Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 9 Transaction (1/2)

Watching the monster in the air rushing towards him with its fangs and claws bared, Chen Guo felt terrified.

He still remembered playing a game called Forest before, where the monsters looked like this.

Although its strength may not be as strong as that of the Ogryn Warriors and Astartes, even Astartes would be scared to see such an ugly and disgusting monster rushing towards him.

As if it sensed that Chen Guo was afraid of it, the monster in the air began to twist its limbs constantly, and the eyes on its red head moved around. For a moment, as far as Chen Guo could see, the terrifying hands and feet were everywhere, densely packed, and extremely disgusting, making Chen Guo feel like vomiting.

"TM, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

I don't know if it was because he was angry out of shame, or the side effect of the Nine Yin White Bone Claws' bloodlust came up again. Chen Guo's anger surged with a surge of hostility. He actually retreated instead of advancing. The nails on his hands grew white and the cold air came out of his body, and he rushed towards the main body of the monster with hands and feet!

Chen Guo didn't intend to tangle with these extra hands and feet, and went straight to the vital part of the body of this ghost thing, that is, the head full of electronic eyes.

It is said that when you catch a thief, you should catch the king first, and when you hit someone, you should hit the head first, and you should kill him with one blow.

However, although Chen Guo's goal was very clear, the arms and thighs on the monster were constantly twisting and shaking, protecting the head firmly in the middle.

Puff puff puff~

Accompanied by the sound of bones and flesh being separated, Chen Guo finally collided with the monster.

This guy looked extremely clumsy and dull, but his movements were undoubtedly extremely agile. He moved so fast that he almost completely suppressed Chen Guo.

Even though Chen Guo used his true energy to the extreme and dodged left and right, he was still hit by palms and feet. Soon, not only was his nose and face bruised, but the ribs in his chest that had not yet healed were also broken and dislocated again.

But Chen Guo did not have no results. His cold nails quickly scratched, and his hands and feet were broken without any hindrance. The broken ends sprayed out extremely black juice involuntarily, and the rotten and foul smell was as disgusting as his appearance.

And every time one of these hands and feet was broken, the head covered with red eyeballs would tremble and extinguish a red eye.

"Since I can't go straight to Huanglong, I'll cut you all off!"

Moving and dodging, more and more limbs were cut off. Chen Guo keenly noticed the changes in the monster after a large number of limbs were broken, especially the strange phenomenon on the head. An idea quickly came to his mind.

It seemed that he was wrong before. He had always regarded this ghost thing as a creature, but in fact, this ghost thing seemed to have gone beyond the category of creatures. It should be called a mechanical creation now, which means that going straight to Huanglong may not have the effect imagined, and cutting off the limbs completely may be more practical.

Thinking of this, Chen Guo immediately changed his battle thinking and focused all his attention on the limbs that were coming towards him.

In just a few minutes, during Chen Guo's thrilling charge, a large number of hands and feet were directly cut off, black juice splashed everywhere, and the hand-foot monster was shaking violently as if it had suffered a serious injury. The remaining hands and feet were shaking slower and slower, like an old car without lubricating oil, and began to creak and make unpleasant noises, announcing that it was about to die.

Finally, when Chen Guo cut off most of the hands and feet around the hand-foot monster, the remaining hands and feet finally became extremely listless, and they were as slow as an old man who was about to die, and could no longer stop the murderous Chen Guo with strong palms and claws.


Chen Guo directly crossed the last line of defense formed by hands and feet, and the figure rushed to the front of the head like a sharp arrow, grabbed a hand, and without any hesitation, inserted a claw into the center of the head fiercely.

With a puff, Chen Guo, who had thought that he would encounter some obstacles, inserted his fingers into the deepest part of the head effortlessly, and then pulled hard, and a "big eye of Carslan" wrapped in machinery and flesh was pulled out.

