Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 8 Blood and Tears Slave - Linda (1/2)

"Ulla Ulla~"

The alarm that resounded through the sky made the entire prison planet a mess. Countless imperial army soldiers seemed to be stimulated by soldier ants, wandering aimlessly in the complex underground passages in vain.

They had no idea what had put the entire planet on alert. They only knew that they had to guard any passage leading to the ground or underground according to orders, and any unknown person had to be killed with the most resolute determination.

Unfortunately, the strength of the Death Steel Airborne Corps was not even a name in the Imperial Army. They were cannon fodder among cannon fodders, and their military quality was pitifully poor, otherwise they would not have been sent here to guard the prison.


Pulling out the palm that was inserted into the throat of the corpse with force, Chen Guo did not dare to stop for a moment, and continued to drag his injured body deeper into the ground.

He ran out, and the Death Song successfully injured those Astartes, allowing him to escape from the small square.

But he soon had nowhere to escape.

After all, the entire planet was filled with Space Marines from the Imperial Army and the Midnight Lords, and being caught was only a matter of time.

But Chen Guo was not ready to surrender.

Just kidding, if he surrendered like this, he would definitely be sliced ​​into pieces, so it would be better to take more people with him.

"What a pity, time is too tight, otherwise we should be able to kill those Astartes." Rushing out of the darkness again, Chen Guo quickly dealt with the five-man army team. He stopped and sat down against the wall to meditate and restore his true energy.

The temperature around him was getting higher and higher as he went down, but the number of Imperial soldiers in the downward passage and guarding the passage did not decrease at all, but increased and became more and more dense.

As the saying goes, there must be something wrong when things are abnormal. Chen Guo chose to run underground instead of going up to the land because of this.

He gambled again that there would be a glimmer of hope if he went down.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

The heavy footsteps began to spread from the end of the passage.

The pursuers are here again!

Chen Guo sighed, swallowed a Yellow Dragon Pill, and continued to run.

After swallowing this one, the remaining materialization points were just enough to exchange for another one. If he still couldn't escape before the next Yellow Dragon Pill was consumed, Chen Guo decided to commit suicide.

It's better to die in your own hands than to die on the experimental table.

"Hey, if I had known, I wouldn't have exchanged for the Death Song Throat. I would have exchanged for a monster's essence blood or something. At the very least, I would have made an enhanced version of the T virus. I would have chosen a death song, and I would have to randomly extract organs as the price for singing!"

"But... it's a good thing I chose this, otherwise I would have died just now."

Then he walked down, and more and more forks and guards appeared in front of him. Chen Guo would hide if he could, and if he couldn't hide, he could only force his way through and send these unlucky guys to see the Four Gods.

Strangely enough, as he walked down again, the temperature not only did not continue to rise, but actually began to cool down, just like turning on the air conditioner, it was getting cooler and cooler, and it was extremely comfortable.

But as the temperature dropped, the guards encountered on the road became more and more sophisticated, and even a full-fledged stormtrooper squad and Ogryn team appeared... No wonder there were air conditioners and brightly lit headlights along the way. It turned out that they were afraid that these big fools would have claustrophobia attacks.

Not daring to force his way into the fork road guarded by those big guys, Chen Guo walked around them and walked into a dark fork road. Although it was still very cool, the lights in this fork road were very dim. There was only a small light flashing dim yellow light every ten meters.

Walking forward by feeling the wall, Chen Guo walked very carefully, fearing that there were traps waiting for him on the ground and the wall.


The bullet with a dark blue tail flame rubbed Chen Guo's shoulder and slid past. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise the bullet that rubbed past his shoulder would have passed through his heart.


Chen Guo cried out inwardly, thrusting his palm into the wall beside him, and then raised his hand, causing a large amount of dust to float into the air and block the view inside the passage.

"Chirp chirp~"

What Chen Guo didn't expect was that the gunman inside the passage seemed to be able to ignore the dust that blocked his view, and shot quickly without missing a single bullet. Each bullet penetrated the dust and locked onto his body and the direction of his movement, forcing Chen Guo to use his true energy to move around in this narrow passage.

Even though Chen Guo's reaction speed was almost the same as Astarte's at the moment, reaching the millisecond level, he was no match for the bullets at all. In the blink of an eye, Chen Guo had multiple blood holes all over his body.

