Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1160 Because You Like


A moment later.

Little Perturabo stood in front of the dimension exit, in the snow on the top of the Himalayas.

His face was stiff and his expression was indignant.

His skirt fluttered in the cold wind, and the two little red flowers in his hair were attached to the snowflakes, flashing in the night light.


"Come and make a snowman, Robo!"


The little primarchs were playing happily in the snow.

Lady Aisha stood aside and watched them with a smile.

Except for Magnus, who was thinking about why there was still snow on the Terra Himalayas now, and Perturabo, who was standing in the snow with an indignant look on his face, everyone else was very happy.

Guilliman was making a snowman, and when Curze smashed the snowman with a snowball, he looked back and saw Horus's smiling face.

The snowball fight started immediately.

Horus led a team, Lion led a team, and the two brothers Alpharius formed their own team. The three parties had a snowball fight in the snow and had a lot of fun.

Except for Magnus, who was thinking about why it was snowing in the Himalayas now, and Perturabo, who looked indignant, the other little primarchs were very happy.

Qin Mo stood aside.

He knew that it was not only the secret cults who were eyeing the primarchs, so every time these primarchs came out to take a walk, he would supervise them.

The same was true for the imperial guards.

There were twelve imperial guards who provided protection for the participants in this snowball fight. They were scattered around the entire mountain top, watching everything nearby.

"Uncle." Magnus walked to Qin Mo with a book on the natural environment, "Why is there still a place where it snows on Terra now?"

At this time, Sanguinius threw a snowball and hit Horus.

Horus dodged nimbly, laughed and turned back, and then froze.

When Qin Mo was about to answer Magnus' question, the snowball fight stopped and all the little primarchs stood still.

The Emperor and Waldo came over.

Waldo held the snowball thrown by Sanguinius in his hand.

If he hadn't caught the snowball, it would have hit the Emperor's face.

The Emperor walked through the snow with Waldo.

After arriving in front of Sanguinius, the Emperor lowered his head and looked down at Sanguinius.

"Put up your wings and get out of the way."

The Emperor said.

Sanguinius obeyed and hid aside.

The Emperor raised his head and continued to walk through the snow with Waldo, walking away.

Until he came to Qin Mo's side.

"Why is there snow in the Himalayas? Ask him."

Qin Mo pointed at the Emperor to Magnus, then looked at the Emperor and said, "You can come here to watch the snowball fight of the Primarchs directly. There is no need to pretend to pass by."

The Emperor frowned: "I was just about to check the Astartes experiment with Waldo. Who pretended to pass by?"

"You used to teleport into the laboratory, but you want to stroll there today?" Qin Mo said, looking at Waldo.

Feeling Qin Mo's gaze, Waldo shrugged.

The Emperor did not answer, but continued to move forward in silence, bringing Waldo to Perturabo.

The Emperor's eyes glowing with golden light examined Perturabo: "I heard that you made a set of armor by yourself, but you came here wearing this skirt?"

Perturabo stood with his hands behind his back, looking directly into the Emperor's eyes, silent for two seconds, and pointed at Qin Mo.

The Emperor retracted his gaze and continued to move forward.

He left, and the snowball fight of the little Primarchs continued.

It was evening.

Little Perturabo sat on the edge of the cliff and looked at the mountains ahead.

His expression was still indignant.

He had never been a sociable person.

The creaking sound of stepping on the snow reached Perturabo's ears. Qin Mo came from the Primarchs who were still fighting snowballs behind him and sat beside him.

Qin Mo rolled up a snowball and threw it far away: "If you want to join the snowball fight, join it. Your brothers will not refuse you."

"I don't want to play such a childish game." Perturabo said coldly.

"Then what do you want to play?"

"Manufacturing, building. Isn't this what you and my father want."

Hearing Perturabo's response, Qin Mo was already used to it. He just smiled and asked him: "If you are given a piece of vacant land, what kind of thing do you want to build?"

Perturabo thought about it seriously, and then replied: "A city, not a fortress."

Hearing this, Qin Mo moved his fingers.

On the vast plains beyond the Himalayas, towering buildings suddenly rose from the ground.

All the beautiful sculptures and magnificent buildings in human history that Qin Mo could recall stood on the plains at this moment and appeared in front of Perturabo.

Perturabo's eyes lit up and he turned to ask, "How did you do it?"

"We each have our own strengths." Qin Mo smiled and answered.

Perturabo retracted his gaze and looked at everything on the plains. He suddenly said, "I want to see a huge sculpture, full of power, and then..."

He described in detail what he wanted to see.

Qin Mo moved his fingers, and everything on the plains dissipated, and then reorganized into what Perturabo imagined.

This magnificent creation magic aroused Perturabo's interest. After all, he was still in his childhood, and he told everything he wanted to shape in his heart.

A magnificent and glorious palace, a sports field.

A sculpture, a huge castle.

No matter what it was, as long as Perturabo described it, Qin Mo would move his fingers and shape it on the plain in front of him.

Perturabo gradually became happy, and as he excitedly talked about his wild ideas, the two pigtails on his head swayed.

Qin Mo realized it one by one.

"This is amazing!" Perturabo patted Qin Mo's shoulder excitedly, his eyes fixed on the plain ahead showing the materialization of his wild ideas, "You can build all this with just a move of your hands! If I had this ability, I would shape the world in that dimension into what I like!”

"You can also do what you want to do." Qin Mo gestured to Perturabo to sit down. "There is an empty plain in that world. You can design what you like just like you design a castle for your brother to live in." things, and then realize them bit by bit, just like building blocks.”

"I may not always be able to listen to your ideas in that world and then materialize your ideas in an instant."

"But I can get you a team of engineers who will print out your ideas."

Hearing these words, Perturabo nodded excitedly.

But then, he shook his head.

"This is not what you want me to do."


Perturabo's eyes gradually dimmed.

Qin Mo looked at Perturabo and was silent for a few seconds. Then he suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed it on Perturabo's head, rubbing it hard: "Who asked you to do something? Isn't it all your own big brain? of?"

Perturabo ducked aside, covering his head with his hands.

After thinking for a few seconds, Perturabo frowned and said, "But I don't know what the point is."

"What does it mean?" Qin Mo asked in confusion.

"If I make sculptures and build magnificent buildings instead of making armor or war structures, what's the point of my existence?" asked Perturabo.

"Because you like it." Qin Mo pointed to everything on the plain ahead, "This is the meaning."

Perturabo thought for a while, then sat back next to Qin Mo: "I designed a sports ground for my brothers."

"Tell me what the sports field looks like." Qin Mo tapped the ground with his finger. Everything on the plain dissipated, and new things will be shaped. "Just make a draft now, and I will help you shape the sports field." Come out, and then you build it up in the world in the dimension.”

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