Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 6 The source of the death voice is a second-hand rock singer (seeking rewards, asking for ev

"Is anyone there?"

Walking in the wide corridor, Chen Guo looked around while hopping on one leg with great effort.

This time, Death Singer luckily only took away one of his thighs and two fingers, but this also forced Chen Guo to hop on one leg now.

However, fortunately, Chen Guo was not an ordinary person. Losing a leg, except for a little inconvenience, did not greatly reduce his combat effectiveness.

On the contrary, losing two fingers reduced his combat power a lot, after all, he now relies on fists and claws to make a living.

But these are minor details, and Chen Guo did not take them to heart, because Chen Guo knew that for Linda, it was too simple to transplant a thigh and two fingers.

What bothered him most now was that he had just finished singing, and before he had time to see clearly how the two-headed bird died, he was inexplicably teleported here-a corridor that was endless and decorated very luxuriously.

Although the corridor was decorated extraordinarily luxuriously, there was not a single living person, not even a door or a room.

Only on the wall every few meters, there stood a white candle that would never burn out and a blue flame that flickered slightly on the top of the candle.

Chen Guo did not try to attack the wall beside him, but his hand was almost broken, and the wall was still intact, so he could only jump forward along the corridor.

After walking forward for about an hour, seeing that there was no sign of the corridor in front of him to end, Chen Guo really didn't want to go on, so he simply sat down against the wall, looking at the candles and blue sparks on the opposite wall and fell into a sad daze.

He just didn't see clearly whether the Song of the Dead killed the Changeling Demon Lord. If he did, it would be fine, then Soni and Solan would not be in danger, but if he didn't...

The consequences are unimaginable!

"Sorry, sorry!"

Just as Chen Guo lowered his head and pondered, a magnetic male voice came quickly from the end of the corridor on the right.

Chen Guo turned around and saw an extremely handsome blond man wearing a flashy rock windbreaker, holding a black guitar in his hand, and ran towards him with an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry, sorry, my fans just insisted on singing another song, so I sang a few more songs. I'm so sorry!"

Although this handsome man looked harmless, Chen Guo smelled an extremely dangerous smell from him, a dangerous aura that he had not even felt from Carlos, the Lord of Change.

It was as if Chen Guo was not facing a man, but a... god in human skin!

Struggling to stand up from the ground, Chen Guo said very respectfully: "Excuse me..."

But before Chen Guo could ask the question, the man slapped his forehead and said even more embarrassedly: "Excuse me, excuse me, wait a minute!"

After saying that, he plucked the guitar in his hand, and the next second, Chen Guo felt his body sink, and the lost thighs and fingers actually returned to his body again.

Now, the identity of the man in front of him was immediately clear.

"You are..."

"Don't say you, you, yours, just call me Karsus. Come on, you haven't eaten yet, I'll treat you to some steak and a few drinks, and we can talk while eating!" Karsus pulled Chen Guo and hit the wall beside him.

Chen Guo subconsciously stretched out her hand to cushion herself to prevent herself from hitting the wall, but was surprised to find that under Karsus's leadership, the hard wall turned directly into a phantom of nothingness, and a lively and familiar bar appeared in front of her!

Pulling Chen Guo to sit down in the corner of the bar, Karsus joked with the beautiful waitress while taking the beer and steak she handed over.

Chen Guo didn't pay attention to what language they were speaking, but as he listened, he suddenly realized that this was English?

Not only Karsus and the waitress, but everyone around was speaking English... Did he return to Earth?

Chen Guo quickly scanned the store. It was all in English that he couldn't understand. However, there was one thing he could understand, which was the logo on the beer bottle - Budweiser!

"Don't look at it. This is just the world I created. It's not the one you grew up in. Your universe and that earth have passed thousands of years because of the different speed of time. You can't go back now."

Karsus drank beer and cut steak, but suddenly, his tone changed: "Hehehe, Chen Guo, you really give me surprises. I thought you would die soon in that dangerous and boring world like most fantasy apostles. I didn't expect you to survive successfully and get me so many exquisite figurines!"

Karsus quickly waved his palm on the table, and a row of exquisite small figurines suddenly appeared on the edge of the table.

Chen Guo looked closely, the Scarlet Walker Hand and Foot Monster, the Ratman of Lyslin, the Ape Man of Ogryn, the Apostle of Nurgle...

All of them were enemies he took away with his death song!

Wait, why isn't Carlos the Lord of Change?

Could it be that he is not dead? That means!

"Don't worry, the two-headed bird is also dead, but its situation is quite special. I can't and don't dare to harvest his soul... However, you actually dare to attack the two-headed bird directly. This makes me sad. I am impressed by you, which is the direct reason why I will drag you here."

Karsus directly stated what Chen Guo was most worried about, which made Chen Guo breathe a huge sigh of relief.

"Eat, the steak here is quite good. I usually come here to have a meal after a concert, just to relax."

Karsus finished his steak, ordered another pasta with meat sauce, and drank the third bottle of Budweiser directly.

As soon as Chen Guo heard that his women would not have any safety issues, she immediately began to eat steak with confidence.

Apart from anything else, although this steak is a bit overcooked, it tastes much better than the food in Warhammer World.

After three drinks and five dishes, the waitress cleared the plates on the table and served two cups of strong after-dinner tea.

Karsus smiled and chatted with her for a few words. After she left, he suddenly waved his hand and made the whole world stop.

"Okay, after eating and drinking, let's talk about some more important things. However, in order for us to have a better chat, you can ask me directly if you have any questions now. As long as I know, I I will give you the answer..."

