Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 7: Singing when there is a disagreement, but it is just a dead song. (1/2)

"No. 399, come out!"

The heavy cell door was kicked open, and Chen Guo, who was curled up at the foot of the bed and meditating, slowly opened her eyes.

Is three days here?

No, although there is no clock around, this time will not exceed two days at most.

"Come out quickly, don't let me drag you out."

Frowning and jumping out of bed, Chen Guo's throat began to slowly tighten, and she silently prepared to fight to the death.

"Stop packing. Leave all your things here. You won't need them anymore."

Chen Guo's heart sank completely, but she still obediently placed the package in her hand on the bed and walked out of the cell alone.

Apart from the major who came to call him, there was only one guard left outside the door... Oh, and there was also a two-meter-tall dark blue Midnight Lord warrior standing in the distance against the wall staring at him.

Silently giving up the urge to kill the major, Chen Guo walked in front of him and used him as a shield to block the Astartes' projectile.

Although... the body of an ordinary mortal could not block a bullet from a bolt gun, but it could at least give Chen Guo time to react.

"Congratulations, you're in luck."

The major looked at the prisoner in front of him, with complex emotions such as envy, jealousy, and ridicule deep in his eyes.

"Lucky?" Chen Guo felt a little strange, but he could feel the major's kindness... This was the first time he felt kindness after waking up from this prison.

"Don't waste time, come with me!" Astartes waved in the distance and led the way down the slope quickly.

No one explained to Chen Guo what was happening, so he could only keep up with the Astartes in the major's complicated eyes.

Silently all the way, Astarte led Chen Guo through twists and turns in this maze-like underground. After walking for nearly an hour, they finally came to a small square that was relatively spacious.

There were already dozens of Astartes and dozens of prisoners standing in the square. On average, there was exactly one Astartes for every prisoner.

"Stand over!" Pointing to the prisoner over there, Astarte, who had brought Chen Guo here, ignored him and walked away to the side.

"Hello, I'm Stitch!"

As soon as he approached the prisoners, a young prisoner with narrow eyes walked over and stretched out his palm towards Chen Guo.

"...Hello." Chen Guo just agreed politely without shaking hands with him.

Unexpectedly, this Sturge caught up with him and kept chattering in his weird high Gothic.

"Oh, I finally met someone who can speak High Gothic. Oh my god, these guys' Low Gothic is really uncomfortable to hear. It's really strange. How can there be such a stupid language..."

Chen Guo regretted quarreling with him. No wonder the prisoners were avoiding him. It turned out that they all knew that he was such a nagging person.

However, Chen Guo finally heard something useful from this guy's mouth.

"Recruiting the Astartes, from among us?"

"Yes, there have been heavy casualties on the front line recently. All major legions need to replenish their blood, and the Night Lords Legion is no exception." Sturge said with great joy, as if he saw it with his own eyes.

"Aren't Space Marines only recruited from each chapter's home planet?" As a Warhammer player, Chen Guo knew that the birth of every Astartes required layers of reporting, screening, testing, and more. Only after brutal training elimination and body modification surgery with a high mortality rate can one truly become an Astartes.

"Hehe, I don't know if other battle groups are like this, but this definitely does not include the Midnight Lords Battle Group." Sturge's face was covered with a weird smile, and it was only then that Chen Guo discovered that this guy Although he was wearing prisoner's clothes, he didn't have any injuries at all. He looked white and clean. He didn't look like a prisoner who came out of a bitter kiln at all, but rather like a pampered aristocratic son on a certain planet.


Just as Chen Guo was about to continue asking, several Astartes figures either with eye-catching red patterns sprayed on their armor or wearing eagle-beaked or horned helmets walked in from the passage.

And their appearance immediately silenced the originally noisy room.

The lazy Astartes straightened their backs and said in a respectful tone: "Sir, Senator."

"My Lord Count!"

"Lord Viscount!"

"Lord Crazy Claw!"

"Okay, why are you still gathering here? Except for you, you, you, and you staying, everyone else should go and do whatever they are supposed to do."

