger, or a master engineer, just like he designed this castle himself.

Perturabo might do something for the plots of others, such as the armor and weapons he was wearing now, but although he liked this, he did not think that this was what he really liked and wanted to do.

"But I don't want to see you wearing armor, at least not now." Qin Mo looked at Perturabo, "It looks too strong, and children of your age should not dress like this."

Little Perturabo turned around coldly and said calmly: "Then dress me up as you want, just as you expect and plot."

Qin Mo was silent for a second, then moved his fingers.

The armor on Perturabo's body instantly turned into a ball of atoms, and then reassembled on the armor stand Qin Mo was leaning on.

What replaced it on little Perturabo was a beautiful pink dress.

Perturabo's hair was straightened up, tied into two small braids, and tied with two small red flowers.

"What...what is this?" Perturabo looked at himself in the mirror, very flustered.

Qin Mo smiled and nodded: "As I said, you are still a child, so a strong appearance is not what you need now."

"No! This is not good-looking!"

"Who said that? You are as delicate as Fulgrim now, I think it's good."

"I would rather die than wear this to the Himalayas! Never! Never!"

Perturabo was clamoring.

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