Chen Guo glanced at him and was silent for a while, "What is a fantasy apostle? What exactly is the fantasy manifestation data sheet? What is your purpose of dragging me here? Are you a god?..."

"Wow, wow, wow! You are so rude!" Karsus waved his hands repeatedly and quickly stopped Chen Guo from asking questions, "I want to take back what I just said, but the questions you have already asked, I I’ll help you answer it by the way!”

"Yes, I am God, I have successfully ignited the throne, raised the Kingdom of God, and possessed the Godhead.

And because I represent the god who welcomes death, I can exist forever without the faith of any believers, but this only applies to my world and the world I create.

The definition of "god" in each world is different, just like the Warhammer world you are in now, where the prerequisite for becoming a "god" is to have a domain of your own in subspace, and In a sense, they don't need believers, but without the power of faith to maintain them, they must continuously harvest souls to supplement their own consumption as gods... Sorry, I'm off topic! When you have the opportunity to become a god in the future, you will naturally understand all of these things. "

Karsus took a sip of strong tea and threw it aside in disgust, then went to the bar to get another bottle of Budweiser, "As for what the fantasy materialization data sheet is, I don't know either. However, when we have dinner together, we always jokingly call ourselves Fantasy Apostles, and over time Fantasy Apostles has become synonymous with us.

You don’t need to think too much. The number of worlds connected by the Fantasy Embodiment Data Table cannot be described in numbers, so you can just think of it as Amazon. It is just a shopping platform, at least in the last tens of thousands of years, there has been no change. "

Sitting down again, Karsus took out a tissue and wiped his mouth, and said with a smile:

"Finally, I'm going to talk about the purpose of dragging you here.

It’s like this. People like me who have become “gods”, or fantasy apostles who have reached the top of the world, also need a lot of materialization points to maintain some of our shopping desires. After all, everyone wants good things, but we And I don’t want to over-harvest my own world.

You know, not every world is like the Warhammer world, with endless people to kill and endless souls to harvest. Billions and tens of billions of people die without anyone caring, just like a joke.

My world is pretty good, with 18 billion people, but I am the god who welcomes death!

Once I turn those lost souls into manifestation points, then I will no longer be able to maintain the Kingdom of God, the Godhood and the position of God. I will immediately fall off the altar, so I cannot and will not be in my own Harvest tangible points in the world.

There are many fantasy apostles like me, so we often support some weak apostles as our agents to help us harvest souls in other worlds, and we will pay some reasonable prices for this.

Don't look at me like that!

No one wants to use you as a springboard to invade other worlds. "

Karsus shook his head with disdain and drank the last sip of beer.

"Your world is boring and dangerous. The dangers contained in the huge subspace are far more than what you see in the chronicles. And there is no "reincarnation" in that world, which is the underworld. Can you believe it? ?

Oh, no, there is only one garbage dump called subspace. When all creatures die, their souls, emotions, and memories will be dumped into the subspace by the real universe like garbage, becoming the possessions of the demons and gods inside. nourishment! "


Chen Guo didn't listen to anything else at all, all his attention was focused on these three words.

Karsus finally put down the beer in his hand. He nodded heavily and shook his head again: "No, no, no, I'm not the kind of agent you imagined. Maybe my expression was a little unclear. Let's try another one." The word should be called - VIP.

Don't be too optimistic. According to the agreement between us, the fantasy apostles who have reached the top of the world.

We will not spread faith in any other world with fantasy apostles, so don't think about borrowing my name to open a death church. I don't want to be chased around by the mad dogs in the subspace of your world.

As for the death voice, you can clone it to others at will. Anyway, no matter who uses it, a part of the body will be taken away.

Although I have no use for those bodies, as long as there is an unfair transaction, there will never be true faith, so this is not a violation! "

"Then I must have some benefits. I can't just have a VIP title and nothing else!" Chen Guo frowned. He didn't quite understand what Karsus wanted to express.

"Of course there are benefits. Once you become my agent, you will not only get a chance for me to directly protect you, but my personal treasury will also be open to you. Everything in my treasury will appear directly in your fantasy embodiment data table.

At that time, you can spend embodiment points to buy everything you want in my treasury.

Of course, the things in my treasury may be a little more expensive than the things in the fantasy materialization data table, but there are too many things! Even if you want to buy a godhood, I have it for sale.

If you wait for the fantasy materialization data table to refresh, you may not be able to get a godhood even if you refresh it tens of thousands of times. After all, it is a hot commodity. I got it by luck, but it conflicts with my godhood and position, so I don’t use it. "

After listening to Karsus’s explanation, Chen Guo finally understood.

Isn’t this the second-hand platform of "Mouyu"?

What VIP, agent, isn’t it Karsus’s own online store opened to Chen Guo, plus a friendly protection!

He thought that Karsus was going to preach in the Warhammer world! It made Chen Guo almost think that he could be a pope for fun.

The pope of the Church of Death is much better than the sex-abusing demon!

"You don’t force me to buy it, right?"

"Hehe! "Karsas suddenly waved his hand and slapped Chen Guo's cheek. Chen Guo waved her arm to block it, but found that Karsas's palm went through her arm and head and hit the wall beside her, knocking the whole wall and half of the restaurant away.

"You understand, it is impossible for fantasy apostles to attack each other, and there is no such thing as forced or not.

Besides, when you see the treasures in my treasury, you will be tempted? So I am not worried that you will not spend money here. In this case, how can there be forced consumption? "

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