Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 5 Tzeentch (4/4) The Great Lord of Change (Please give me a reward, please give me everythin

Chen Guo felt like vomiting after killing someone for the first time. He really couldn't enjoy this so-called "pleasure of killing".

It seems that he is still suitable to be the chosen one of Slaanesh.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to kill them all by himself, the demon face will help him. He only needs to walk by the corpse and harvest the soul to get enough manifestation points.

[Real Unit]: 168356

[Realistic unit]: 168376

[Real Unit]: 168399

Looking at the soaring tangible points, Chen Guo said in his heart that he was not happy because he was relying on massacring these defenseless prisoners to gain tangible points. Chen Guo always felt a little uncomfortable, but he also knew that this was a process that he had to go through. .

The number of materialization points required for exchange items in the fantasy materialization data table has increased visibly. Huanglongdan has also changed from his personal consumable to the legion's consumable, and the same is true for the magic bag.

In addition, Chen Guo is still considering whether to use the defective Hehe No. 5 products for each demon face. In this way, at certain critical moments, he can immediately have a powerful superhuman army, and he can Decide the outcome.

It's just that...this No. 5 compound is a defective product after all, and its side effects are so strong that even he can't handle it, let alone others.

But if you just use it once, there shouldn't be any big problem.

Compound No. 5 has 800 points for one, and two thousand is one million six hundred thousand. One magic bag is two thousand and five, and two thousand is... Chen Guo glanced at the mountain of corpses piled high behind him and in the distance. The prisoner, who still couldn't see his head at a glance, shook his head.

There are hundreds of thousands of prisoners, each of whom is provided with 20 to 30 materialization points. Even if they are exhausted, they can provide 4 million materialization points.

Chen Guo could use so many tangible points for just one person and would not be able to use them up in ten years. However, after raising an army, these tangible points would not be enough.

"Am I going to be like the followers of the evil god, killing every planet wherever I go?"

Chen Guo immediately rejected this idea. Relying on the number of souls to stack appearance points could only be said to be a temporary move. Moreover, Chen Guo walked past thousands of corpses every day. No matter how strong Chen Guo was, over time, her spirit deteriorated. There will also be some problems.

You must know that he is still a mentally ill person, and there are still many personalities in his spirit that are unwilling to die. If there are some mental problems with the main personality, these guys will seize the opportunity to usurp control of the body. , that would not be fun.

"My lord, the last batch of prisoners is over. If you feel tired, you can go back and rest first. Just leave this place to us." Seeing Chen Guo's absent-minded look, the demon faces thought that he was tired of this kind of massacre. He came over and wanted to persuade him to rest.

Chen Guo, whose thoughts were interrupted, glanced at the well-intentioned demon face and shook his head, "Don't worry about me, you continue." After saying that, he continued to walk towards the prisoner who was just killed in the distance.

[Realistic unit]: 173690

[Realized unit]: 174001

[Realized unit]: 174002

Chen Guo suddenly stopped. Why did she take several steps and step over nearly dozens of corpses before she gained a few manifestation points?

He turned around and looked at the two rows of corpses behind him.

Upon seeing this, Chen Guo immediately discovered something was wrong. These corpses seemed to have been sucked dry, and only skin and bones remained.

"My lord, what's wrong?"

"Shh, it's okay!"

Chen Guo listened for a moment, slowly rubbed her fingers, and immediately took out two copper balls the size of an adult's fist from the magic bag. The electric spark flashed in her hand, and then she suddenly threw it out with a dazzling blue electric light. With the metallic luster of the copper ball, it hit the middle of the two stacked corpses like a cannonball.


The huge force, wrapped in the power of thunder, directly blasted a large pit five or six meters wide in the center of the pile of rocks. The mummies that had turned into skeletons around them were easily rolled up and blown away by the powerful shock wave, and those who took off were Among the mummies, a short figure quickly jumped out of the mummies and landed on the ground.

This is a girl from the Le tribe wearing a light green robe with a beautiful face. She had been hiding under the corpse just now, so the demon faces who were responsible for checking the life and death did not find her.

However, at this moment, she had an evil smile on her face, like a villain who had succeeded in her conspiracy.

At the same time, she was still chanting extremely weird spells in her mouth. Under the influence of this spell, the flesh, flesh and invisible souls of the surrounding corpses were quickly removed by her.

She is like a mobile vacuum cleaner, wherever she goes, corpses are sucked into mummies by her.