It was called an eye, but in fact, what Chen Guo dug out was a rhombus-shaped transparent crystal block, which contained a small vortex that was constantly deforming. As Chen Guo's angle changed, the vortex was constantly changing its shape, making it difficult to see clearly.

"This should be some kind of energy core device."

He was about to throw it away, but he didn't expect that the vortex in the rhombus core suddenly shattered and dissipated, and a ball of gray light that only Chen Guo could see also flew out of the body of the hand-foot monster and drilled into Chen Guo's body.

At this moment, Chen Guo only felt that something seemed to have merged into his body, into the colorful core that was constantly dancing in his mind.

[Unit of Manifestation]: 3980

This... this thing contains so much fantasy manifestation power?

"Pa pa pa~"

Clear applause came from the red robe, "One is not enough, how about adding another one?"

Two hand-foot monsters jumped out of the freezers on the left and right, and it looked like these two were much bigger than the previous one.

"Kill him!"

"Sing in unison

Rise up and sing

You won't die alone

My children, sing!

Look at my choir

This is destined. "

The ethereal singing voice came out from Chen Guo's mouth, and her plump cheeks began to shrink visibly.

This time, the organs and teeth were extracted, all the teeth in the mouth, which made Chen Guo look like an old lady without teeth, extremely ugly.

But her life was finally saved.

The wronged souls from the world of the dead took away the lives of dozens of monsters, including the two hand-foot monsters. Many monsters could not get up again before they could climb out of the freezer. (Note that all the unlucky people taken away by the death song will not be transformed into materialization points. After all, their souls were taken away by these dead souls?)

But the strange thing is that the machine The female monk of the Mechanical God Cult was not among the targets of the ghosts. The ghosts summoned by the singing voice of the dead ignored her existence and passed by her without even looking at her, as if she had no soul at all, and did not even exist in this world.

"Ka Ka Ka ~"

The unaffected freezer in the distance made a harsh sound again, and more strange ghosts crawled out of the freezer.

Not only them, but also the big-headed dolls that were soaked in the transparent culture chamber alone opened their eyes and crawled out of the culture chambers in a hurry. The air began to be filled with a strange stench.

"You sing well, keep going!" Linda slowly took off the hood to Chen Guo.

Chen Guo glanced at her, spread his hands, and simply stopped resisting, "You... shouldn't... really want to kill me!"

Because he had no teeth, Chen Guo's mouth was leaking air from all sides, and he couldn't finish a good sentence after a long time.

"Come with me! "Linda glanced at Chen Guo indifferently, and the invisible signal dispersed most of the strange things around, leaving only two big-headed dolls to escort Chen Guo forward.

Not far away, through a secret door on the wall, Chen Guo was escorted into a bright laboratory.

The mechanical servants covered in red robes were working hard in front of three experimental tables. A large number of mechanical parts and pale hands and feet were stuffed into the... minced meat on the experimental tables like water.

Just a few minutes later, the minced meat that seemed to be indistinguishable from which part and from what creature was transformed into a brand new hand and foot monster.

The only difference from the hand and foot monsters outside was that a layer of black-glowing fine wire iron net was installed on the core head of this guy, which wrapped and protected the entire head that was shining with red light.

"Sit down, would you like some tea?"

Looking around, there was not even a chair, so Chen Guo ignored her words, "What kind of tea do you have?"

"Engine oil tea."

"Then... forget it! "

The mechanical servant slowly walked to Chen Guo with a cup of fragrant strong tea.

Chen Guo took a sip and it was terribly sweet, as if it was made with excessive amounts of honey and sucrose. Fortunately, he had no teeth now, otherwise they would have been eaten out by the sweetness.

Linda drank several cups in a row, and her face embedded in the mechanical skeleton showed an extremely satisfied smile.

It can be seen that she likes sweets very much.

"Another cup?"


Without saying anything else, Linda strolled around all the experimental tables. When she stopped, she became as cold as ice again.