The only Tau-headed Astartes without a title impatiently drove away most of the cans in the room, leaving only three to help them with the next assessment.

"Aleus, don't be so rude. I won't vote for you next time. You are not a gentleman at all."

"Haha, whether you like to vote or not, I don't care about titles... Little ants, congratulations on passing the test. Now I will give you ten more minutes to survive from the three of them. If you survive, you can participate in the operation. "

Looking at the surrounding small square, which was only slightly larger than a basketball court, Chen Guo looked at the three heavily armed cans over there... How could she survive from the hands of these three cans in ten minutes? A single Ascart can easily kill hundreds of Imperial Army troops in a short period of time.

If you can hold on to three cans for ten minutes... if you can hold it for ten seconds, that's already impressive.

They want to last ten minutes unless they take off all the cans on them.

As if he heard Chen Guo's thoughts, Aleus waved his hand to the three space warriors and shouted.

"Hey, take off your armor... From the moment they take off their armor, the timer officially starts!"


Without the slightest hesitation, the three Night Lord cans quickly took off their equipment, revealing three faces with playful smiles.

It can be seen that even if they don't wear armor, they don't pay attention to the winners in these "arenas" at all.


With an order, the three Astartes were like tigers rushing into a flock of sheep. Before most of the prisoners at the scene could react, they rushed into the crowd and crushed the throats of several prisoners one after another.

Sturge's face turned pale, and he kept muttering: "No, this is different from what we promised, it's different!"

He was completely stunned and could not even walk away. He just stood there trembling.

Chen Guo had no intention of saving him. It was too late to save herself at this time, so she still wanted to save others?

Do not make jokes.

Chen Guo turned around and ran towards the edge of the small square.

Ten minutes was neither long nor short. Since none of them were wearing battle armor, Chen Guo was still confident that he could escape from them.

There were many people who had the same idea as Chen Guo, and they all ran away, trying their best to run to the edge of the small square.

Unfortunately, they, including Chen Guo, still underestimated the strength of these Astartes.

These guys killed people so fast. Even without wearing armor, it took them less than two minutes to knock down most of the prisoners, including Sturge, who was originally full of confidence.

Two minutes later, apart from Chen Guo, there were only four other prisoners left alive in the small square. They were all hiding in various corners of the small square, praying that time would go faster.

The three Astartes smiled at each other, slowed down their pace, each picked a target and walked over.

Unfortunately, the probability of Chen Guo being selected became one in five and three in five.

The Space Marine walking towards him looked like a common man. The only thing that stood out was that there was a silver nail and a gold nail between his eyebrows.

Service Nails, a popular decoration during the Great Crusade. The Service Nails were often used to indicate the number of years a Space Marine had served in the Chapter. The different shapes and appearances of service nails indicate different years of service. Service spikes can represent 10, 50 or 100 years depending on style and material, but each Chapter is different.

A hundred and fifty year veteran of the Chapter?

Chen Guo didn't have time to think too much, because the veteran had already charged forward.

A pair of iron fists were like galloping meteors, carrying a huge force and smashing towards Chen Guo's head.

Astartes, who is more than 2 meters tall, can bench press more than half-density (half-density is just a standard. The thrust of most Astartes is three times that of standard athletes x. Of course, Primaris cans, original (Things like Thunder Baga and some talented guys are not included in this list.) Although it is not as tall as the Ogryn ape-man, it is still very easy to blow the head of a mortal.

Lu Doyin'er looked at Chen Guo, who was about to be headshot, with a flash of pity in his eyes. Originally, Chen Guo was already on the surgery list, but he didn't expect that the report from the Ministry of Internal Affairs showed that this little guy was actually a rebellion that had not yet been extinguished. Descendants of the Planetary Governor, this kind of restless element is absolutely not allowed to exist even among the Night Lords Chapter, which is known for its chaos (at least until the arrival of the Horus Heresy.)

Chen Guo stood motionless, as if he was frightened. But the moment the fist that had turned into an afterimage touched his head, his whole body suddenly sank, as if he had been discharged from his chest. Like a cannonball, it hit the space warrior's chest hard.