Fortunately, this type of bullet was very small and sharp, and all of them passed through the body, leaving only a few small holes. More importantly, it did not injure important organs. Therefore, even though Chen Guo was shot several times, he still relied on the circulation of true energy to fill the gaps everywhere, and he would not be in any danger of life for a while.

Quickly swiping back, this downward fork is obviously not a good choice, let's change the road!

"Kaluk found you!"

But just when Chen Guo was about to step out of this fork, a huge figure like a mountain suddenly appeared at the end of the fork - it was an Ogryn ape.

Oh, no! Not just one, but a whole class of Ogryn apes!

Looking at the fork filled with Ogryn apes' big heads, Chen Guo's face changed drastically, and without the slightest hesitation, he sang the weird death ballad again.

"Everyone stumbles!

The trembling aftersound, listen quickly, that is the sound of death! "

Invisible sound waves began to vibrate, tangible souls began to emerge, and countless phantom souls of people or animals began to gather in the narrow fork.

These are all souls from the world of the dead.

Miserable souls full of pain and resentment.

They are led to the real world by the singing, with only one purpose, which is to take away all the living lives around them.

Of course, the singer is not within their scope.

Because the singer has paid the price.


When the singing stopped, everything around returned to calm.

The corpses of the Ogryn apes had piled up into a small hill, and the gunman who had been firing non-stop in the depths of the fork finally stopped making any sound.

Chen Guo held the wall with a pale face. These few short songs had drained all his strength. He could feel to the weakness from the inside out.

Fortunately, this time a large amount of blood was randomly drawn, not some important organs.

He won again!

After exchanging the last materialization point for a Yellow Dragon Pill and swallowing it, Chen Guo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the dead bodies of the Ogryn apes outside.

Sure enough, the Space Marines are worthy of being called natural psykers, and have a natural resistance to this kind of attack on the soul.

After just a few words of singing, these Ogryn apes who could tear the Space Marines apart were sent away directly, and after listening to the whole song, the worst of those Space Marines were just fainted. Although the others could not stand up, they were all conscious.

The sound of footsteps that might be attracted by the singing made Chen Guo dare not stay any longer. While he was tearing off the He bandaged his wound with prison uniform and continued to walk deeper into the fork.

Soon, two short bodies of the Laitlings appeared in front of him. It was these two guys who used bullets to open so many blood holes in his body.

Unlike the Ogryn apes, the Laitling ratmen are also a subspecies of humans, but they are natural sharpshooters and masters of lurking, which can completely explain why they can shoot blindly through dust and fog.

He tried to fiddle with the miniature sniper rifle... Sure enough, like all weapons, this gun also has a unique key combination lock. Without the password, it is absolutely impossible to open this lock, and it is impossible to use this weapon.

Throwing it away, Chen Guo walked down the dim passage for more than ten minutes.

Did the expected fork in the road appear again? , and what appeared in front of him was a black iron door with a statue of a suspended fortress floating between the cracks on it.

Next to the fortress, there was a passage of High Gothic text carved with bones and human heads - Wennoli.


Scarlet Walker?

The Scarlet Walker was a secret society formed by psychics, gene repairers and warlords in the ancient Terra period. They served the last tyrant in the history of the Age of Strife before the establishment of the Empire.

After the failure, they fled to Wennoli and regrouped their forces there in an attempt to overthrow the Emperor's rule.

But at the same time, they were also defeated by the Midnight Lords and were completely killed in Wennoli. Together with the floating city of Wennoli, where tens of millions of civilians lived, they were completely buried deep underground.

The nickname of this Midnight Lords Dalian is Scarlet Judge. It won't have any connection with Scarlet Walker!

Muttering in his heart, Chen Guo pushed the door hard.

It didn't push, but it made a creaking sound when pushed. It must be locked.

After taking a few steps back, Chen Guo kicked hard.



The door lock didn't break, but the door fell down directly.

There was no light in the room behind the door, as if a beast with its mouth wide open, lying on the ground quietly waiting for its prey to come to the door.

"Tap tap tap~"

The footsteps behind him came again. It seemed that the singing and the corpse finally attracted the pursuers.