Chen Guo, who had learned from the previous experience, frowned and jumped up from the ground to rush forward.

No matter what he said, he would never let this girl from the Le Clan finish reciting the spell in her mouth so easily.

Just kidding, if she releases another subspace portal, it will be troublesome!

Facing Chen Guo, who turned into an afterimage and rushed toward her, a hint of cruelty flashed in the eyes of the girl from the Le Clan. She raised her delicate palm and released a ball of pink flames at Chen Guo who rushed toward her. , and at the same time, the body floated off the ground, quickly floated into the air and fled towards the rear.

She stretched out her hand and punched the flying fire ball. Chen Guo looked at the pink flames intertwined with the blue electric light on her body, and her face suddenly became ugly.

He recognized the origin of this psionic spell, which was the famous Tzeentch spell - Pink Fire (Pizeentch), a single-body psionic attack spell that could easily destroy the Astartes' ceramite armor.

And with the appearance of this spell, the identity of this girl from the Le tribe was immediately proved.

She is actually a damn Apostle of Tzeentch!

Chen Guo's original contempt immediately disappeared without a trace, and her body completed the demonization in a few seconds.

He was originally 2.8 meters tall, but in an instant he jumped to 3.5 meters tall. He looked like a black tower from a distance.

The blue-silver electric snake as thick as an adult's thigh kept moving back and forth on his body, making his speed increase several times out of thin air.

The demon faces on the side could originally see the afterimage left by Chen Guo in the air, but as Chen Guo's demonization was completed, they couldn't even see the afterimage anymore, and could only follow the sharp and harsh air explosion. The sound chased Chen Guo's figure.


Soon, Chen Guo caught up. He punched the Le Clan girl in the back with a heavy punch. The girl fell heavily to the ground like a kite with its string broken. Her small and thin body was like a meteorite. A deep human-shaped pit was smashed into the hard gravel ground.

But it was far from over. Chen Guo spit out blue electric balls one after another from her mouth, and at the same time, silver electric snake sparks began to emerge from her feet.

In the next second, Chen Guo turned her body into a cannonball and hit the girl from the Le tribe who was lying in the human-shaped depression directly below.


Unfortunately, Chen Guo did not step on the body of the Le Clan girl, because a semicircular yellow flame barrier suddenly appeared out of thin air, firmly holding Chen Guo in the air and unable to fall any further.

Tzeentch Spell - Yellow Fire (Yellow Fire) A fire shield that protects oneself.

Feeling the constant burning sensation under her feet, Chen Guo bent down and punched the barrier formed by the condensed yellow flames one punch after another.

Those heavy punches that could shatter ordinary human soldiers with every blow were unable to do anything with the yellow flame barrier.

Chen Guo narrowed his eyes, and the electric light in his hand flashed and condensed. A large amount of blue and silver electric light gathered on his fist again. He slowly took a step back, and then suddenly swung out a punch that seemed to be able to penetrate the space directly!


The indestructible flame barrier exploded directly, and yellow flames flew in all directions, igniting everything around her. However, Chen Guo's fist still did not hit the girl's head, but hit the ground again!

The huge force caused countless cracks to appear on the rocky ground, and a deep pit with a radius of more than fifteen meters appeared under his feet.

Standing up, Chen Guo looked at the girl who teleported above her head like a ghost.

She was still mumbling words.

I don't know what kind of Tzeentch spell she was preparing, but she still failed to successfully release it after such a long period of guidance.

Chen Guo looked at her, and she looked at Chen Guo, but in the next second, the girl suddenly stopped moving as if the pause button had been pressed.

The nagging little mouth stopped. Gray stone skin began to appear on her body. Her whole body lost the ability to float and fell straight from the air.

Eyes of Medusa!

Faced with such a good opportunity, of course Chen Guo would not let it go. The dazzling electric light in his hand was born out of thin air, and his true energy burned. The bursting air was mixed with the sharp roar of air. Chen Guo immediately rose into the sky, with a fist the size of a watermelon. It cut through the air, making a rumbling sound of thunder, shaking the space and causing distortions visible to the naked eye.


The girl turned into stone was immediately punched into pieces, but among the fragments of her petrified body, two blue monsters the size of an adult's head suddenly jumped out, and one of them jumped directly into Chen Guo's face. It started biting and scratching continuously, but the other one continued to chant strange spells and ran away into the distance.