Cannonballs collided with cannonballs, and there was a dull thump!

Astartes was stunned when he was knocked away. Others didn't know what happened, but he clearly felt the huge force coming from his chest. This was definitely not something that an ordinary mortal could possess. strength.


He was dazed, but Chen Guo was not dazed. With one step, countless small cracks suddenly appeared on the hard concrete ground. Wrapped in Zhenqi, Chen Guo was like a phantom again and instantly spanned a distance of several meters. Her white nails flashed in an instant. The space between them grew longer and whiter, and a dense white air covered the entire palm of his hand, heading straight for his throat.

This kind of momentum is like a poisonous snake hiding in the darkness. After trying hard to hide itself for a long time, it finally found the opportunity to launch an absolutely fatal thunder strike.

The corner of the narrow square seemed to be frozen like jelly. Time, space and even the air seemed to be suspended by Chen Guo's claw. Only the eyelids of the Astartes opposite him were shaking wildly, and the muscles all over his body were trembling involuntarily.

He didn't expect Chen Guo to be so bold and dare to attack.

What's more important is that this mortal seems to be able to kill himself.

This feeling comes from the sixth sense he has developed in countless life and death crises. It is precisely because of this weird sixth sense that he has successfully helped him survive until now.


Astarte's two hearts began to beat violently. The original contempt and disdain disappeared in an instant, and a twisted low roar came from his throat. Chen Guo's claw was too fast and fierce. Even if it was His millisecond reaction didn't have enough time to dodge completely. He just deflected his head, and at the same time lowered his arms to block the terrifying claws.


puff! Zhi!

The fishy wind stirred up, mixed with the demonic red blood mist, and Astartes' eyes suddenly bulged. The skin, muscles, and bones that were enough to withstand the bolt gun didn't even have any effect, and he was hit by the nails alive. To pierce, to pierce.

"How can this be!"

In a flash of lightning, this space warrior who had served for more than 150 years only had time to think of this thought.

The next moment, the white palm came into contact with his body again, but this time the target was no longer his arm, but his heart.

Chen Guo's sharp claws directly poked into the black subcutaneous tissue. Although it did not penetrate directly, the huge force still hit his heart hard.

Suddenly, Astartes's heart-beating body, which was like an iron tower, bent like straw and fell to the ground, and his whole body fell to his knees all of a sudden.

With another pop, Chen Guo took out his palm and kicked the Astarte in front of him down. He began to pant crazily. Finally, he no longer had to concentrate on holding his breath.

It was pure luck that Chen Guo was able to bring down the Astartes in front of him, and he was not unscathed. The blood in these Astartes' bodies was full of corrosiveness. In just a few dozen seconds, Chen Guo's palms were already covered with red blood blisters. If Chen Guo hadn't used Qi to dispel the blood that had invaded the skin regardless of the cost, it would have been more than just covered with blood blisters.

The entire small square froze, and except for the three helmeted Astartes, everyone else's eyes were filled with disbelieving surprise.

It was not unheard of to take down an Astartes with a mortal body, but only when working as a team or wearing more powerful technological armor.

It has never happened before that a mortal could defeat an Astartes with his bare hands in a one-on-one situation.

"Aleus...did I drink too much!" Lu Doyin'er was a little dizzy now. He seriously doubted whether he had drunk too much and was dreaming... By the way, when was the last time he drank too much?

"Um...I feel like I drank too much."

While speaking, Arius had turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Chen Guo. Under the trampling of the heavy armor, crack after crack began to spread on the ground that was enough to support the operation of the Lemanus main station tanks.

But... the next second, as fast as he ran here, he would only fly back even faster.

And what caused all this was Chen Guo, whose eyes were full of blue light, singing.

"Ah, the kiss of death

You are going to die eventually, why not choose the way to die?

When the heart stops, comfort comes

Death is but a horizon

Death is a song that everyone hears

The truth is what I offer

Death is still there after the end

you will forget to breathe you will forget love

I long for the separation of soul and body

No longer hungry, no longer tired, no longer afraid

Do you have time to talk to death?

Life is just a scam”

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