She said indifferently to a table that had just finished an experiment: "After drinking, lie down on it! "

Chen Guo glanced at the two big-headed dolls staring at him, drank the last sip of strong tea silently, and threw away the teacup inlaid with intricate red patterns.


Amid the sound of the teacup breaking, Chen Guo moved. He never sat there waiting for death. The nails on his hands had turned white again without him noticing. His Qi was running to the extreme, and he turned into a shadow and rushed straight towards Linda.

But the next second, Chen Guo was suddenly fixed in mid-air. The pale blue ripples seemed like a titanium net, locking him firmly in mid-air and unable to move.


It was psychic energy !

This guy actually dared to transform a psychic slave!

What a courage!

After twisting his head hard, Chen Guo struggled to look back.

As he guessed, it was the two big-headed dolls. Their eyes were filled with bright blue extreme light.

That was the light of psychic energy.

"There is no need to struggle. I will not kill you or imprison you. I only need a part of your throat tissue, a part of your bone sample, a part of your spinal marrow fluid and a reproduction gene... After I get what I want, I will send you away from this planet. As for your return in the future, it will have nothing to do with me. "Linda walked over slowly and suddenly inserted a green needle into Chen Guo's chest.

Chen Guo wanted to struggle, but he couldn't move at all. He could only watch the green liquid being pushed into his body.

The next second, Chen Guo's eyes went dark and he lost all consciousness.


I don't know how long it took, maybe a minute, maybe an hour, maybe a day, Chen Guo slowly regained consciousness, but what woke him up was the cold and tingling feeling from his left lower back.

It was as if someone had taken one of his kidneys off.

"I..." Chen Guo suddenly found that his teeth had returned, but the sound of collision was very crisp.

It was like two steel ingots colliding with each other.

In addition, his throat was also very painful, and the sound he made was unusually hoarse.

"My teeth..."

"I thought it was a bit ugly, so I helped you fill it with activated metal. You're welcome." Linda came over with a teacup and stuffed it into Chen Guo's hand without waiting for Chen Guo to react.

"My... throat!"

"Cut off one-fifth, it shouldn't affect your singing in the future."

"My waist..."

"It has nothing to do with me, it's just that you have kidney deficiency."

"..." Struggling to get up from the laboratory table, Chen Guo was suddenly stunned, because he was surprised to find that on the laboratory table next to him, he was lying there quietly and motionless.


"You are already dead. I will dispose of your body. There will be a convoy transport ship in a week. You follow it. It will make a short stop in the Badab galaxy. There has been a rebellion there recently and it is relatively chaotic. You can get off the ship there." While Linda was speaking, a hand-foot monster appeared out of nowhere and beat up the clone Chen Guo on the next laboratory table.

In the blink of an eye, the clone Chen Guo was turned into a pile of broken limbs.

Chen Guo gasped when he saw it.

"Why are you... helping me?"

"Hmm?" Linda looked at Chen Guo deeply, "I'm not helping you, but myself. This is just a deal. Your body tissue can help me complete an experiment that has troubled me for many years. Based on the results of this experiment, I will..."

"You want to clone me?"

"No, I have already started cloning, but apart from this, I only want your psychic throat for all your other clones...Okay, you can go and rest. I will call you when we leave."

"...The throat needs specific lyrics to be activated, and there is a price."

"I know."

"Give me ten hand-foot monsters, and I will tell you all the lyrics."

"No, there is...it's called Scarlet Hunting."

The mechanical servant stretched out the cold mechanical claws, accurately grabbed Chen Guo's limbs, and lifted him up from the laboratory table easily, and slowly left the empty laboratory.

When Chen Guo completely left the laboratory, the laboratory table in front of Linda slowly moved away, and a huge culture chamber with a diameter of more than four meters and a height of more than five meters rose from the ground.

In the incubator, a giantess who looked exactly like Linda was closing her eyes and stroking her bulging belly with a kind face.

"Praise Om Messiah, eyes, tongue, throat... Next, it's the heart's turn!"

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