Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 898 Power and Facts

What followed the explosion was not Vashtor's servants, nor the demons trapped in the machine who were suffering.

At the bottom of the smooth circular area cleared by the demonic living bomb, a lone figure slowly walked out of the jagged network tunnel.

It was a hunched figure holding a forging hammer.

Qin Mo narrowed his eyes and stared ahead. His first reaction was ecstasy, because Vashtor was so arrogant that he walked out alone at the beginning.

But then he became wary, because he did not think that Vashtor was a warlike or stupid subspace demigod. This guy was extremely cunning and cruel. If he was not sure of his survival, it was absolutely impossible for him to come out alone. To myself.

"I'm not here to fight." The human head on Vashtor spoke a "material language" that Qin Mo could understand. "I used bombs to clear this place just because those black stones made me feel uncomfortable. It was difficult for me to stay within the range of the black stones." Clear your mind and ask for your understanding.”

Qin Mo held the chain sword in one hand and the old woman's sword in the other.

The former is just a weapon shaped by the reverence and fantasy of countless people in the Tyrone Sector and the blood of the former Chaos Warmaster.

The latter is a long sword made from the phalanges of the Eldar gods, which can connect with other Eldar gods.

He didn't listen to anything Vashtor said. While Guilliman stood there and mobilized his troops, Qin Mo was scanning the nearby terrain, trying to find someone who could kill Vashtor instead of letting him escape. path.

No matter what the origin of the Vashtor in front of you is, you must try to kill it, just in case it is the real Vashtor.

"In a database in the webway, there is information about the star god named the Forger. My lackeys and I call you the Forger in private."

Vashtor seemed to use the forging hammer as a crutch. Its body mixed with machinery and flesh was pacing back and forth on the ground that had begun to become supernatural. The hanging human head said something that could be heard by both psychic and soulless creatures. words.

Gentle and powerful.

"But I know very well what state you are in. You are not a star god called the Forger. You are a person who uses the essence of the Forger."

"But I can't call you by your name directly, because that would be impolite, so I'll call you by the name your followers say, Lord of Tyrone."

While saying these words, Vashtor walked very far away from the webway gate. It seemed that it had no hope of using the webway to escape when Qin Mo suddenly rose up.

This made Qin Mo confused.

"We are all good at technology, and the war between us should be dazzling and amazing, close to the high-end and complex battle mode of Heavenly War that is difficult to understand both in terms of tactics and strategy, but that is obviously not the case now."

"Whether it's in the Eye of Terror or the real universe, our wars have become cruel and simple. Do you know why?"

Vashtor suddenly raised a question, but Qin Mo was not interested in the matter, so of course he did not answer.

So Vashtor himself answered: "Because of the Blood God. If we go to war, my lackeys will have a head-on battle with you, because this is what the Blood God wants to see."

"Because of the Blood God."

"The impact of subspace on the real universe has penetrated deep into the bones. No matter what we plan as two parties participating in the war, the war will eventually turn into a cruel and simple pattern."

"Before you actually start fighting, your warriors who sneak into the iron ring can still fire bullets that kill the enemy when fighting the enemy. This is also because of the Blood God, which makes you useless in the Eye of Terror. The material weapons have played a fairly good role."

Hearing this, Guilliman interrupted Vashtor: "You have surrendered to the Blood God now and are you talking to us about how great it is?"

"No, of course not." The human hair hanging on Vashtor's body laughed, "I am just stating a fact, a fact that cannot be ignored or turned a blind eye."

Vashtor walked further away from the webway. It was fully aware that the jagged and decaying webway behind it was the only possible way to escape after he appeared, but it still stayed away from it. This was not a psychological game. But it comes from the self-confidence that it has been prepared for.

"This is the power of the Blood God, one of the dark gods, regarding war."

Vashtor continued speaking.

"Lord Tyrone, no matter how much the warp creature next to you loves its father, no matter how much you hold your nose in recognition of the sacrifice made by that cold sun... you all have to admit one thing."

"Ten thousand years ago, the cursed one...the father of the subspace creature next to you. The war and blood brought by his expedition are to nourish the blood god. Everything that happens in the real universe will be produced in the subspace. Echoes, everything the damned does nourishes the gods they hate most."

"Today's ignorant and terrifying human empire allows the human species that the cursed people love most to live in hell. The temptation and corruption suffered while struggling in hell make the human species itself a delicacy for the gods, and even the cursed people are The pain and regret at seeing all this is a source of pleasure to the gods.”

"I'm not bragging about the gods, I'm stating a fact about their power, that's all."

Hearing this, twisted hatred appeared on Guilliman's face under the armor of destiny, but his reason still allowed him to remain as restrained as possible and yelled at Vashtor: "You are stalling for time, otherwise why did you say These?"

"Delay for time? No, time is meaningless to me. I can let the lackeys rush out and bite you before we meet. You have been fighting in the Eye of Terror so far. Don't you even know the characteristics of this place? "Vashtor responded.

Of course Guilliman knew that, but he didn't want Vash'tor to continue talking nonsense.

The first person to act faster than Guilliman was Qin Mo.

The earth, which had begun to grow eyes, suddenly began to roll. Vashtor, who was standing on the ground, was pulled in front of Qin Mo along with the ground under his feet in an instant. Then the old woman's sword and the chain sword were swung out at the same time, and machinery and flesh were mixed. His arms instantly shattered.

But Vashtor still spoke.

"I just want you to realize that your real enemy is not a lesser god of the Warp, but the gods who control everything in the Warp."

"The power of the gods in charge of the productivity of the material universe can exert special power in the subspace to materialize everything that does not exist. This is the possibility of fighting against the gods."

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