Gritting his teeth, Chen Guo stepped into the dark door.

A few minutes later, the dark fork was re-lit, and the Astartes in pale blue armor filled the fork.

Lu Duoyiner walked to the bottom of the fork with a gloomy face.

Following him was a woman hidden under a deep red robe. She was wearing a pair of fully mechanized high-heeled shoes. The red robe was painted with all kinds of strange runes and eyes. I don’t know if it was an illusion, but there were always many silver or yellow tentacles flashing by the edge of the red robe.

This is a sage of the Mechanicus, a young blood-tear slave.

“Dong Dong Dong~”

Stopping the mechanical high-heeled shoes, she slowly took off her hat, revealing a beautiful and charming face under the hood.

The only pity is that this face is embedded in a mechanical head. It looks not only without any beauty, but also ugly, like a monster with a human face.

“Master Linda…” Lu Duoyiner was interrupted before he finished speaking.

“Sorry, this is not part of the contract. Please leave here. Thank you!” Sage Linda’s beautiful face flashed a trace of impatience, and she issued an expulsion order to the surrounding Midnight Lord Astartes without hesitation.

Lou Doyle opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but in the end he just nodded silently.

As the captain of the Great Company of the Night Lords and a member of the Nightbat Council, Lu Doyin's status is at the same level as the sages of the Mechanicus. In some cases, his level is even higher than that of the sages. .

However, anyone who is not a fool knows that there is no problem in offending anyone, but you must not offend any sage in the Mechanicum, even if the other person is the lowest-ranking, most discriminated against among the sages, and has the worst reputation.

Unless, you don’t want to think that in the end you won’t even have to wear a living coffin like a Dreadnought!

"The God of All Opportunities, I wish you a happy game." Lou Duo Yin'er turned around and left without any hesitation.

As Lu Doyir left, all the Astartes also left one after another. Only Arius, who was wearing a bull's head, took a deep look at the dark room before leaving.

A hunter will never give up his prey easily.

After catching up with Lou Doyir, the eagle-billed Astartes who had been silent for a long time said with a wicked smile: "Are you letting go? How could the majestic Scarlet Earl, Master of Hunting, pursue the wrong place?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I really drank too much."

"Oh, ah, yes, yes!"


This is another prison, or a herbarium.

Chen Guo looked at the monsters that were locked in the freezer and sewn together with dozens of human limbs, several brainless people with glass eyeballs and stimulation probes embedded in the exposed brains, and the monsters that were soaked in giant cultures. The giant-brained man in the jar has a head bigger than his body...

The ubiquitous mechanical god patterns hidden on the dark walls always expressed that this place did not belong to the Midnight Lords, but to the Mechanicus Cult, which made Chen Guo feel even more nervous.


A soft sound from behind forced Chen Guo to stop. He could feel that a pair of eyes full of murderous intent had stared at him through the surrounding darkness.

No, not just one pair, but many pairs.


Chen Guo squatted down decisively, avoiding the green mucus-stained palm like a bullet, and scratched his scalp.

And it's not over yet.

The next second, all the darkness in sight was swept away, and the ceiling above his head lit up with an extremely dazzling light. The monster that was lying in the freezer just now also appeared in front of him. It was covered by more than a dozen arms. The head of the egg, which is wrapped with the thigh, is flashing with countless electronic eyes that glow red.

It...they have locked onto Chen Guo.

Chen Guo's heart trembled, and she turned around and ran away without even thinking. There were dozens of such biological weapons lying around. One of them was not scary, but once there were too many, they would probably be a whole squad of fully armed Astartes. I'm afraid it can't be stopped here.

But after just two steps, Chen Guo stopped, because many of the freezers that could not be seen in the distance began to emit white gas, and they were also activated.

Chen Guo was already surrounded by many people without knowing it.

"Da da da~"

The sound of footsteps behind him made Chen Guo turn around again. The terrifying monster with arms and legs was curling up next to Linda's feet like a puppy. Its ferocious arms and legs were constantly twisting and twisting. Looking at it, Chen Guo felt in her heart Unspeakably disgusting and uncomfortable.

"Kill it/him!"


As soon as she finished speaking, the "puppy" beside her feet had already risen into the air, waving its perverted limbs and pounced towards Chen Guomeng.

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