Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 897 The Lord of the Forge Appears

"The enemy may appear directly from the black stone's range."

"I know it's unlikely, but we have to respond and evacuate first."

"Go somewhere else to prevent them from appearing and destroying us directly."

In the logistics base previously established by Llane for the Titan Legion, where a large number of black stones were coiled, and among the warriors who guarded the rear for the Titan Legion, Guilliman issued a warning to the leaders of many Space Marine chapters.

"Appearing from the range of the black stone?" A fearless voice asked roaringly, "Apart from those metal skeletons, who has the ability to appear directly within the range of the black stone?"

Guilliman looked sideways and saw that since the Dreadnought had spoken, it meant that it was the highest-status being in the group at this time.

The symbols on this Dreadnought and the dozens of warriors behind it are two crossed swords.

It was the Astral Knight.

The Astral Knight who once fought against the Necron until the group was almost destroyed.

"This is the news I got." Guilliman nodded, recalling what he had just heard from Qin Mo about the prophecy made by the Eldar Titan and the two powerful prophets.

The Emperor's prophecy within the flagship also mentions a powerful enemy named Vashtor, who will appear in the most unlikely of places.

So what Guilliman wants to do is to evacuate all the personnel in his own logistics base that is known to be invulnerable to the defense line. Whether it is the Tyron engineering troops or those Space Marines, he believes that if Vashtor appears, he will not directly laugh. He came out to show off his power. After all, this subspace sub-god was not a lackey of Khorne.

Instead, a big bomb will be dropped directly, maybe.

With this idea in mind, Guilliman gradually persuaded all the Space Marine chapters in the defense logistics base to bring enough supplies and then all evacuate.

At this time, there was a roar similar to a sonic boom in the sky. It was the sound made when an extremely high-speed moving object decelerated after entering the real realm of the black stone's range.

Then Qin Mo fell from the sky, landed firmly on the ground, and walked towards Guilliman in the astonished eyes of the people nearby.

"What's going on now?" Qin Mo asked Guilliman immediately after landing with a crash.

"They began to evacuate." Guilliman looked around, "I asked them to set up a logistics base in another place, provided that the bastard predicted by you and my father will indeed come out of this place, otherwise our There may be no point in preparing.”

"Fortunately, I didn't keep what I knew in my heart, otherwise I wouldn't be able to arrange so much in a short time by myself." Qin Mo said.

Guilliman shrugged. "That's why I came down with you."

Qin Mo didn't answer any more. He walked to the shade of a newly built building in front of him, thrust his chain sword into the ground, and sat down against the wall with his scepter in his arms.

Guilliman thought that he had just run far away with the Eldar Titan, so he was a little tired and wanted to take a rest, but after thinking about it, he realized that Qin Mo was sitting here just waiting for Vashtor to come.

"Are we just going to sit here and wait? Don't we want to do anything else?" Guilliman stepped forward and asked.

"No, of course not." Qin Mo shook his head, "It's not the two of us waiting here, I'm waiting by myself. Just go back to the flagship. You may not know what will happen next. Ryan still needs your help. I'll leave it to you here. That’s fine with me.”

Upon hearing this, Guilliman frowned: "You can say so if you think I am weak, but no matter what, I am also one of the two primarchs in the expedition fleet with the strongest individual combat power besides you, so that's why."

After saying this, Guilliman took off the Emperor's Sword and held it in his hand. He sat side by side with Qin Mo and stared at the entire huge logistics base in front of him.

Since teleportation can be used within the scope of the Black Stone, both strategic deployment and transfer are astonishingly fast. After a while, the newly built logistics base was empty. Even the most important thing was to maintain various large-scale Titans. The mechanics of the equipment and parts were withdrawn.

"What if Vashtor predicted our prophecy, is it possible that it wouldn't appear here?" Guilliman asked.

Qin Mo was deep in thought and didn't hear what Guilliman asked at all.

He was thinking about the Discord Engine.

The reason why Vashtor wanted to find the Discord Engine and actually found it is because the Discord Engine can open a path in the webway to the places where the ancient saints used to store mysterious items.

I don't know what the Discord Engine was originally used for, but it is powerful enough to open a passage within the range of the Black Stone, and even more than that.

Although Vashtor himself is not particularly powerful in combat, as a demigod of subspace and a demigod in the field of technology, he certainly has the ability to control technological products, just like the Void Dragon.

While worrying about all the possible actions that Vashtor could do, Qin Mo thought of what the Emperor had said before about the Iron Man entities in the subspace, saying that those Iron Men born in the subspace would provide assistance in this war. Help.

Qin Mo can already guess when they will appear and what they will do.

Just as this thought about everything was going on, Guilliman suddenly stood up with his sword in hand.

Then Qin Mo also stood up and looked forward.

A sudden vision attracted their attention.

In the realm of reality created by the many black stone structures suppressing the influence of subspace with their physical polarity, a sawtooth tearing apart the space appeared out of thin air.

This supernatural phenomenon itself is definitely caused by psychic influence, but it appears within the scope of the black stone without any hindrance.

Then the decaying black network gradually emerged, and a figure slowly walked out of it.

That was not Vashtor, but a demon trapped in a machine.

"I want to be freed." The devil's expression was numb, but his eyes were full of painful struggle, "Freed."

As soon as he finished speaking, a violent explosion spread out in all directions with the demon as the center, gradually covering the entire huge area of ​​the logistics base.

Terrifying spiritual energy and material energy act on the surroundings at the same time. The power of this strange bomb containing both spiritual energy and physical properties is extremely astonishing. The black light released is enough to be directly witnessed by a huge fleet that cannot breach the defense line. The destruction unleashed The force directly peels off everything in a circular area with a diameter of one thousand kilometers.

When the power of destruction was about to come, before Guilliman's vision was completely obscured by the flash of light rising from the sky, he saw Qin Mo carrying the scepter behind his back, with an Eldar sword in his free hand and swinging it vigorously. .

After the explosion, Guilliman, who stuck the Emperor's Sword on the ground to resist the impact, looked around.

The nearby black stone structure collapsed, and the supernatural environment in the Eye of Terror once again descended on a large area.

As for Qin Mo in front of him, the power armor he was wearing was severely damaged, but the power armor was recovering at an abnormal speed.

Guilliman looked at himself again. Everything on his body was intact. Although he clearly felt that the powerful spiritual energy released by the Emperor's Sword had helped him resist part of the impact, the more important thing was that Qin Mo had used the old woman's sword in his hand just now. The sword split the oncoming psychic impact.

Premonition that troops might rush out of the decaying webway next, Guilliman immediately began to remotely mobilize all troops so that they could be teleported here as soon as possible to assist in the operation.

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