It's the Blue Terror!

It turns out that the girl is a pink fear monster. No wonder she can use Tzeentch's psychic spells with such proficiency!

After pinching the blue fear monster that was biting and beating her face, Chen Guo turned it into a lump of coke with a flash of lightning in her hand. She threw it aside and then turned towards the blue fear monster that had run away in the distance. Chased him.

But what he didn't expect was that just when he was about to catch up, the blue fear demon who was close to Chi Chi suddenly stopped running. His ferocious and twisted face was full of ridicule, and then he self-destructed on the spot and turned into a ball of blue. Colored meat paste.

"not good!"

Chen Guo was suddenly shocked. The next second, a huge force appeared out of thin air and hit his body hard, knocking him away.

Immediately, a blue vortex that looked very familiar to Chen Guo appeared at the place where the blue fear monster had just exploded.

Quickly getting up from the ground, Chen Guo turned around and shouted at the demon faces, "Retreat!"

His shout was so powerful that it was like a thunderous explosion. Logically speaking, it was impossible for the demon faces not to hear it, but the demon faces also seemed to have pressed the pause button. Not only them, but also the distant demon faces. The prisoners of war who had not yet had time to be executed did not move.

Suddenly, cold sweat broke out on Chen Guo's forehead, and he turned his head to look at the vortex that was still expanding.

And when he turned his head, he suddenly discovered that in front of the vortex, a two-headed bird holding a strange book staff appeared.

"...The Ever-Changing Demon Lord, the Weaver of Destiny—Carlos." Chen Guo called out his name one word after another.

"Don't be afraid, my child, I don't have any malice. I just follow the great master of destiny to meet you." An old but kind voice came out of the bird head on the left, but then another one A sharp and harsh voice, like the scolding of a shrew, came from the right side of the head: "You, a despicable visitor from another world, are actually trying to change the direction of the carriage of fate. Tell me, how do you want to die!"

Carlos, the compiler of destiny, has two heads. Although he is weak and blind, he is one of the most powerful mages under Tzeentch.

The eye on the right side of his head can see everything in the past, so he knows secrets that even Tzeentch doesn't know, and follows the course of fate and only states objective facts.

The eyes on the left side of the head can see the future, and no conspiracy can be hidden in his eyes. However, this head can fabricate false lies one after another, and except for the head on the right side, no one else can hide it. Or a creature that can produce evidence to expose the lies he fabricated.

Even Tzeentch couldn't do it.

People always jokingly say that even though Carlos knows all the spells, secrets and fateful trajectories, he is still a little bird who can argue with himself.

"Don't panic, my child. The great master of destiny has seen what you have done during this period. She likes you very much, and she is also willing to condescend to offer you an olive branch and join the embrace of chaos. Bar!"

While Carlos was speaking, the bird's shadow flashed and stood in front of Chen Guo out of thin air.

Chen Guo raised her head and looked at the All-Changing Demon Lord, who was a head taller than she was. A trace of ridicule suddenly flashed in her eyes, "Dear Weaver of Destiny, Mr. Carlos, if I'm not wrong, , this should be just a clone of you!"

"No, my child, this is who I am. However, the barriers of reality have always restricted my existence. I can't stay long, so I don't have much time to wait for you to think."

The head on the left still made an amiable voice, as if it was really like an elder, but the head on the right showed full of disdain, and even "bang" when the left head spoke, but After all, he did not argue or refute.

Looking at the two bird heads with completely different reactions, Chen Guo immediately understood. He once again asked the last question.

"Your Excellency, can you tell me what will happen if I resist now?"

"My child, nothing will happen... you despicable bastard, you will die, along with your Solan, your Sonny, and your Linda. Tsk tsk tsk. It's a pity that both your twins will die." Having been marked with the mark of Slaanesh, I can only reluctantly take away Linda's soul... How dare you!"

A ferocious smile appeared on Chen Guo's face, and his right eye couldn't stop spurting blood. In contrast, Kaslo's body also quickly showed signs of petrification, but this is not the most important thing. The important thing is Chen Guo's mouth once again sounded the old and everlasting desolate song!

"My pilgrimage begins

You are a burning candle

In the end, only death remains

Follow my voice and get out of body

You are a cursed vessel

Pain indicates your detachment

The faithful never fear death

May death free us all

Listen to the lament of the lost

No need to shed tears for the dead

We are eternity..."

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